
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goodbye 2012 and Welcoming in 2013!

For me, 2012 wasn’t really the year that I had planned in my head when January 1st came around last year.  But, it’s life and you’ve got to learn at some point that things don’t always go the way you planned.  But I do believe that everything happens for a reason!! :)  2012 for me, was a stressful, chaotic year.  School and internships, on top of work and family and more schoolwork.  It all led to getting sick numerous times and not having much time or energy to do much else but eat and sleep when I got home.  2012 was a year of the motto “exercise as little as possible” lol… 

January 12.6 miles                                                       2011 329.45 miles
February 16.02 miles                                                    2012 178.67 miles
March 42.19 miles
April 25.7 miles
May 19.41 miles
June 12.15 miles
July 11.68 miles
August 22.55 miles
September  0 miles
October 0 miles
November 3 miles
December 13.37 miles

In good fashion, I ended up ushering out 2012 by getting sick Christmas night and taking flu medicine and going to bed early on New Year’s Eve! ha!

Now that it’s the first day of 2013, I am starting to feel better, still weak and tired, but getting there!  I do have a few goals for this bright new clean slate of a year! :)  As you can see from my monthly running log of 2012, there were a couple months where I ran ZERO miles… that’s going to change….  AND like everyone’s always telling you, goals need to be realistic and attainable…. so with that, my goals for 2013:

Goal #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month!
Goal #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!
Goal #3:  Finish all the WIPs (works in progress) I have on my knitting needles and make something for myself this year! :)  (currently sitting at 5 WIPs)


What are some of your 2013 Goals?



  1. ah I'm sorry to hear you were sick. Here's to a healthy , happy and loving 2013 for you!

  2. My running didn't turn out all that well for 2012 either, but I figure its a New Year and I'll do what I can. Happy New Year!!

  3. Hope you continue to feel better. I hate that 2012 wasn't the best year for you.

  4. HAppy NEw Year!!! I like the frest start of a new year! This year my main goal is to enjoy the moment. Many changes (good ones) are comin up and I want to have fun!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)