
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Goals Update: April 2013

Remember my very first post of the year?  WAYYY back in January?!  Of course you don’t … ok, for those of you who can’t even remember what you ate last night for dinner (including me)  Let’s recap.   I talked about how 2012 wasn’t the best of years especially running/staying in shape-wise and set 3 attainable goals for 2013. 

Goal #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month!
Goal #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!
Goal #3:  Finish all the WIPs (works in progress) I have on my knitting needles/crochet hooks and make something for myself this year! :)  (currently sitting at 5 WIPs)

In my March Recap, I changed my first goal to :  Run at least 1 mile every week.

Well… I’m changing it again to “At the end of each month, average 1 mile per week AND get rid of knee pain”  This means that I don’t necessarily have to run 1 mile every week, as long as I average the 1 mile per week (or 4/5 miles a month) … certainly attainable right?  My first priority is my knee though and not mileage…

GOAL #1:  Run at least 1 mile every month week!  At the end of each month, average 1 mile per week AND get rid of knee pain

                ~By the end of April I had run at least 2 miles every week (Except the first week 
                  in January when I was sick) with a total of 69.57 miles for the year.  Which means 
                  on average I ran 4.09 miles per week.   - GOOD SO FAR

GOAL #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by mid-June!

                ~So far so good… I’m taking the last 2 classes I need and am at my last 
                  internship required.  Currently I have A’s in both classes (trying to keep it that 
                  way).  As far as the job part I am attending a job fair before graduation and have 
                  started networking through my internship.  - IN PROGRESS 

GOAL #3:  Finish all the WIPs (Works in Progress) I have on my knitting needles/crochet hooks (5 WIPS) and make something for myself this year! :)  - 4/6 COMPLETE

~Make something for myself this year “Honey Cowl” – COMPLETE 2/11/13


~ WIP #1:  “What a Hoot Scarf” – COMPLETE 1/5/13


~ WIP #2:  “Owl Vest for Bryce” – COMPLETE 3/8/13


~ WIP #3:  “Snowmen Ornaments” – COMPLETE 3/31/13

*These have been sitting around for a while (2008), they were my first crochet projects ever lol… since then I’ve crocheted at least 14 other things before finishing these lol… whoops!

crochet pieces of snowman 12-20-08DSC04416

~ WIP #4:  “Hannah’s Flower Power Rug” – IN PROGRESS


~WIP #5:  “Valentine Doily”



What are your goals for 2013?

What are your goals for this this month?

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