
Monday, January 28, 2013

Woopsie Daisy…

Well… Didn’t quite work out this weekend, I was too exhausted and after doing all my house chores and homework on Saturday I just felt like coming home after church and being lazy, laying in bed watching TV on Sunday!

I did make up for it with a treadmill run that started out at a speed of 5.7 (remember getting BACK into shape so starting out slow, bleh!) and ending my 2 miles out at a speed of 7.2 for a very SHORT amount of time lol)… Some days I just can’t stand running inside and today was one of those days… it was in the 50’s! After a whole week of starting the day out with negative temps due to wind chill, that’s just heavenly! ;)  BUT, I needed to make it a quick run after work so I could finish some reading and homework for tomorrow’s class, so treadmill it was! 

I just wanted to write a quick post to keep you all up to date on my lame and seldom workouts ;)  I do have to say though, that I am doing a much better job of fitting in at least 1-2 runs every week even though I’m still just as busy with work, school, homework, and an internship… whew!  *here’s to running at least 1 mile every month!* ;)  I should probably raise my standards and make my goal “at least 2 miles every week*

Just an FYI:  My computer’s network card has died… so I haven’t been on the internet as often as I’d like as it’s way to inconvenient now.  Plus, I have no idea how to fix the problem without spending money for the part and money for someone to fix it for me, so fixing the problem is going to have to wait and that means once again, I am not as involved in the blogosphere as I’d like to be :(

funny-computer-crashFound on Google

I’m off to bed, I have a 13 hour long day tomorrow with my internship,
class, and driving time…  DON’T FORGET to sign up for the
2nd Annual Valentine’s Day Card Swap!! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 Valentine’s Day Card Swap


Welcome to the 2nd Annual Valentine’s Day Card Swap!! :)  This will be setup like the Christmas Card Swap so, Depending on how many people sign up, I will divide you all into groups of about 5 or more people.  You will send a Valentine’s card to all the people in your group, and will be receiving cards from the people in your group.  Let’s say you are put in a group with X,Y,Z…  You will send cards to X, Y, and Z and will receive a card from X, Y, and Z.  Make sense?!

Your cards can be store bought or handmade and you can feel free to add a little something to the card like your favorite running quote, running advice, candy, a sticker, a note of encouragement, recipe, or a funny note, or you can just send the card… Whatever you want to do is PERFECT!  Just don’t be sending pairs of running shoes, an Ipod, or a free entry to Boston (unless you’re sending it to me)  ;)  We want to keep this cheap so everyone can join and doesn’t feel bad for just sending a card!   :)

After everyone is put into their groups I will be sending out an email including your group members ONLY with their blog links (so you can get to know them if you don’t already) and addresses so that there’s still a bit of privacy and everyone’s addresses aren’t out there floating around on the internet somewhere!  Safety people!!  :D   The groups will be picked by so we keep things mixed up!

I will be adding people to a list at the bottom of this page as they sign up…  So, if you sign up and for some reason, do not see your name on the list after a couple days… just shoot me an email and we’ll get it taken care of!

If you can think of anything that I may have left out, let me know!  Let’s get this PARTY STARTED!!!  You are welcome to invite your friends!  All are welcome! :)  Feel free to put the logo on your blog and link it back to this page as an invite to other bloggers! AND YES, international bloggers are welcome to join as well as those without blogs… Dailymilers, Facebookers, or Twitterers can join too!!! ;)

2013 Valentine's Card Swap Logo

How to sign up:

Send an email to with the subject “2013 Valentine’s Card Swap”.  Copy and paste the below form into the email and answer the questions before you hit ‘send’:

Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Blog Title and URL
: (or link to your twitter, dailymile, or facebook if you dont have a blog)
Introduce yourself in a couple sentences:  (so that others in your group can get to know you)
Additional Information:  (if you feel you can only send to 1, 2, or 3 people instead of 5 or more, its totally cool!! OR if you are willing to send a card internationally or not!  Just let me know!)

**Come back to this page and just post a quick comment stating that you’re in so that I can cross reference and double check entrants. That’s it…  So easy a caveman could do it!   ;)

(Basically if you sign up before I wake up February 4th , you’re golden!)


Sign ups OPEN January 20th – February 3rd
Sign ups Close  February 3rd @ 11:59 pm
Partners Emailed  February 3rd – February 5th
Cards need to be sent by February 9th


People who are IN LIKE FLYNN!

Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Whitney from Running With Whit
Kim from Barking Mad About Running
Ruby from My World in Pictures
Julie from ROJ Running

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Really?! On the first day?!


This traffic sign should have been posted yesterday!  Yesterday was the first day of Spring Semester which means new classes and a new internship…  while I was getting ready for my first day of my new internship, I saw that the route I take to get there is closed due to a 4-car wreck.  My poor hubby on his day off was woken up early to see if he knew an alternate route I could take… even though he was more asleep than awake, he was very helpful!  I only ended up being about 5 minutes late … ON MY FIRST DAY!  Thankfully the people I’m working with are super sweet and understanding and when I text my supervising interpreter the situation she replied with a kind “don’t rush! Take your time and be safe! :)” 

Other than the traffic to start off the day, the rest of the day went well!  I think I’m really going to enjoy this interpreting internship!  Class also went well… but I think I’ve been hit with the “almost-done bug”! haha!  I just want to be done!  2 classes and my internship for 4 months is all that stands between me and my 2nd college degree!  I’m super excited and can’t wait to finally have the job of my dreams and get on with the rest of my life!!

In running news, I got to run for the first time this year this past Saturday!  The weather was a beautiful 57* when I started and 64* when I ended!  It was the first time I’ve run outside in a while and it felt so good to get outside and sweat it out! :)  I only went about 2.6 miles… but baby steps people! ;)  Getting BACK into shape after being there for a while kinda sucks like a vacuum cleaner… I know some of you said you were in the same boat either because you got injured or because life got in the way  (like me) so how are all of you progressing in the “back into shape” venture?

I hope you all are having a great week so far!! I’m hoping to have the Valentine’s Card Swap up and running by the weekend!!  So stay tuned! ;)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Spy on my Nightstand…

They say you can tell a lot about someone by what they have on their nightstand… what do you think?  If that’s true, what can you deduce about me from this picture of my nightstand?

What’s on your nightstand?


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012 and Welcoming in 2013!

For me, 2012 wasn’t really the year that I had planned in my head when January 1st came around last year.  But, it’s life and you’ve got to learn at some point that things don’t always go the way you planned.  But I do believe that everything happens for a reason!! :)  2012 for me, was a stressful, chaotic year.  School and internships, on top of work and family and more schoolwork.  It all led to getting sick numerous times and not having much time or energy to do much else but eat and sleep when I got home.  2012 was a year of the motto “exercise as little as possible” lol… 

January 12.6 miles                                                       2011 329.45 miles
February 16.02 miles                                                    2012 178.67 miles
March 42.19 miles
April 25.7 miles
May 19.41 miles
June 12.15 miles
July 11.68 miles
August 22.55 miles
September  0 miles
October 0 miles
November 3 miles
December 13.37 miles

In good fashion, I ended up ushering out 2012 by getting sick Christmas night and taking flu medicine and going to bed early on New Year’s Eve! ha!

Now that it’s the first day of 2013, I am starting to feel better, still weak and tired, but getting there!  I do have a few goals for this bright new clean slate of a year! :)  As you can see from my monthly running log of 2012, there were a couple months where I ran ZERO miles… that’s going to change….  AND like everyone’s always telling you, goals need to be realistic and attainable…. so with that, my goals for 2013:

Goal #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month!
Goal #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!
Goal #3:  Finish all the WIPs (works in progress) I have on my knitting needles and make something for myself this year! :)  (currently sitting at 5 WIPs)


What are some of your 2013 Goals?