
Monday, December 13, 2010

ITunes Winner

So, I apologize for the delay… Me and my Fiancé have been discussing some things…
Which I think deserves a post all of its own ;) … and I got my ring back from
sizing today!! That is why I have been a little absent!  Please forgive me! ;)

Now… without further ado I give you the winner of the $10 ITunes Gift Certificate Giveaway as determined by Random Number Generator…

Caroline from Journey to a Half Marathon!!!

Please shoot me an email with your address!!

Thanks to everyone who entered and welcome to all my new followers!!  If I can ever stop being so excited I will post a couple more giveaways here before Christmas lol ;)


  1. WHOA!!! Congrats on the engagement!!! That is so exciting!

  2. Wow!!! the first giveaway I win!
    thank you!!!!

  3. great giveaways...congrats to the winner...

  4. Congrats to Caroline!!!

    I mailed my cards today, so proud of myself

  5. What a cliff hanger . . . can't wait to read what's next. SMILE. Congrats Caroline!

  6. haha... BDD, i'm proud of you too! haha ;)

  7. Jeeze, talk about and awesome post setup!! Tease!

  8. Super exciting for sure! Best wishes!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)