
Friday, March 11, 2011

100th Post & Giveaway (s)!!

Ok, so I haven’t blogged at all this week and here is the reason why…  I didn’t want to blog til I could sit down and hash out a giveaway for y’all cuz this is my 100th blog post!!! Crazy!!! :)  Some of you have read every single post… ok, maybe not but I can pretend ;) lol… sometimes I wouldn’t even read my blog! haha… but seriously, you guys have become my friends!  You have made me laugh, cry, try new things, and have just motivated me when I needed it!  So…

I want to have a giveaway!!  There will be 3 winners!  That’s right… 3!! 
The prizes will be awarded in the order that random
number generator picks the names.

*The prizes are things that I have had, but have never used…
I wasn’t sent these items by a company or paid or endorsed in any way…

Prize #1:

A Khaki 5k Bondi Band and 3 Chocolate #9 gels


Prize #2:

A black “In my dreams I am a Kenyan” Bondi Band hat and 3 Chocolate #9 gels


Prize #3:

6 Chocolate #9 gels



This giveaway will close Friday, March 18th and the winners will be selected using and announced sometime that weekend lol ;)  Here’s how to enter:

Mandatory Entry:
- Be or Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment

Extra Entries:
- Leave me a comment telling me why you follow my blog…. be honest!  If it’s only for the giveaways, then tell me it’s only for the giveaways ;)

- Post this giveaway on your blog, twitter, or facebook and leave me a comment for each

- Follow me on twitter HERE and leave a comment

- Tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment.  You can copy and paste the following phrase to make it easier.

Checkout the awesome #giveaway that @superwoman4002 is having on her 100th blog post! 3 winners!


If you have an awesome product that you would like me to review, or would like to host a giveaway on my blog please send an email to


  1. I am a follower! :o)

  2. I follow because I like reading your posts! You post like you are talking to me and that makes it more entertaining!!!

  3. Posted to my blog!

  4. I follow you because you're adorable! You're writing style is very relate-able and you maintain a good balance between running and life :)

  5. I follow you because you're cute and you have crazy awesome energy that just radiates through your blog! You are usually so happy and enthusiastic (and great) at running!

  6. I already follow you on Twitter!

  7. I follow you because I've learned something from you, and because you're very positive.

  8. I tweeted about your giveaway @shebajc

  9. Three winners?!?!? Wow!!!! I sure hope I "make the cut" ;) I Followed your blog!

  10. Well to be honest right now I'm just following your blog for the contest BUT it seems to me we're both the same religion (or something like that) and we both run, so I'm looking forward to reading your blog!!! Cheers!!

  11. You're linked in the sidebar of my blog! (

  12. I posted your giveaway on facebook!!

  13. I'm your newest twitter follower!!!

  14. I am following your blog because I love reading about running and you blog is interesting and light hearted! One of my favorite blogs to read :) I won't say that I've read every post, but I have read them all since I've been a follower!

  15. Posting to my blog

  16. I follow you because I just think you are the most adorable thing ever! Seriously! And you're funny, and it's just so refreshing to know there are still good, honest, down-to-earth Christian folk out there!

  17. I'm a follower and here's my comment. And for the record, you're a dork - of course I read ALL of your posts - why would I not? I know that most of your followers read your blog every single time. It's one of my favs!!! Hope you'll keep blogging about your running, your wedding, your grad school, and just your life - I enjoy reading it all!

  18. I started following you because you were training for your first half which was the WHM which I was also training for (though in St.Pete). I continued to follow you because you are adorable (just like so many other followers have said). I stay with your blog because you're interesting, fun, and a midwestern who is just trying to sort through the running thing while having a life too. I mean anyone who cuts off socks to make arm sleeves HAS to be interesting!!!

  19. Posted to my blog's side bar under "win this".

  20. I'm a blog follower and would love to win!

    Amy Lauren

  21. I started following you when I found your blog because you were training for a half marathon, and that was one of my goals. Well- I've now completed it :). And I really enjoyed reading about your experiences too!

    Amy Lauren

  22. And, I'm a twitter follower!

    Amy Lauren

  23. I have always enjoyed your blog - especially your race reports!

    I remember being really excited when you got engaged. I even told someone about my "friend's" proposal.

  24. I just became a follower! found the blog via giveaway and I'm checking out all the posts!

  25. I tweeted about the giveaway @Ihatetorun

  26. Linking your giveaway on my sidebar under imaginary giveaways.

  27. I am posting a link to this giveaway on my blog.

  28. Well, I found you b/c of the giveaway, but I am following b/c I love running blogs!

  29. I posted the giveaway on facebook.

  30. Congrats on your 100th blog post! I'm a follower.

  31. I've been a follower for awhile and can't even remember how I originally found your blog but I'm glad I did. you love running and so do I.

  32. I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog.

  33. I am a follower too! Congrats on the 100th post!

  34. I follow you on twitter


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)