
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our Internet Guy is Visiting and CrapTON of Pictures

Our internet has been spotty and the internet guy finally showed up to fix it… While he’s doing that I figured I would write a post that doesn’t really take all that much effort because it’s Sunday and I’m kinda feeling like a bum today after working 14 days with 1 day off and a 12 hour shift on Thursday…  I’m not complaining because I truly do feel thankful and blessed that I even have a job! :) Just don’t expect anything inspirational on the blog today! ;)

Anways… here’s the crapTON (real legit unit of measurement) of Pictures I promised… They’re all from the past couple weeks (you can follow me on instagram here so you don’t feel left out)… Enjoy!

Last time I checked in I said I was done with the resting like Harry Potter is done with Lord Voldemort and starting to workout again…

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Getting off work after 11pm and not getting home til 11:30pm, I wouldn’t expect to see a whole lot of anything in nature… I would be wrong:

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I’ve enjoyed a couple softball games and my twin and fur-niece even came to a couple:

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                                                              Me and my fur-niece

Some food shots:

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Some blog things:

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NUUN happened to make it’s way into a couple pictures… I don’t honestly know how that happened other than the fact that I drink it ALL.THE.TIME! :-P

There ya have it… a totally non-inspiring, lazy bum, crapTON of pictures Sunday post for ya! ;)  I hope you have a great Sunday!!  Tell me something you enjoyed doing this weekend!


  1. I went dancing with my sister this weekend. Da best! And spider webs at night are the worst.

  2. Your fur-niece is precious! We had a whirlwind weekend trip to visit out best friends. Lots of driving but totally worth it!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)