
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Worst Runbassador Ever…and a Winner!!

As a #Runbassador I feel like a failure tonight because I totally missed out on #RunChat!  Total FAIL!


I completely was going to join in on the fun… see… #PROOF:


But then I got sidetracked by family stuff… family totally takes priority… I completely understand if my high elite status as Runbassador gets revoked though… ;)
Anyways… I’m sure I’m not the only one that missed #RunChat tonight… so for your sake… and mine… here are the questions with my answers! Feel free to join in by commenting with your answers below this post!!


Q1: What do you do consistently to help keep your legs fresh? (foam roll, compression, ice bath?)
A1: I stretch, foam roll, use a stick, and compress!!

Q2: Okay, if you were stranded on an island, what 3 items of running gear would you have with you?
A2: My Ipod, Garmin, and Nuun!! Gotta stay hydrated! I wouldn't need shoes... I'd become a barefoot runner! ;)

Q3: What's your favorite cross training activity? How often do you do it?
A3: At the moment... I like Jackie Warner's 30 Day Fast Start and I do it 2-3 times a week.

Q4: What's your highest weekly mileage for a half or marathon? How many days are non-running days?
A4: I haven't trained for one in a few years... but lets just say... not enough and too many ;)

Q5: Thanks to @110playharder for sponsoring ‪#‎runchat‬. What running products are still unknown to you that you want to try?
A5: Vibram Five Fingers... and Injinji socks... I think the socks would cut down on blisters and lost toenails and the V5Fs just look fun ;)

#Runchat Brag: I became a Fit Approach‪ #‎SweatPinkAmbassador‬!! So excited to join an awesome community!!

What are your answers to tonight’s RunChat?

What’s your brag from this week? (PR? Planked Everyday?..)


The FrogFuel Giveaway Winner is…



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Whoopsy Daisy, Sweat Pink Ambassador, and My Big 2-6! :)

Ok… a lot… A LOT has been going on in my life and I feel like I should share!! I think this is going to be done in list format… here we go!!!


A couple days ago I got an exciting email!!  If you follow me on Instagram you may have already seen this news… You’re looking at a new SPA sister!!  That’s right… I am now a Sweat Pink Ambassador!!  (Pink Shoelaces are on their way with pics to follow!!) ;) I’m excited to be a part of this awesome community! :)



One of my readers messaged me and told me that that they were trying to add their Race Report and couldn’t because the #linkup was closed!! Whoops!  Sorry about that!  We are now open for business and you can linkup as many Race Recaps/Reports as you want from the month of July!! #nolimits I will also leave up your links for all of August too because I feel bad! ;)  Get to linking up!! :)



I went from feeling like a bum with no jobs after graduation in May and like I could blog several times a day if I wanted to because I had nothing else to do… to feeling like I had no time again because I am now employed and have 4 separate different jobs!  I posted about it here in a blog post that you can read if you want.  Currently I am only working 2 jobs but starting mid-August I will be working all 4!! Here are my 4 jobs and my fall schedule:

  1. Restaurant Job (Nights and Weekends)
    [I asked for an old job back when I was jobless… read about it HERE]
  2. ASL Interpreter (On Call 24/7)
    [I signed up with one agency… hopefully more in the future!!]
  3. Preschool Educational Aide (Monday through Thursdays)
    [Job I was doing in May… now full-time tho!]
  4. Substitute Teacher (Fridays)
    [I can now sub for any interpreters in the area as well as teachers!!]

We’ll see how long I can keep this schedule up come fall, but I’d rather work as much as possible now while my family consists of two people instead of working and being gone all the time when we start having little additions join our family…
if you know what I mean! ;)


You have 11 hours left to enter my FrogFuel giveaway!! Entries are really low so you have a really good chance of winning so ENTER NOW!!



I have been really… I mean REALLY resting it up these days… the only working out I’ve done in July is being on my feet and walking back and forth really fast making food at work! lol… and bicep curls with the ice buckets when I fill the pop machines… does that count?? :-P
Really tho… I feel like I’ve given my knee a fair amount of rest time and it’s time to get legit and start working out again!  I’m not talking straight up running 10 miles tomorrow!! Calm down people… ;)  I want to be smart about this so my knee pain doesn’t come back
which means I’ll start slow with walking for warmups and cooldowns and working on building up and balancing out the muscles that are heavily relied on while running… among other muscles too… and heavily foam rolling/sticking/ and stretching!  Also… making use of the elliptical and bike!
Hopefully after starting out slow, it won’t be long before I get back to running!! :)  I truly miss it and can’t wait to get back out there and hit the pavement pain free!!


Last but not least… I turned 26 on July 14th!  Crazy how time flies!!  It was a great day filled with fun, laughter, and love! :)  My day started out with presents and then church:


After church… we went to my favorite restaurant… Red Lobster… of course my husband told them it was my birthday when we ordered dessert so they put a candle on top and a group of about 8 employees came out to sing to me… half way through the song, the whole room was singing to me and my face was bright red!! lol… people were paying their tabs and leaving and saying happy birthday when they walked by for the next 15 minutes! I felt like a celebrity!!


Then typically my mom makes me a hoho cake (recipe here) which is chocolate cake with vanilla cream filling and chocolate icing on top!!  Delicious!!  But alas, this year it was just my husband and I on my birthday and he decided to make me a ho ho cake… recipe pending! ;)


Gotta love him!! It was a fantastic birthday!!



Do you have any “Randoms” to share?

What kind of cake do you usually have on your birthday?

Are you recovering from an injury or still going strong?

#WW: Uh Oh… Guess What Day It Is!!


I hope your Wednesday goes well!! What have you got planned??  Workout? Run? Rest?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

FrogFuel Performance Review And Giveaway


The people over at FrogFuel Performance contacted me and asked if I would do a review.  I told them I indeed would because I think that this product is something you all would like!! They also have an app as you can see in the picture above!  If you click on it it’ll take you to the app which includes:

What Is Your Fuel Level? QUIZ! You know that unstoppable feeling you get 15 minutes into a workout? The adrenaline rush when you push through, dig deeper, touch the bottom of the ocean floor and reach the top of the mountain? Yeah, that’s your Fuel Level! Take the quiz to discover your Fuel Level! (I got a “Free Spirit” when I took the quiz… see what you get!)

7 Untouchable FrogFuel Workouts! – Use these 7 amazing workouts to help you get mean & lean for the summer!

FrogFuel Fitspiration – Stay motivated and share Fitspiration on your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

frogfuelapp2 frogfuelapp3 frogfuelapp4


What I really like about FrogFuel is that it was developed by 2 Navy Seals!! How cool is that?! FrogFuel’s Slogan is “Everything you need, Nothing you don’t”… No need to put anything in your body that it won’t use!  Here is a video about the science behind FrogFuel:


Here is some info about the protein shot.  One thing I will warn you about is that it tastes a tad bitter, so don’t expect anything super sweet AND it is indeed liquid not gel:



The cool thing is that FrogFuel is giving away some samples to one of my readers! :)  Awesome!! All you have to do is use the Rafflecopter Form below! :)  Good luck! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway



* Giveaway Rules:    ~ Giveaway will run from 7/18/13 through 7/24/13
                               ~ A winner will be chosen through Rafflecopter and will be notified via email by 7/26/13
                               ~ The winner must respond 72 hours after they are notified or winnings will be forfeited 
                               ~ Must be 18 years of age or older to enter or meet requirements of your state
                               ~ I was given a sample for free to test out but all opinions are my own

Monday, July 15, 2013

Goals Update: June 2013

Alrighty… Happy July everyone!  Time for another goal update for the month of June!! But first… Don’t forget to enter your race recaps on the Race Recap Roundup #linkup!!



GOAL #1:  Get rid of my knee pain and average 4 miles a month

                ~Not sure how many miles I actually ran in June… not a lot… but I will say even with
                  the total of last month, I would still be averaging about 12 miles a month right now…
                  I took a lot… A LOT… of rest days to try to rest up and heal my knee because my
                  main goal is to rid myself of my knee pain  - GOOD SO FAR

GOAL #2:  Graduate in May and land at least a part time interpreting job by June!

                ~I graduated May 10th!! :)  I signed up with an agency and had my first assignment
                  the last week of June!! :)  for all intents and purposed I’ve 100% accomplished
                  this goal!! I’m still looking to sign on as a contract interpreter with more agencies
                  though!! :)  - ACCOMPLISHED!! 100% COMPLETE!


GOAL #3:  Finish all the WIPs (Works in Progress) I have on my knitting needles/crochet hooks (5 WIPS) and make something for myself this year! :)  - 4/6 COMPLETE

~Make something for myself this year “Honey Cowl” – COMPLETE 2/11/13


~ WIP #1:  “What a Hoot Scarf” – COMPLETE 1/5/13


~ WIP #2:  “Owl Vest for Bryce” – COMPLETE 3/8/13


~ WIP #3:  “Snowmen Ornaments” – COMPLETE 3/31/13

*These have been sitting around for a while (2008), they were my first crochet projects ever lol… since then I’ve crocheted at least 14 other things before finishing these lol… whoops!

crochet pieces of snowman 12-20-08DSC04416

~ WIP #4:  “Hannah’s Flower Power Rug” – IN PROGRESS


~WIP #5:  “Valentine Doily”



Past Goals Updates:

March 2013
April 2013
May 2013


What are your goals for 2013?

What are your goals for this this month?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Zensah Compression Sock Winners!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered my Zensah Compression Socks giveaway!!  If it were up to me you all would receive a pair, but unfortunately we can only have 3 winners…

So without further ado, here are the three winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 5, 2013

Wazzzupppp?!? (and loving life!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!! :)

Life has been crazy busy as of lately and I just want to share about it because I feel so blessed!

So why haven’t I been around much lately?

I went from working ZERO (0) jobs to getting a job.. or two… and actually working three separate jobs last Thursday!  Now this isn’t an every day occurrence, but last Thursday I subbed for a preschool teacher working a summer program, went straight to working at a restaurant (same I used to work at before becoming a substitute teacher), and then came home for about 2 hours to be called in to my very first interpreting assignment!!

It was a tiring day but I feel so blessed from all the opportunities that God has provided me so far after graduating May 10th!  I guess you could say I’ve been lucky as defined by my blog’s subtitle! ;)

I’m trying to work as much as possible so that I can pay off my student and car loans as quickly as possible so that I can move on to a new chapter in my life and not have to worry so much about money!  As far as full time interpreting jobs… there aren’t many and interpreting is for sure what I want to do for the rest of my life.  I’ve signed on as a contract interpreter with one agency and am hoping to sign on with more in the fall.  Summer is a slow season for interpreting so I realized I needed another source of income this summer if I am going to pay off my bills.  (Remember substitute teachers don’t get paid throughout the summer!) ;)

With that being said, I’m willing to work in fast food if that is what it takes!  Going back and asking for my job back that I quit almost 2 years ago was humbling to say the least and sometimes you need to come down off your pedestal and realize that you aren’t “better than that” and you need to do what you need to do.  They graciously let me come back and my pay is pretty much what it was when I left… they originally said about 2-3 days a week but I’ve picked up extra hours and have worked an average of 35 hours a week. God has His ways of teaching you lessons that you need to learn!  I will say this… God has provided for me!

In addition to the restaurant job and the one interpreting agency, I was hired on as a full-time preschool aide in a preschool for children with disabilities and typically developing peer models starting this fall!  I’m super excited about it and although it doesn’t pay millions of dollars, it’s a job that I will enjoy and will feel so rewarded every day when I come home!

God is Good… All the time!

Sorry for the lame post with no pictures… I’ll try to make up for it in my next post! ;)  I just felt like sharing everything I’ve been blessed with because my heart is overflowing right now!

I hope you can find the blessings in your life, no matter how big or how small and feel appreciative for them today!! :)



**Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a chance for 3 of my followers to win a pair of Neon Zensah Compression Socks! Click the picture below!

jump watermarked zensah 
