
Friday, March 25, 2011

3 Months To Go!!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments you all left me on my cake post!!  It made my day!  I already have plans to bake an Easter cake… we’ll see tho ;)

Well, today marks the 3 month countdown… or if you prefer, 13 weeks…. OR 92 days ;) lol

Yesterday was 4 years since the fiancé asked me to be his girlfriend ;)  just thought I’d throw that in there lol… He’s something special that man of mine… something special indeed!  I don't want to get all sappy right now… I’ll save that till closer to the wedding ;)

This week I have worked on and almost completed our wedding website, made an attempt at making a registry since we won’t have our own house for a couple years (therefore, won’t be able to register for much), stayed up past my bed time making direction cards to send out with my invitations, and did my taxes and FAFSA today…. yes, I know that really doesn’t have anything to do with wedding stuff, but I'm pretty excited I got them done before April this year lol ;)  AND… this is the last time I get to file under “single”  pretty exciting eh? ;) haha!  ok, if you’re reading this post you’re probably 1) nodding your head or 2) rolling your eyes at me ;) lol… its ok, I don't need to know which ;)

****Insert random bit of info about Zaneta here****

Ever notice how i have a lot of winky faces throughout my blog posts?  Yes, I
know I do this a lot, but it’s probably because I can’t really wink in real life,
so I do it as much as possible in blog life ;) <—see? perfect wink ;) lol


About the direction cards:  If you missed the post where I admitted I was a tightwad…. here it is again… I’m a tightwad!!  I don’t really like spending money… especially more than I have to.  I splurged on my invitations just because I liked them lol and then I saved a bunch of money by making postcards on vista print for my reply cards, and now I saved more money by making my own direction cards!  I was looking on a wedding invitation website to see about how much they cost and they wanted $1/card!  I needed 100 so I saved about $100!!

DSC01573b crossed out personal info… you can never be too safe on the internet ;)

I already had some card stock so I decided to print 4 to a page… I made them up in Microsoft Word… I put the directions on the front and a map on the back (had to print front and back manually, meaning i had to take it and turn it around and put it back in the printer) and then I cut them all out with scissors because I don't have a fancy paper cutting machine ;)  I ended up with 106 somehow lol… i few mistakes that didn’t make the final cut probably… it took me a couple hours, but it was worth it to save money!  I saved the perfected document so I could reprint some if I needed to.  If anyone needs help doing anything like this for their wedding or a party or something, just ask me and I’ll be happy to help! :)


92 Days Left!


  1. If money saved is money earned (which I totally think it is), if you saved $100 for two hours of making your own cards, you made $50 an hour! lol Way more than I make anyway...

  2. I wish that I had thought to do some of the smaller things myself when I was planning my wedding. I totally would have!

  3. That's it. After reading how expensive and how much work weddings are, I'm going to elope when I get married. End of story :p

  4. I don't consider you a tightwad. Just an informed, thrifty girl. We need to be thrifty and save what we can. Money is hard-earned. Hate it when people judge us thrifty folks.

    I was helping a lady with wedding invitations. Man, those things are expensive! Anyway, if I ever do get married... I am going to ask you to help! :)

  5. I don't consider you a tightwad. Just an informed, thrifty girl. We need to be thrifty and save what we can. Money is hard-earned. Hate it when people judge us thrifty folks.

    I was helping a lady with wedding invitations. Man, those things are expensive! Anyway, if I ever do get married... I am going to ask you to help! :)

  6. It is smart!!! And they look very professional :) You soooo beat me on the taxes/FAFSA. I am such a procrastinator!!!

  7. Wow! Way to get things done!! :) I still need to finish those darn taxes...

  8. Hi Zaneta!

    I found your blog while looking at some other running blogs - just wanted to say how much I enjoy it! I amazed at how you many to cram so much into your days! And I'm also rather jealous of your baking - my biscuits never seem to work, it's quite depressing :( A good excuse to make more of them though :) I just started a blog too (I was inspired by all the ones I looked at), there's pics of my pathetic attempts on there.

    Happy wedding preparations!

  9. yay for 92 days! so fun to be counting down. i love that you are doing so much of the wedding stuff yourself. it's such a ridiculously overpriced industry that the only way you can survive with your head above water is to DIY!

  10. I think it is great that you are finding ways to save money. Weddings are so expensive, so any bit you can save is worth it!

  11. Totally need to get on that FAFSA! Thanks for reminding me! How exciting, only 3 months, it's so soon!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)