
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three Things Thursday

Wow what a long week!!  I’m so excited though!  Tomorrow I have the day OFF… 100% completely – no work! :)  It might be spent catching up on blogs mostly in bed as I’m feeling a little under the weather but, we’ll see… the medicine I’m taking is good at it’s job!   Oh, and btw… thanks for all your feedback on my Garmin Quiz post!!  I’m seriously really wanting one now!!  Too bad my bank account is telling me no at the moment!

1.  It’s November!!  I love this time because it’s kind of the between seasons season… make sense?  It’s still fall, but it’s starting to show signs of winter and I love this time of year!  Don’t get me wrong, my favorite season is still summer… but this is a good time of year too!  Especially since we just put our candles in the windows!  That, and I just signed up for a turkey trot ;)

2.  I’m thinking about doing THIS RACE, but it’s 2 hours away from where I live and in December. (brrr)  It’s only 30 dollars though and it’d be my last race of the year… go out with a bang?  hmm… I don’t know if I’m in half marathon shape though… I haven’t been running as much as I would like due to work, but I have a 7 miler planned for tomorrow… any opinions on this?  (PS – Blue and Green is my favorite color combo… is it meant to be? or just wishful thinking?)


3.  The results of last weekend’s 5k are up so I’ll be posting a race recap finally …  let me just warn you… probably the least fun race I’ve been to… but it was mostly my fault lol… stay tuned! ;)


  1. I really want a Garmin too! I'm going to have to go back to your Garmin Quiz post to see what others had to say. Nice to find your blog.

  2. Hey we're in the same general vicinity! Ashland is about 1.5 hours from me. Hmmm... I don't have a race for December, but my November race is the 21st. Tempting, but I know I'm not up to a half marathon 2 weekends in a row!

    I don't know what you knit, but my Mom is a master knitter. She does mostly socks, with the occasional mitten, scarf and sweater. She blogs here, if you're interested.

  3. oooo, so jealous of your day off tomrorow. Have a blast doing - whatever!! :)

  4. Do the half! You'll be glad you did and it'd be a perfect way to end the year! Blue & green is definitely a sign... :)

  5. How do you feel? Are you feeling strong and confident? IF so, I say DO IT! If not, just relax and enjoy a little downtime (and not overdo it). Ashland is nice, though, one of my friends from college lives there!

  6. I actually went to Ashland University and loved it! I'm only about an hour from there but I too am running a 1/2 on November 21st (not running for time but with a friend)...hmmm could I do another half 2 weeks later?

  7. I'm thinkin' it was meant to be...

  8. My gut reaction was - go for it! Then I read Heather's comments - and I second her. If you feel strong - sign up today! If not, don't beat yourself up - put it on next year's race plan. Can't wait to hear what you decide.

  9. Sounds like a great race to me--go for it!

  10. I actually have another online friend who lives in Ashland, Ohio (I'm assuming you're talking about Ohio since you said it's 2 hours from where you live, and you live in Ohio). $30 is pretty cheap and I like the colors of the sign too. I don't know anything about half marathons, but if you wanted to do the race, you could always try for the half and if you couldn't maybe switch to the 5k?

    Amy Lauren

  11. a garmin is a great christmas present. maybe friends/family can all gift you money and/or gift cards so you can buy one. they are expensive, but totally worth it!

  12. I'm thinking the blue and green is a sign too! I say do it and just have fun with it! :)

  13. Thanks for the blog comments! :)

    Hope you feel better! And I definitely think you should do the race... it's meant to be!

  14. ok, so i've got a little time left to decide... JODI!! You should sooooo run it with me!! :D you know you want to ;)

  15. Oh geez Zaneta! Nothing like! LOL. So what kind of pace are you thinking? I am persuadable when it comes to running. I originally planned to run a 5K that weekend but I could probably be convinced to add 10 miles to it!

  16. I'm back!! Sorry for the lack of comments.

    Do the half marathon. Two months is more than enough time to get ready if you're already doing 7 miles. Plus, you'll probably get a cool shirt w/ your fav colors on it. Win/win!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)