
Monday, March 21, 2011

Winner! Winner! Winner!

ok, well I know that I told you I would announce the 3 winners to my 100th Post Giveaway this weekend BUT… This is still part of weekend since I have the day off! ;)

There were 3 prizes, so without further ado, let’s have random number generator pick or winners…

Prize #1:

A Khaki 5k Bondi Band and 3 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS Kadie from There She Runs 


Prize #2:

A black “In my dreams I am a Kenyan” Bondi Band hat and 3 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS  Liz Finch  (I couldn’t find a blog)


Prize #3:

6 Chocolate #9 gels



WINNER IS Pam from Life Began at Thirty


Congrats to the 3 of you!  Thank you for following my journey! :)  Email your addresses to  
If I do not hear from you within 3 days I will have to pick another winner for your prize,
so please contact me!!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)