
Monday, November 15, 2010

2010 Christmas Card Swap

Ok, so I had a lot of you say that my idea for the swap was a fun idea and would definitely join!  So, it’s official!  2010 Christmas Card Swap is now underway!


Depending on how many people sign up, I will divide you all into groups of 5 or more people.  You will send a Christmas card to all the people in your group, and will be receiving cards from the people in your group.  Let’s say you are put in a group with X,Y,Z…  You will send cards to X, Y, and Z and will receive a card from X, Y, and Z.  Make sense?! Good! :)

Your cards can be store bought or handmade and you can feel free to add a little something to the card like your favorite running quote, running advice, candy, a little ornament, a sticker, a note of encouragement or a funny note, or you can just send the card… Whatever you want to do is PERFECT!  Just don’t be sending pairs of running shoes, an Ipod, or a free entry to Boston (unless you’re sending it to me)  We want to keep this cheap so everyone can join and doesn’t feel bad for just sending a card!   :)

After everyone is put into their groups I will be sending out an email including your group members ONLY with their blog links (so you can get to know them if you don’t already) and addresses so that there’s still a bit of privacy and everyone’s addresses aren’t out there floating around on the internet somewhere!  Safety people!!  :D   The groups will be picked by so we keep things mixed up!

I will be adding people to a list at the bottom of this page as they sign up…  So, if you sign up and for some reason, do not see your name on the list after a couple days… just shoot me an email and we’ll get it taken care of!

If you can think of anything that I may have left out, let me know!  Let’s get this PARTY STARTED!!!  You are welcome to invite your friends!  All are welcome! :)  Feel free to put the logo on your blog and link it back to this page as an invite to other bloggers! AND YES, international bloggers are welcome to join!!!

2010 Christmas Card Swap Logo

How to sign up:

Send an email to with the subject “2010 Christmas Card Swap” and include the following:

Blog Title and URL:
Mailing Address:
Introduce yourself in a couple sentences:  (so that others in your group can get to know you)
Additional Information:  (if you feel you can only send to 1, 2, or 3 people instead of 5 or more, its totally cool!! OR if you are willing to send a card internationally or not!  Just let me know!)

Come back to this page and just post a quick comment stating that you’re in. That’s it…  So easy a caveman could do it!   ;)

(Basically if you sign up before I wake up December 1st , you’re golden!


Sign ups OPEN November 15-30th
Sign ups Close November 30th @ 11:59 pm

Partners Emailed December 1-5th
Cards need to be sent by December 15th


People who are IN LIKE FLYNN!

Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Randi from S Club 4
Laurie from The (Mis)Adventure of a Jogging-Stroller Mom
Tiina from One Crazy Penguin
Amy Lauren from A Couple Dents in my Fender, A Couple Rips in my Jeans
Keeley from Wanderer in a Strange Land
Christina from Lace it up and Run
Melanie from Half Marathon Rookie
Courtney from Run, Courtney, Run
Rae from 5k Rae
Kim from (Just) Trying is for Little Girls
Janae from Hungry Runner Girl
Irene from Tales From the Back of the Pack
Alanna from Running 42km 
Suzana from More to Life Than This
Kadie from There She Runs
Christina from Making Healthy the Norm
April from Mommys Fit for the King
Kathy from Running, Life, Learning and Growing
Daphne from Racing for the Rainbow
Amy from Amy Runs a Marathon
Christel from Silly Girl Running
Erica from I Run Because…I Can
Kate from Run With Kate
Aneta from Running Bucket
Trish from Begin Again and Again and Again
Monique from Confessions of a Lazy Athlete
Julie from The Hotlegs Runner
Caroline from Journey to a Half Marathon
Sherry from Life From My Perspective
Jamie from Heat Runner
Jill from Run for the Hills
Stacie from Impossible is Nothing
Jody from Running With Sharp Objects
Bobbie from 2010 Journey in Running
Barefoot Neil Z from Because All the Cool Kids Are Doing It
Scott from Big Daddy Diesel
Karyn from This Mama's 26.2 Mile Journey
Jill from Run With Jill
Leslie from And Her Little Dog Too
Emily from If I Can't Convince You, I'll At Least Confuse You
Mr. and Mrs. Leonor Carey (No Blog)


  1. I want to be in like Flynn too! I think this will be a lot of fun. At least this way I'll be guaranteed to get a few Christmas cards. :P

  2. Just sent the email to sign up!

    Amy Lauren

  3. What a fun idea, thank you so much for organizing it. =)

  4. Oh oh oh, I'm totally in! How fun :)

  5. First of all you are way too nice to me, thank you for your comments!! I am totally in! What a great idea!!

  6. This is such a great idea!

    Can I, as an international runner/blogger, join?

  7. Silly Girl - International people can join too!! I just added it to the details! Thanks for bringing it up!

    Hungry Runner - That's awesome!! :)

  8. Email's been sent! I'm really excited to see who I'll be matched with :D

  9. Ok, so want to do this. I will send an email - don't let me forget :).

  10. im in! im in!
    ill email you tomorrow!

  11. What a great idea! I'm sending an email now!

  12. What a great idea, count me in. I found you through (Just) Trying is for little girls.

  13. Count me in! Just sent the email. This is such a great idea. I also found you through (Just) Trying is for Little Girls. =o)

  14. What a cool idea! I'll be sending you an email (thanks for the follow!)

  15. count me in just sent my email. :)

  16. I am in! love Christmas cards!! Love REAL mail!!!

  17. thank you for diong this! I lead a Christmas card exchange with over 150 people in it and multiple requests (short lists, long lists, just USA or is endless) I know it is a lot of work!!! :)

  18. I just sent you an email! I'm in!!

  19. i'm in! And i'm doing something similar on my blog too! So fun!

    And Her Little Dog Too

  20. It's like run club, 30 chicks and ME!!! gawd.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)