
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Three Things Thursday: Freak Out Edition

1.  I’m sitting here eating my cap’n crunch and freaking out!!!  I’m running the Capital City Half Marathon.  My second half marathon is this Saturday!!  As in 2 more sleeps from now!!!  I’m so not ready for this lol… I’ll be running it for “fun” but that's gonna be difficult for me not trying to PR lol… but I know for a fact that I haven’t put in the training or the effort so it may even consist of some walking on Saturday! ;)

Also, I’m now going to Columbus by myself and probably running by myself… long story… I may or may not post it later… we’ll see…

2.  NOW  I’m freaking out because I just said out loud “MY WEDDING IS NEXT MONTH!!!”  EEK!!  I’m so not ready for that either!! lol… I mean I AM ready for it to be here so that I can marry my best friend and never have to say goodnight at the door again lol…. but i have so much stuff to do and a lot of stuff to pay for still and I’m kinda freaking out about that now too cuz tuition is due around the same time for both of us as is all the wedding fees and service fees  (we’re both taking summer quarter classes)

3.  AND now I’m just freaking out in general and I’m gonna rename this post “the freak out edition”   some one please tell me to stop freaking out!! lol…  If, by the time I get home from work tonight, I’m done freaking out… I’ll try to type up my race recaps for you all lol… Hope you all have a great, non-freak out, day!!


  1. Why are you probably running alone?

    You will be ok, there will be a ton of bands on the course and it will help take your mind off of things. And people watching, and looking at all the clothes on the side of the road and how ugly those clothes are.

  2. Stop freaking out! ;) You'll be fine. :)

  3. Deep breath. Long exhale. Repeat after me: Everything is going to be alright. :)

  4. ENJOY the day! That is key.
    (same with the wedding :) )

  5. I know the stresses of planning a wedding - but try not to stress over all of it. In the end you leave married to your best friend and that's the point of the day anyhow!! Everything else will work out perfectly and what's not perfect will lead to wonderful memories for years to come!!! Good luck on the upcoming race this weekend!

  6. Good luck - you're going to do great! Just relax and enjoy the experience. :)


    Pull yourself together, woman!!!!


    You've definitely got a lot going on, but you're gonna be juuuuuuust fiiiiiiine. :)

  8. Lock it up girl! You will be fine!! No more freaking out!

  9. Good luck! You're going to do great!

  10. The race, the wedding, everything is going to be super awesome... So there is no need to freak out! :) Just enjoy it!

  11. It's OK to freak out a little, as long as it's super excitement freakoutastic! Soak up the excitement while it'll be here before you know it :)


  12. Stand still - look at me girl - SLAP!!! Find your zen - find your inner peace - find your mojo and go with it girl. Use the race to think through some of the things in your life and come to some peace about them. Your race and your wedding are actually very similar. Both can be extremely complicated but both really boil down to very simple end points - your wedding: you are going to say "I do" to your best friend the man you love. That's all - the rest is fluff. With your race, it's really all about putting one foot in front of the other and crossing the finish line. Period. How fast you run, how much you walk, how "great" you do it - it's all fluff. It's really just about one foot in front of the other.
    Come on girl - focus, you got this!!! Deep breath - repeat . . . and keep repeating!!!! One step at a time - keep an eye on the goal!

  13. NEXT MONTH!!! Oh my gosh - even my tummy just did a little freak out for you!

    I cannot wait to see your pictures. I bet you that even I, Miss I-Don't-Need-to-be-Married-Again, will get choked up at the sight of you in your dress!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)