
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tidbit Thursday

1. I was orignially going to do a recap of the long run i had yesterday in todays blog post, but im feeling lazy and tired so I decided to save that til tomorrow probably.

2. I was going to do "Three Thing Thursday" like everyone else but decided I had more than 3 things to share and didn't want to follow the leader (i make my own rules) so... "tidbit thursday" it is.

3. Only 22 days and 8 hours left until my first half marathon! I am sooooo excited!!!

4. Did you know that I have curly hair? I think its a pain and can never get it to look cute like everyone else who has curly hair so i usually just throw it up in a ponytail... which still looks kinda funny (i think i need a new stylist)

5. my laziness is also effecting my punctuation and capitalization

6. I have a 5k race on saturday and the temperature is going from 93 degrees to 72 degrees in one day! (according to the always correct weather forecast here in ohio) I need to find a long sleeve running shirt fast!! I guess I could always wear cotton... I used to wear cotton to run in all the time... im becoming a running diva!! nooooooooo before you know it, I'm gonna start liking the color pink!! haha, sorry to running diva mom who is actually really awesome.. didn't mean it as a bad thing to bea running diva, just that it would be so unlike me lol ;)

7. I was a part of Tall Mom on the run's 80 miles in august challenge... we had til today to finish out our mileage which means i got to include my long run from yesterday! I finished the challenge with 76.72 miles!! :D

8. I've realized that I have no idea what Im doing when it comes to running!!! Yeah, I know to carb load before big runs and races (the night before) and to take something a long to drink and wear a hat or sunglasses for protection... but what about after my half marathon? what then? am I supposed to take a break from running? keep running 20 or more miles a week? cut down my miles til i have another big race? *sigh*

9. Grade reports came out today which means it seriously is official.. im graduated!! I still can't get over the fact that i have a degree! lol... so cool!! (thanks to everyone for the congrats comments!! thanks for helping me celebrate!) Now just to finish out my sign language interpreting degree and i'll be golden!

10. Im going with my dad to pick up my sister from college tomorrow for the long weekend... its a long ride so i'll probably start reading "Gone with the Wind" for the 100 day challenge from run, courtney, run or crochet some more leaves for my mom's afghan! You can read more about it (and all my other crafty things) over at The Start of Something New

11. Just realized that I probably could have named this post "Ten Tidbits Thursday" but now since I just had my eleventh thought, that title is now out of the question... goodnight all! Have a wonderful Friday!


  1. Good luck with Gone with the Wind.
    Congrats on being officially graduated.
    I love that you are becoming a running diva, so am I.
    Pink is awesome, just give in!
    (See I can type lazy too!)

  2. I'm so excited for you that you are running your first half! You are going to love it and want to sign up for another one immediately afterwards. My suggestion for after training is to just take it easy the week afterwards and do whatever workouts you want and then maybe start going into another training cycle if you feel like it.

  3. can't wait to read about half -- you're gonna love it -- and be awesome! Hey, nothing wrong with the color pink!! It makes me feel not-so-old!

  4. Good luck with your race on Saturday!

    I love pink too...go for it!

  5. 4. I have naturally curly hair too. Actually, when someone asks I tell them I have naturally nappy hair. lol It doesn't have cute little ringlet curls like everyone else's naturally curly hair. It's all over the place. I love my flat iron!

    6. Long sleeves for 72 degrees??? That's still tank top weather!!! :) Either way, for a 5K you should be fine in cotton. Why the hate for pink??? haha Most of my running shirts are some degree of the color pink. Well, they were until yesterday. I went to the Under Armour outlet here in Destin and bought a boatload of stuff! Now I've got oranges, blues, and greens too!

    7. I didn't even know about Mel's 80-mile challenge. When I found out about it I checked my log and guess how many miles I had done in August. SEVENTY-NINE! haha I did one more just for the sake of the challenge.

    8. After the half, if you think you'll be doing another one, I would keep my mileage about where it's at now (after taking the first week pretty easy). That way you'll go into your next training cycle with a hefty base! If you've already got the distance down, you can work on improving your time!

    For the time I spent responding to your post, I could have done a post of my own! :P

  6. soo excited for your first 1/2, it's the best! I think at this point you don't have to know what your doing, just enjoy the whole experience :) So long as you don't try any crazy new foods the night before the race, you have made it this far and are doing great.

  7. First of all~ pink is fun! Have you tried a skirt yet? Then you'll really be divaish~ and feel so cute in it too!

    And for the hair~ headbands always make them look cute!

  8. Pink is fun~ try running in a skirt! Then you'll feel divaish (and run faster too!~ j/k they're just fun & super comfy!)

    And for the hair, try a headband! They always look cute. I know live in them!

    Good luck on your first's fun training for your first isn't it?

  9. Ok, the firt post didn't show, so I had to rewrite it...LOL =) And I couldn't remember exactly what I wrote the first time around!

  10. Congratulations on the degree, when is the convocation ceremony?

    Good luck on your runs, and I love point 5!

  11. i'm confused...a long sleeve shirt for 72-93 degree weather??

  12. I think we're soul sisters separated at birth. I too have curly hair-this summer's humidity a HUGE challenge. I taught at the Indiana School for the Deaf in the mid 90's. I am fluent in ASL. And the biggest part - as I have commented before, I too am training for my first half also on 9/25 and am like, WHAT the heck do I need to do?

    May I suggest some books that have helped me - got them on Amazon cheap and they were quick reads. Best book was "Half-Marathon: You can do it" by Jeff Galloway. Then I read the "Complete Idiots Guide to Running." I also read the most hysterical book called "The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide for Women" - it's not really all that educational, but rather a great sense of 'you're not in this alone'.

    Good luck on your 5K Saturday - hope it is fun!

    Again, now that is super official, CONGRATULATIONS on graduating!!! What was your degree? Where did you graduate from?

    Love your blog!

  13. I don't know why, but I LOVE these bullet point lists.

    My advice for the 5K would be to wear short sleeves while running but then have a long sleeve shirt to change into after you're done. But, that is just me....when I run it always seems like it is 1000 degrees out. GOOD LUCK!

  14. I saw your comment on Running to Sanity. : ) I'd wear shorts and a tank at a 5k in 72 degrees. You'll warm up during the race, if your not warm already. Congrats on your degree! What an accomplishment!

  15. Congratulations with being graduated! Good luck for the half! After the half...carry on and on and on...20 miler...marathon...ultra.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)