
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekly Roundup: April 9 – 15

**I completely missed the week of April 2 – 8 but all I did was a 35 minute trainer bike ride on April 2nd.

Monday:  40 minute trainer bike ride
Tuesday:  50 minute Weights (30 Day Shred/upper & lower body); 10 minute Bike
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday:  Rest
Friday:  Rest 
Saturday:  5min Bike; Weights (2x 5-curls 5-side curls 5-overhead press 5-hammer curls w/10lbs), 10-Bench Press w/45lbs, 1x5555, 10-Bench Press, 1x5555; 2 miles in 20:54; 20 minute Bike
Sunday(4/1):  ~1hr of softball practice with hubby :)
**Stretched and foam rolled each day I worked out

Total for Week = 2 miles             Bike for Week = 1hr 15min
Total for Month =  2 miles           Bike for Month = 1hr 50min
Total for Year =  72.81 miles       Bike for Year = 1hr 50min

*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January  12.6 miles                                                       2011  329.45 miles
February   13.02 miles
March   42.19 miles
April   2 miles

 Last Weekly Roundup

Knee Pain

My knee has been hurting lately and I can’t figure it out… it’s been hurting for the past month and my workout streak 2 weeks ago didn’t help any so I decided to take some time off from running and tried to ride a Bike on a trainer for some cardio instead even though I have a half marathon coming up on May 5th.  I actually enjoyed the bike and think that as soon as I can get my knee feeling a little better and get back to running again, I will keep it as part of my Cross Training routine! :)


Blog Posts From The Week

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Registered Races
5/5/12 – Cap City Half Marathon
10/21/12 – Columbus Marathon


  1. Praying your knee pain goes away soon!

  2. I'd try using a compression sleeve. You bike so I don't think it's what I have. Just ice it and take it easy :)

  3. Hope your knee pain is going away - two weeks until Capital City Half, woo-hoo!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)