
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Goals Update: March 2013

Remember my very first post of the year?  WAYYY back in January?!  Of course you don’t … ok, for those of you who can’t even remember what you ate last night for dinner (including me)  Let’s recap.   I talked about how 2012 wasn’t the best of years especially running/staying in shape-wise and set 3 attainable goals for 2013.  

Goal #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month!
Goal #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!
Goal #3:  Finish all the WIPs (works in progress) I have on my knitting needles/crochet hooks and make something for myself this year! :)  (currently sitting at 5 WIPs)

Let’s keep the standard high right? haha… well I’ve decided that related to my running goal (#1)  I’m going to change it to :  Run at least 1 mile every week.   Still attainable (I’ve done good so far)  and a little bit of a higher standard to hold me accountable! ;)

GOAL #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month week!

                ~By the end of March I had run at least 2 miles every week (Except the first week
                  in January when I was sick) with a total of 43.64 miles for the year.  Which means
                  on average I ran 3.35 miles per week.   - GOOD SO FAR

GOAL #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!

                ~So far so good… I’m taking the last 2 classes I need and am at my last
                  internship required.  Currently I have A’s in both classes (trying to keep it that
                  way).  As far as the job part I am attending a job fair before graduation and have
                  started networking through my internship.  - IN PROGRESS (33 DAYS LEFT) 

GOAL #3:  Finish all the WIPs (Works in Progress) I have on my knitting needles/crochet hooks (5 WIPS) and make something for myself this year! :)  - 4/6 COMPLETE

~Make something for myself this year “Honey Cowl” – COMPLETE 2/11/13


~ WIP #1:  “What a Hoot Scarf” – COMPLETE 1/5/13


~ WIP #2:  “Owl Vest for Bryce” – COMPLETE 3/8/13


~ WIP #3:  “Snowmen Ornaments” – COMPLETE 3/31/13

*These have been sitting around for a while (2008), they were my first crochet projects ever lol… since then I’ve crocheted at least 14 other things before finishing these lol… whoops!

crochet pieces of snowman 12-20-08DSC04416

~ WIP #4:  “Hannah’s Flower Power Rug” – IN PROGRESS


~WIP #5:  “Valentine Doily”



  1. great job on your goals. Sometimes we need to look at what our goals are and where we that you adjusted your goals too :) Keep up the great work@!

  2. LOVE the Hoot scarf!! And great job on the A's :)

  3. loving the owls! looks like you've been on a roll with those goals and are going to have to update them again soon =]

    1. I was thinking the same thing!! Update come the end of April maybe?? We shall see! :)

  4. Wow, you are really good at knitting and crocheting! That sweater is adorable! Is the pattern online for your Valentine's doily? I want to try that one.

    1. Thanks for the compliment!! I enjoy doing it! It's fun and relaxing!! :) The pattern is indeed online... you can find it here:
      I think I may have to restart it cuz I have no clue where I left off! lol

  5. you're a knitting machine! I have a scarf in progress and I think I'm not going to be able to remember where I left off. :-(

    1. Remembering where you left off after going back to a project is always the hardest part!! I've been working on making good project notes so I know exactly where to pick it back up!!

  6. You are doing great on your goals! Oh and you are soo creative! Love all the projects you are working on!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)