
Wednesday, October 12, 2011



Yep, it happened… inevitably… I have something big going on this weekend and i get SICK!!

Sneezing and sniffling non-stop, coughing, headache…

I’ve been popping Tylenol and Vitamin C like they’re candy
and drinking Emergen-C like it’s water!


How could this happen!?

ooo… I know!! Maybe it has something to do with ramping up my mileage by… A LOT… and not eating my fruits and veggies and going to bed around midnight thanks to the college life…

I haven’t run at all this week… which is ok i guess, since i am tapering and all…

I guess I’ll just have to add tissues to the list of things to take with me Sunday morning! lol…
I really can’t wait for the Columbus Marathon! My first full… it’s going to be amazing!! :)
I’m sure you’ll hear more about it in the next couple days as it’s THIS weekend!!
(my how time flies!)


  1. good luck and get better!

  2. Good luck with it! It's your first so I'm guessing you're just aiming to complete it, but I hope you feel better.

    Amy Lauren

  3. Hope you get better before then! Good luck and have fun! :)

  4. I feel like this is a trend, first timers, even repeat marathoners, getting sick in the week leading up to the race. The weeks and months of physical strain all come to head and make taper a dangerous beast. Rest, rest, rest, lots of fluids, and medicate yourself up! You're going to do this and nothing, especially some stupid cold, is going to stop you from crossing that finish line!!!

  5. If it makes you feel any better - you're not alone. "C" and "L" (my 2 training partners) are both sick too! BOOO to the germ bugs! Hope you get a lot of rest and feel better quickly!!!!

  6. oh not good! I hope you get to feeling better by Sunday! I hate getting sick! I got sick the week before my last half marathon but by race day I was feeling great and PRd, hopefully this will be your luck too!

  7. so sorry you are not well.
    you have time to get better
    drink BRAGGS ACV in water
    it is nasty but it works
    good luck

  8. Heal up! I am hopefully on the last leg of a cold. Eating ColdFx like it is candy right now...

  9. You'll be okay. I'm usually okay running with a cold. You probably won't be 100%, but you'll be able to do it!

  10. you will be fine by the weekend i am sure. but i am with you. been sick the past two days too. i think we all get sick at this point somehow. rest up!!! we will make it. i know u will rock it.

  11. Ahh I really hope it goes away for the weekend! You lucked out though. It's better for it to come during tapering week. Just make sure you get enough sleep over the next couple of days! Your first full - that's so exciting!

  12. Feel better! I hope you will be better in plenty of time for your marathon!

  13. This happened to me before Chicago! 2 DAYS before the marathon I woke up with a sore throat. Although my endorphins and such over came my cold during the race. I hope the same happens for you! Although now I feel like my heads going to pop, but thats ok the hard parts over! GOOD LUCK on your race!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)