
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday Tidbits… Oh Wait, Today’s Wednesday!

Well, I only have 2 weeks left before the end of the semester and a wonderful, much needed month-long break!!  I’m so excited!! BUT… that means that we are in the thick of things at school… tons of stuff being due, projects, last minute assignments, finals, and trying to get as many hours of practicum squeezed in as I can…  Are any of you trying to juggle school, family, work, and fitness??  Tell me how you do it!!

As soon as break hits, I will be starting my “Get back into Shape” routine… instead of only running 1 or 2 miles here or there where I can fit it into my schedule lol.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! :)  My thanksgiving was amazing… minus the cold and earache that I’ve had now for 2 weeks.  It’s finally starting to get better though!  AND… Black Friday means you run when it’s dark out right? ;) haha… I ran 2 miles on the treadmill at night… it felt awesome… until my cold got worse lol… Did any of you go out to shop on Black Friday??  What’d you go out for? Did you get it?  I went out one year with my mom to get a GPS and it was crazy fun!

Well I better be heading out to school… I just wanted to update
my blog friends with a quick post!


2012 Christmas Card Swap Logo

Friday, November 23, 2012

2012 Christmas Card Swap

It’s that time of year again… time for the 3rd annual Christmas Card Swap!!!  Aren’t you all excited?!  Every year, more people than the last have signed up and I’m hoping the pattern will continue this year! :) This is a fantastically fun way to meet new bloggers and receive Christmas cards!  There are even a few people copying the idea on their blogs… So, here is how it works:

Depending on how many people sign up, I will divide you all into groups of 5 or more people.  You will send a Christmas card to all the people in your group, and will be receiving cards from the people in your group.  Let’s say you are put in a group with X,Y,Z…  You will send cards to X, Y, and Z and will receive a card from X, Y, and Z.  Make sense?! Good! :)

Your cards can be store bought or handmade and you can feel free to add a little something to the card like your favorite running quote, running advice, candy, a little ornament, a sticker, a note of encouragement or a funny note, or you can just send the card… Whatever you want to do is PERFECT!  Just don’t be sending pairs of running shoes, an Ipad, or a free entry to Boston (unless you’re sending it to me of course)  We want to keep this cheap so everyone can join and doesn’t feel bad for just sending a card!   :)

After everyone is put into their groups I will be sending out an email including your group members ONLY with their blog links (so you can get to know them if you don’t already) and addresses so that there’s still a bit of privacy and everyone’s addresses aren’t out there floating around on the internet somewhere!  Safety people!!  :D   The groups will be picked by so we keep things mixed up!  I will say that if you participated last year, I will try my best to pair you with different people this year so that you meet even more interesting people. :)

I will be adding people to a list at the bottom of this page as they sign up…  So, if you sign up and for some reason, do not see your name on the list after a couple days… just shoot me an email and we’ll get it taken care of!

If you can think of anything that I may have left out, let me know!  Let’s get this PARTY STARTED!!!  You are welcome to invite your friends!  All are welcome! :)  Feel free to put the logo below on your blog and link it back to this page as an invite to other bloggers! AND YES, international bloggers are welcome to join as well as those without blogs… Dailymilers, facebookers, or Twitterers can join too!!!  ;)

2012 Christmas Card Swap Logo2

How to sign up:

Send an email to with the subject “2012 Christmas Card Swap” and include the following:

Mailing Address:
Email Address:  (This makes it easier for me to contact you if I have a question :)
Blog Title and URL
: (or link to your twitter, dailymile, or facebook if you dont have a blog)Introduce yourself in a couple sentences:  (so that others in your group can get to know you)
Additional Information:  (if you feel you can only send to 1, 2, or 3 people instead of 5 or let me know if you’re willing to send to more, its totally cool!! OR if you are willing to send a card internationally or not!  Just let me know!)

**Come back to this page and just post a quick comment stating that you’re in so that I can cross reference and double check entrants. That’s it… 
So easy a caveman could do it!   ;)

(Basically if you sign up before I wake up December 8th , you’re golden!)


Sign ups OPEN November 23 – December 7
Sign ups Close December 7th @ 11:59 pm

Partners Emailed December 7-9th
Cards need to be sent by December 17th


People who are IN LIKE FLYNN!

Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Erica from Life as a Running Mom
Melanie from Dailymile Here
Julie from ROJ Running
Whitney from Running with Whit
Hannah from HannahViolin
Monique from Confessions of a Lazy Athlete
Lisa from Rainstorm: A World of Adventures
Darlene from My First 5k and More
Kim from Barking Mad About Running
Wendy from One Tough Mother Runner
Danielle from Breathe
Katie from From Ice Cream to Marathon
Suzanne from Cows and Lazers and Everything in Between
Courtney from Third Time’s a Charm Runner
Jen from Running With the Girls
Bobbie from Journey In Running
Kadie from Life on the Pavement
Jessica from Creations By Jessica Lynn 
Paula from Perspicacity
Michelle from Michelle le belle... Tres bien ensemble
Andrea from Age Groups Rock
Gene from Relentless Forward Motion
Stephanie from Smiles Through Miles
Ruby from I'm a Runners Mom
Lisa from Cow Spots and Tales
Gabby from Twitter Here
Scott from BDD

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers for my unexpected dental procedure! It went well!  In order to tell you all about it, you need a little bit of back story first!  When I was in 5th grade, I was at basketball practice.  We were running some suicide sprints and this boy got mad because I was beating him so he pushed me into the brick wall at full force.  Every tooth in my mouth was knocked loose and moved, my chin was split open, and my 4 front ADULT teeth were knocked out.  My doctor was thankfully there as his son was on the same team as me and he said that if I would’ve been about an inch more to the right I probably would’ve broken my neck on the stairs of the bleachers.  I had to miss 2+ months of school and had to go through stitches and TONS of dental work that was painful, but my dentist was able to build up my teeth so they looked real. 
Back to Tuesday, one of my teeth felt weird so I went up to the mirror and ran my tongue over my teeth and as soon as I did that, one of my fake teeth popped off.  Well, as you can imagine, I was terrified and all those horrible memories of 5th grade came rushing back and I instantly burst into tears.  Afterall, I wasn’t about to go anywhere looking like that, especially to my internship!  So I immediately called the dentist and he wasn’t available, but 10 minutes later, I got a call and he was going to come into the office just to see me!  We got my tooth built back up and all is now well again in the life of me! ;)

2. Running Update:  Well, after planning to run the Columbus Marathon, and then needing to downgrade to the half, and then not training whatsoever, I decided to not even go.  I ended up sleeping in which was amazing and saving my gas money and saving my body from being sore.  Was I disappointed… sure.  That was my first DNS.  But, right now, life is crazy hectic and I think it was the right decision.  As for running in general:  I’ve been running a mile here or there and doing a little bit of weights… some weeks I go without any exercise… I just think that sleep is more important to me right now.  I’m ok with that… as soon as this STRESSFUL semester is over (December 15th) I plan on getting back into running/exercising and slowly building my health/fitness back up to where I was before… it’s a little depressing knowing that a year ago I ran a marathon and now I can only really run about 2 miles lol… ugh!

3. Erica from Life as a Running Mom sent me a email yesterday:

Aloha Zaneta!

Ironically, I came across your business card tucked in your Christmas card last year on my work desk today and was wondering....are you doing this again this year?

Have a great day!
The answer is YES!!! The past couple of years have been a blast and I am so excited to host it again this year!!  If you’ve never taken part in the Christmas Card Swap, you can check out last year’s HERE!  I will have signups posted probably this weekend or the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, so keep your eyes open!! :)

I hope you all are doing well!  I really miss visiting everyone’s blogs!  Also, welcome to the couple of new friends we have here one Runner’s Luck!! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Unexpected Dental Procedure

So… I am getting ready to head to my dentist for an unexpected procedure… I’m a little nervous and since it’s unexpected, no one is around to go with me (IE: my husband)

So… all of your kind thoughts and prayers would definitely be appreciated! Thanks guys!