
Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Funday and a Winner

OK… I know I sound like a broken record… but I seriously have NO TIME!!! < That just made me think of the Dish commercial! haha! Please tell me you know what I’m talking about?! Click the picture below if you don’t and it’ll take you to youtube to watch it!


Anyways, I have a few fun things to share with you all! (besides the Dish Hopper commercial!) I’m gonna tell you using the cliff notes version ;) Maybe next week you’ll get some actual blog posts from me that are more than just bullet points and cliff notes!  I have a week break from my aide job and will only be working 15 hours at my other job! :) yippee!!! :)

Fun Thing #1:

I got some new clothes! :)  I had so many coupons and a gift card and only paid about 1/3 of the full price! That’s a deal if you ask me! :)


Fun Thing #2:

I joined another yoga challenge on Instagram! It’s called the #fallinlovewithyoga challenge. I enjoy the challenge since I am not running right now! Today is Day 1 and the theme is “beautiful”… Dancer Pose makes me feel beautiful even after a sweaty workout! :) I’m still trying to figure this whole yoga thing out as I’m relatively new to it… so if you’ve been doing yoga please tell me how to improve my form!! Especially speak up if you know the proper hand placement on my foot! ;)  I guess I could just google it, but asking you is so much more fun! ;)


Fun Thing #3:

Yeah… this is happening! lol… (maybe) I’ve been told that it will still be fun even if I just walk it…What do you think? It’s going to be really hard for me to go to a race and be with all those runners and NOT run!  That’s why it’s a maybe… I won a free entry back in May so I’m already registered… I’ll keep you posted on my final decision!  But it looks fun!  Wish I had someone to go with!  Anyone in Columbus this weekend? ;)

i won color me rad 5k entry

And now the reason I know you are all here anyways… the winner of the Reebok Spartan Race Entry giveaway


Congrats Greg!! Please send me an email and I will get you your free entry code!! :)

Remember, even if you didn’t win, you can still get a race registration discount code! Just click here!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Motivation: #itsworthit


If you feel like giving up, don't give in! Push the negativity out of your mind and find your inner strength to keep going because guess what? It's so worth it! This has become one of my personal mantras of sorts as I recover from my knee injury... the finish line is running again... the race (long distance race that is) is getting back into shape so I can cross that finish line! I'm getting stronger and closer to running again because I refuse to give up!

What about you? Are you going to give up or keep going?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Just a Reminder…





giveaway link


I promise I have stuff to tell you… I just don’t have time right now!! :)
Have a great week!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reebok Spartan Race Giveaway & Coupon Code


You may remember a similar post I did earlier this summer! ;)  Well that giveaway went so well that Reebok Spartan Race wants to host another giveaway here on Runner’s Luck! How exciting right?! So if you didn't win the first race entry here’s a second chance!!

If you don't know what Reebok Spartan Race is, where have you been?! It’s only all over the internet, on blogs, and now IT’S EVEN ON TV! Well… going to be!! THIS Saturday!

Reebok Spartan Race has recently partnered up with NBC to bring obstacle racing to TV! The Spartan Race World Championships in Vermont this weekend will be televised on NBC Sports – for more information, check out this article.

If you don’t want to wait around for this giveaway to end you can go register now!  I have a coupon code just for you!

Click the picture below to get a promo code for %15 off your race registration:

Reebok Spartan Race coupon code

To enter the giveaway, use the rafflecopter form below and make sure you click the green check mark after you finished the entry!

Good luck and…



a Rafflecopter giveaway

* Giveaway Rules:    ~ Giveaway will run from 9/19/13 through 9/27/13
                               ~ A winner will be chosen through Rafflecopter 9/28/13 and will be notified via email by 9/30/13
                               ~ The winner must respond 72 hours after they are notified or winnings will be forfeited 
                               ~ Must be 18 years of age or older to enter
                               ~ The giveaway and promo coupon codes are only good for a 2013-14 race within the continental US
                               ~ The free race entry was provided by Reebok Spartan Race; I was not paid for this post

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Stepping Up To The Challenge (and a winner)

I’m the kind of person that always needs a challenge

Growing up, I found that challenge in competing in sports…specifically with basketball and a couple years of track.

Even in college I competed in basketball and softball to find that challenge… In my very first blog post ever here on Runner’s Luck I mentioned that I ran out of sports eligibility in college and that’s why I started running… I needed another challenge!

Even within just running itself, I needed a challenge! That’s why I went from running 5ks to half marathons and why I ran a marathon… it was challenging to train for and run each new distance… That’s also why I feel like I need to PR at every. single. race! (Don’t worry, I totally know it’s not possible… I’m not that crazy!) And don’t get me wrong… there are TONS of other reasons why I run… mainly because I just down right LOVE it! BUT… the challenge is still a BIG appeal to me!

Then, I got hurt…and still have yet to go to the doctor. That has nothing to do with a challenge and everything to do with being stubborn, and perhaps a little scared… and definitely a tightwad…(more about the knee in a later post)

The point is, I needed another challenge

I decided to try yoga… you may be thinking “YOGA? How is that challenging?”  Well my friends… the part of me that needs a challenge can’t settle for not being able to do the splits, or not being able to touch my feet to my head when doing king cobra pose, or not being able to do a simple handstand (more on that later too! lol) It all started as just a fun way to stretch to help heal my knee injury, but then I saw a pose that looked challenging and couldn’t stop thinking about it! So what did I do?  I tried it!

Welcome to Eka Pada Koundiyanasana I Pose

Challenge Accepted!

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It’s definitely not perfect, but I've totally made some progress!! 

So, while I cannot run (I’m still working out)… I’ve found a challenge to keep me occupied! Because guess what?  There are more challenging arm balances and inversions I’d like to make progress on! While you may be reading all of my yoga posts lately thinking that it’s a total waste of time and that you’d never try yoga or it’s boring… just you wait!!  I have a post coming up that might just convince you to give it a go! :)

Do you always need a challenge in your life?
Do you practice yoga? How often?
If you don’t, why not? Think you ever will?




Without further ado… the winner of the Run the Race Giveaway is…


Saturday, September 14, 2013

What do a Tree, Camel, and Pigeon Have in Common?

Today is SATURDAY!!  I LOVE my Saturdays!! Even though I work from 5pm – 11pm… I look forward to Saturdays!!

Why??  Saturday is Yoga (active recovery) Day up in this joint and I look forward to it because I get to practice yoga with my best friend and make it a date! :)

I told you in my last post that this week would be Yoga week… lucky for you my blogging week consists of 2-3 posts… 3 being if you’re lucky! ;)  This girl is just way too busy to sit down and blog everyday!

With that being said… today’s yoga post consists of pictures of an instagram challenge I joined to help me get more familiar with some yoga poses and to have fun while doing it! :)

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It was a lot of fun and I got to learn some new poses and do some things I didn’t think I’d be able to do…

Stay tuned because tomorrow I’ll bring you some fun facts about yoga and why it could be beneficial to us as runners to add it to our repertoire of cross training!

Do you practice Yoga?
Do you use it as cross training or do you practice everyday?
If you don’t do Yoga do you think you’ll ever try?
What keeps you from trying yoga?


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Calm Down! It’s Just An Inversion! (Video)


Ok… you may have noticed a little yoga on this blog… you may be like… “WAIT…I thought this was a running blog?!!”  Calm down!!! It is a running blog… except for this chica hasn’t been running because of a knee injury so I decided adding a little spice to my life with yoga couldn’t hurt anything!
If yoga just isn’t your thing, then you can X out of this blog post… or stay whatever… just know that I know and keep track of who doesn’t read my blog posts word for word! ;)
OK… totally kidding… or am i? ;)

Anyways… This week is going to be yoga week on my blog… and if yoga truly isn’t your thing you may just want to stick around because you might change your mind after this week is over… pending I have some free time to blog! ;) 

In the meantime… you can enjoy a little video of me playing around with a supported headstand inversion!  At the end I try to go from a headstand to crow pose and failed big time! lol… Enjoy!!


Do you do yoga?
How long have you done it?
     - 4 weeks ;)  Beginner Yogi here! ;)
If you don’t do yoga, do you think you might try it one day?






Run The Race Giveaway

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Everybody Do the Splits!!! (Video)

If you missed it, or just started following my blog… I’m a lame-o… well my knee anyways ;)  If you want to read/watch about it you can click here… or you can just take my word for it that I haven’t been able to run due to an injured knee ;)

So instead of running and taking life too seriously, I started goofing off a little more ;)  (or trying out yoga that is!)  I joined an Instagram Yoga challenge (I’ll blog more about it when I get the chance.. with a CRAPton of Pictures, totes promise!) and one day the pose was the Splits.  I’m extremely not very flexible as you will see.. so I tried a different pose that could somewhat pass as doing a split! ;) Enjoy…


Monday, September 2, 2013

Run the Race Review & Giveaway

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, (2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.)  - Hebrews 12:1-2


I was perusing the internet a couple months ago and came across a really awesome running company!!  I immediately thought “hey, I want to share this with my blog peeps” and sent off an email to one of the co-owners, Mark.  He replied and was willing to partner up with Runner’s Luck in a review/Giveaway of Run the Race!

So, why is this company awesome?? Let me tell you why! :)

Their Mission:  Our mission is to offer a running company/retail store that brings honor and glory to God in all that we say and do.

Greg and Mark are the co-owners of Run The Race… and like most great ideas… they came up with the company idea while out running together!

They’re not only a company that focuses on running apparel, but they take ALL of the profit they make (minus expenses of course) and donate the money to established ministries OR use the money to help people in need and bring glory to the Lord. Most of the ministries they give to are in Minnesota but they’d be willing to entertain other ministry options!
God calls us to be givers and love our neighbors… Most runners are giving people and raise money or run for charity… and this is just one more GREAT way to give!!

If you want to read more about Run The Race and how it came about you can click here to go to their “about” page.


Not only is Run The Race an awesome company but their apparel is pretty cool too! ;)

Firs, let’s talk about the logo…
The runners within the circles in the logo represent our brothers and sisters in Christ that are running the race throughout the world.
We’re all in this race together!!

They sent me a long sleeve logo shirt to review and with fall coming up on us soon I was excited because I love long sleeve tees!
I ordered a small… I usually am concerned about the sleeve length because I have long arms AND a long torso, but the sleeves and length on the long sleeve tee were perfect!! 
The shirt is soft and I love the color!

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The back of the shirt has Hebrews 12:1 on it… makes sense since that’s the verse the company is basically founded on… just sayin!  ;)

Head on over and check out their store!

Right now they have some awesome “Eat. Sleep.  Run.  Repeat. “ shirts on sale for $10.   (Here’s the link for the shirts… check them out!)

Here’s your chance to win a long sleeve tee of your very own!! :)  Get excited!! All you have to do is use the rafflecopter form below! a Rafflecopter giveaway



* Giveaway Rules:    ~ Giveaway will run from 9/2/13 through 9/12/13
                               ~ A winner will be chosen through Rafflecopter and will be notified via email by 9/15/13
                               ~ The winner must respond 72 hours after they are notified or winnings will be forfeited 
                               ~ Must be 14 years of age or older to enter