
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Almost] Wordless Wednesday

Well, I was supposed to work tonight, but it’s really cold and rainy so they called me off, telling me I wasn’t needed… Bad for the paycheck, but grateful I don’t have to go out in that weather!!

So, tonight this is my perspective:


And this is what I’m working on:


While drinking this:


And I can’t wait to eat that pumpkin pie tomorrow!! :D  Yummy!!  What are your plans for Thanksgiving?  I have a 5k in the morning at 9am and it’s basically the last chance I have to go sub 25 because my last 5k (this Saturday) is on a cross country [grass] course. Yeah, that’s right… I have 2 (two!) 5ks in 3 days! haha… I don’t want to hurt myself pushing for a PR on grass since I’ve never run on just grass before… I’d rather run that one for fun.  Don’t forget to sign up for the 2010 Christmas Card Swap if you haven’t already!  We have about 30 people who have joined the party so far! :D

What do you do on cold, rainy nights?
Do you have any hobbies besides running?


  1. I want to do what you're doing in your last pic. Where'd you get that? Imma go to the grocery NOW and get me some =)

  2. I learned to knit recently. I started a scarf last year, then stopped. I'm not sure I'll figure out where I left off :-(

  3. I can't wait to eat my pumpkin pie tomorrow either!! :)

    Actually, I know how to crochet! I don't do it very often, but I have crocheted all of my family's x-mas stockings!

  4. now, i'm going to have to get off my backside and go make some hot cocoa cause that mug looks so yummy!!!

    i've got a 5k too! i love that so many people are doing 5k's tomorrow. makes me feel like we're all connected :)

  5. Aimee - That's awesome! :)

    Dawn - It does make it seem like we're all connected... it's pretty cool :)

  6. Have a great run - go break 25!!

    I'll be indulging in some pumpkin pie, too! The whole house smells like it now, it is killing me!

  7. Marshmallow hot chocolate: Aaaahhhh! :) Yummy! :)

    You will break that 25 min; if I can do that, definitely can you! ;)

  8. Good luck on getting a sub 25 tomorrow. How awesome will that be to do it on Thanksgiving! Run Z Run!
    And no matter what happens in the race, we all have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! I have plenty hobbies, including building a model train layout and breeding tropical fish.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)