
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grace Race 5k Recap

First of all, can I just say that this was the worst race experience I have ever had!  BUT it was all my fault!  I was up til 1am the night before doing laundry and eating buddy bars and then had to get up early to get ready for work.  I was hoping to be done working by 9 so I could head to the race that started at 10am.  Well, I didn’t get off work til 9:23am so I booked it to the race which was about 25 minutes away… I was stressing out!!  Then, I went past the road I was supposed to take so I had to turn around.  I called my parents who were meeting me there and had them pick up my packet and as soon as I got there I had enough time to tie my shoes, put my bib on and get to the start… I was so stressed out!  No warming up, no potty break, no nothing lol…  We prayed and then we were off!


I was just not feelin’ it this race… Since I was late I had to start in the back and it’s not chip timed.  It was a hilly course and I passed a few people on the first couple of downhills then came the monster hill… I tried to run up the entire hill but had to walk the last 10-15 feet or so and then I started running again on the downhill and passed a couple of people that had passed me while I was walking… I was so disappointed in myself for giving up and walking part of the hill… it is only 3.1 miles afterall…surely I could’ve pushed through it!


After the hill it was pretty uneventful and there wasn’t any crowd support but then with about 400 meters to go I saw my parents and they said “Come on Zaneta!! Pick it up girl! You’re almost there!”  Well, I shook my head at them like I was done… I just didn’t care anymore, but I’ve always had a finishing kick… even in high school, so I picked it up and pushed it home.  There were a few of the fast guys that came in around 18 minutes that were clapping and cheering, I barely noticed… I was just disappointed in myself for my bad choices the night before, running late, and walking up the hill.  BLEH! Here I am at the finish…


Can you find me?  NO?  Here… let me help you…


lol, can you tell by that face that I’m disappointed?  Well, I walked up to my parents and we hugged and then they proceeded to tell me that when they were walking to where they were going to stand to wait for me, they saw a pancake breakfast across the street for donation! HAHA! So they ate breakfast while they were waiting for me to come back around!  How silly are they?  I wish I would’ve joined them!  We stood around talking to a few of the other runners and then headed inside because it was cold!! Then, they had the kids race and then awards.

I knew I probably placed and I could remember only 1 other person at the out and back that was ahead of me that could possibly be in my age group… she wasn’t! lol… I ended up getting 1st in my age group (20-24) with a time of 25:47.  haha, it was a small race with only 79 runners! lol… The time wasn’t as bad as I thought I had done, but it’s not my best time either!  haha, but I told my boyfriend when he called that even though I was disappointed in myself, I GOT FIRST PLACE BABY!! haha…glass is full right?! ;)


I really like the shirt we got in the goody bag!  I love that they put the verse on the back of the shirt too! :)  Here’s a picture of it (you can click to view a bigger pic):


I’ve got 2, maybe 3 more 5ks this year depending on if I want to run Thanksgiving morning or not so ATLEAST 2 more chances to meet my goal of sub 25 before the end of the year!  Any tips from all you speedsters?  I do know that next week I will have to work less hours than I have been so I will definitely be running a couple more days and focusing on hills and speed. 

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!  I can’t wait to read all your race recaps!!


  1. First in your age group! Congrats!!!

  2. 1st place in age group?! That can't be a bad race... unless you were the only one in the age group. LOL. GREAT TIME!!

  3. That's not a bad race!!!

    First in AG! Hey Hey Hey!
    I got 2nd in AG this July. There were only 5 runners in my age group. Now, that's more of a joke.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    And you can always make better choices next time.

  4. nice shirt. and 1st in AG is awesome!

  5. Wow, chica! I can't imagine how stressed out you must have felt rushing to the starting line?!? So glad you made it though, turned out to be awesome for you. Congrats on 1st place in your AG - wow!!!! You're so close to the sub 25 - I know you can do it!

  6. Good job on the 1st place in your age group. My speed improved a lot by doing tempo runs and hill repeats. Good luck in achieving sub 25!

  7. Congrats on making it to the start line and crossing the finish line with 1st place AG! Finding out that you placed must have made you feel a lot better. : )

  8. Sorry you felt crappy about the race, but hardware should always make you feel better! It's still a good time, so be proud of that!

  9. Whoa! First in your AG!! That is awesome!

  10. i love that "worst" equals "first"! congrats on the age group win!!!

  11. Nice run! first in age group rocks no matter how you felt during it! congrats!

  12. First place lady!!

    You rock.
    Cracked me up on the pancake breakfast. ;)
    Yay Z!!!

  13. Way to get 1st place, even when you weren't feeling it! :) Woohoo!!!

  14. ha! love that you got 1st place even though it was such a bad race.

    I know what you mean though....sometimes even the best result is a fight to achieve. way to power through

  15. Congrats... any time you take first in your AG, it wasn't as bad of a race as you thought! :)

  16. Well done! Small race or not, you were there and you won. You have smart parents...pancakes while waiting, yummy! Love the shirt!

  17. I understand your disappointment of not running what you want AND getting a medal. Chalk it up to a bad race and the next one is a new race.

  18. Despite all that happened, congrats on taking 1st in your AG, impressive!!

  19. Congrats on winning your age group!

  20. congrats on placing, sorry you were disappointed. I always negative split in 5ks, i find that works best for me if I have a time goal. You are SOOO close to your goal!! you will get it soon!!

  21. wow. incredible finish! especially considering the not ideal pre-race events you had to deal with! Congrats on the win!

  22. 1st!!!!!

    Awesome - you rock!

    BTW, you need to track that guy in the red down and tell him - no black socks for races!

  23. Congrats! Way to be so speedy and nab up first place when you aren't even feeling it. Very impressive!

  24. Wow, congratulations on placing, girl. You rock!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)