
Friday, May 31, 2013

Five Randoms For Friday

First of all… You may notice that my blog has changed and is in disorder… I’m going through a phase where I want to change my blog… I don’t know how long this phase will last but I’ll let you know when I’m finished and my blog is finite! ;)

Also this blog post is a part of the Running Bloggers Fitness Friday Linkup.  You can find their badge on my left sidebar… Now on with my Five for Friday…

1. It’s been nice out and now that I don’t have homework keeping me inside I get to play outside in the sun! :)  Which means I get to start  “Plankin’ it up outside”

plankin it up outsideOMG! Look at that skill!! ;)  Don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you I can’t multi-task! 
I’m planking and taking a picture at the same time!! ;)  #PROOF

2. I’ve won a couple giveaways in the past couple months:  A Nathan Handheld with Nuun, a Twetebird Headband, a Color Me Rad 5k Entry, and KT Tape… I’m one LUCKY Runner ;) tehe!

I won lately May 31, 2013

3. Speaking of headbands… I got my Boston Strong BicBand headband and it rocks… These were sold to raise money for the One Fund, the official Boston Charity (you can read more HERE) … Guess how much money was raised up til I got mine in the mail … OVER $16,000!!

DSC04581 DSC04571
Runners are a special breed… for more than one reason! ;) This looks like a mug shot…
also, I spy with my little eye.. a bottle of NUUN! ;)

4. Does anyone have any Memorial Day race recaps you’d like to share?  Apparently everyone is super busy this week because no one has joined the Race Recap Roundup #linkup Par-TAY!  Get going and linkup your race reports already!!  jeesh! ;)  (It doesn’t have to be a Memorial Day race… just sayin’)


5. LAST but certainly not least… Don’t forget to enter for the chance to win a 1-month subscription to Bestowed! The box is full of wonderful goodies!  CLICK HERE (or the image)
to enter!! Ends 6/8!

bestowed giveaway picture


When’s the last time you changed your blog?
   - Currently ;)

Have you planked anywhere other than a gym/your house?
   - Outside :)

Did you buy a Boston Strong Bic Band?
   - yeppers!

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Awesome planking/photo skills!! Happy Fitness Friday Linkup. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! :) I keep telling people I can multitask but they don't believe me! ;)
      Heading to your blog now! :)

  2. Can't wait to see your blog all finished!! Mine just got a make-over a few weeks ago and I love it! Happy Friday link-up!!

    1. Thanks! :) I can't wait either! lol... I'm loving it so far though!
      AND I love yours too!! But I already told you that! ;)

  3. I can't plank much less plank and take a photo! You're a beast!

  4. Haha wow you really are one lucky runner to win that many giveaways good job! Maybe by commenting a little bit of your luck will rub off on me lol

    1. haha... perhaps! ;) You'll have to let me know if it works and then I can be your Luck Fairy! ;)

  5. Wow, you are a lucky runner! I keep entering, but I haven't won anything yet. Does this make me an un-lucky runner? ;)

    1. nah... You'll win something if you just keep entering! :)

  6. Planking while taking a photo - I see a new internet craze on the way.

    1. hmm... Char, I think you're on to something! Maybe a "Plankin' it up self portrait linkup" is in the near future here on Runner's Luck! ;)

  7. Ugh, blog changes are so torturous! I wish I knew more about programming and stuff like that so I could make mine super cool!

    1. They really are! lol... I wish I knew more too! The most I have is knowing how to center things and make pictures with links! haha! ;) Thanks for your help! :)

  8. I need to plank more. My once a week planking isn't helping. ugh.

    1. Get to it!! ;) There are plenty of #plankaday challenges going around the web lately! Find one that's fun and plank-away! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)