
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blogger Facebooking? Your Opinion…



If you’ve been in the blogworld for very long at all,  you may have noticed that a lot of bloggers (seemingly most of the ones with A LOT of followers) have a facebook page for their blog. 

Do you have a facebook page for your blog?

Why or why not?

What are some of the benefits of having a facebook page for your blog?

Do you think I should get a facebook page for my blog?
(I’m thinking about it… that’s why all the questions, if you haven’t figure it out by now)   ;)


  1. No, I do not have a blog page, I have blog profile, with a page, you can not see the "status" of your likes, I dont follow any facebook blog pages either, its a little over kill

  2. I don't have a Facebook for me personally or for my blog. Someone mentioned it to me recently, and I, like you, am also considering it. I have much more of my personal network on Facebook than Twitter, and I'd probably get a few more reads, but I wonder if it would be the running audience I want to reach, or just casual people wanting to see what I'm up to. I'm still on the fence.

  3. I have one for the blog and I like that I can connect a little more often and personally with people who follow it. Sometimes if I have something funny to share or a question to ask, without fail I get instantaneous feedback without having to draft an entire post. I think in the end it's a personal preference, it's def not for everyone. I do like however that I can keep my personal account and fan page separated because then I can share all my running related nonsense there without driving all my IRL friends/family insane with it and instead it goes out to those who want to read about it, like my readers.

  4. I have one...but its under-used. I connect with people more on twitter. If I had to do it again...I'd skip FB

  5. I have one, not sure that I use it as much as I could, but I do use it and find things on there that I would have otherwise missed. SO far it is twitter that I have a harder time keeping up with. Seems like so much work. I don't know that it is necessary but I do have some friends that keep up with me that way.

  6. I don't have one, mainly because I don't do many giveaways or product reviews so there's not much news breaking content on my blog. It would feel weird to me to promote myself. If people want to be my regular facebook friend I have no problem with that.

  7. I have one, just bc it seemed like the thing to do, but I mainly use it to notify people I have a new post up!

  8. I have one, and it seems that I get a lot more blog views thanks to it. Plus, it doesn't take much time--I just check it once a day, link up the day's post, and I'm done. It seems to me that Twitter would take much more time!

  9. I have one, just on the off chance I might attract some new viewers, but primarily to share items that don't make it into the blog.

  10. I don't really see the point in having a FB page for MY blog. That seems way too time consuming and necessary for me. I know some people like having the FB page, but I'm not one of them. I don't follow any blogs on Facebook. Why follow the same thing in two places? I'm Facebook friends with a few bloggers I like so that we can share other parts of lives.

  11. I don't have one. I "like" some blogs that have facebook pages, and sometimes it does jump out at me to go click on a certain blog that I may not have yet gotten to in my reader.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)