
Friday, April 29, 2011

First 5k of the Season

Race season starts this weekend!!! (for me anyways lol)

I’m running the Strides for Mental Health 5k tomorrow.  It starts and finishes right downtown … about 10 minutes away from my house.  This was the first race I ever ran!  Not to mention my sister ran it with me… it was a blast!!


I will be running this year’s race alone as my sister is still away at college, but throughout my first year of running I met a few people and now I don't feel so alone anymore when I head to races by myself! :)

Heading into my second year of racing, it has made me look back on my first year… my “firsts”, my PR’s, lessons I’ve learned…

Let’s just say that I have learned A LOT!  Now, I’m not really one to really voice goals… I mean… I kinda sorta have them, but I dont really make them known… something about failing… and not really trying hard enough… BUT…

this year I WILL run a sub 25 5k!! 

I dont really think I’m up to that point yet, but the season is long ;)



  1. Good luck! I know you can break that 25 minute mark!

  2. Exciting! Have a great race ... and who knows, you might surprise yourself and get sub 25 on the first try! Have fun!

  3. yay for 5k! i have my first on in over 3 years in two weeks and i'm pretty excited about it. should be fun!!

  4. Hey, I didn't realize that this is the end of your first year racing! My first half was on May 1st last year too.

    Good luck in your 5k, a sub 25:00 is the perfect goal!

  5. Good luck on acheiving your goals! Im sending good weather vibes your way!!!! Have a blast!

  6. Sub-25 OMG! My goal this season is a sub 31. LOL.

  7. First, that orange looks SOOO YUMMY! I know, you're like "who cares" - sorry, just had to tell you!

    Second, sub 25- heck yeah chica!!!!! No problem - you've got this fo' sure!

    Third, I have been running/racing since the fall of 2009 and you've made an awesome point - HOW.MUCH.HAVE.WE.LEARNED! It's amazing! It's a wonder I could even get my shoes on back then!!! HA!

    Fourth - kick butt in this weekends race, and most importantly, have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about having fun first and foremost! Good luck, girl!

    Fifth - try to avoid a mental breakdown during this run - bad advertising!

  8. I just found your blog. :)
    Good luck on your run!
    And congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

  9. so . . . how did you do? How was it? Leavin' us hangin' here :) Hope your weekend has been awesome!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)