
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lazy Blogger Super Bowl Sunday and I’m getting a Doberhuahua!

I feel like being a really lazy blogger because well… It’s the last couple hours of my weekend and I’m watching the super bowl… GO BRONCOS! ;)  Ok… I really don’t have a strong feeling for either team and there are things that I really like about both so I don’t really care who wins.  Who are you cheering for?

OK, even bigger than the Super Bowl itself … the Super Bowl COMMERCIALS!!!  My husband just informed me he wants to get a Doberhuahua? I already hate dogs and this one is super scary so … prolly not! ;)

You’re welcome for making you waste a minute of your life that you’ll never get back! ;)  A minute in which you could’ve done 20 burpees, chugged a liter of NUUN, or apparently Crush 49 eggs with just your toes? haha!  Came across these Guinness Book World Records while googling “things you can do in under a minute”

Screenshot 2014-02-02 20.58.43


I bet Monica could eat 23 grains of rice individually with her new chopsticks! ;) Another minute of your Sunday night wasted… maybe you should just stop reading this post so you don’t waste anymore time! ;) haha! (Sidenote: I actually learned how to use chopsticks 2 years ago while going to school for my Sign Language Interpreting degree… while eating sushi for the first time)

Another sidenote:  The Broncos finally just scored a touchdown!! I was so scared they were going to be shutout… Saw this on twitter and had to retweet it!! hilarious!

Screenshot 2014-02-02 21.36.37


Since I’m being a lazy blogger tonight, I’m just going to remind you all of some things!

1. The Valentine’s Day Card Swap signups are closing in 3 days on Wednesday, 2/5/14!!  So hurry up and SIGN UP!!  By the way, if you’ve signed up … YES i got it… I’m just being lazy and haven’t updated the list yet! I’ll get right on that… tomorrow! ;)

2014 Valentine's Day Card Swap Logo

2. If you raced this past weekend… CONGRATS!!!  Want to share it with everyone?!  (I know you do because you’re a runner and that means we like to talk about our running accomplishments!)  Nothing to be ashamed of! ;)  You can link up your Race Recap in the Race Recap Roundup #Linkup!!   If you post, please visit and comment on other’s race recaps too! :)


3.  I’m trying to raise money to go to California this summer for the IDEA World Fitness Blogfest with Sweat Pink and one way I am raising money is by selling some Skinny Yoga Mat Straps that I’ve crocheted myself!! If you are one of the next 9 people to place an order you get a pair of FREE sweat pink shoelaces with your purchase!! They make great gifts!!! You know you want to buy one!!  $8 includes shipping and handling! :)

Skinny Yoga Mat Strap Graphic

Whew!! That’s a lot of reminders!! Welp, this lazy blogger is out!  Time to finish watching the Super Bowl curled up on our couch under a blanket!  The weather guy AND Groundhog Phil are calling for more snow and a longer winter!  Not exactly what I was wanting to hear… thanks a lot… what do groundhogs know anyways?! :-P

Are you watching the Super Bowl? Who are you cheering for?

What’s your favorite Super Bowl Commercial so far?

Were you happy with Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction?

If you could have a world record for doing something in under a minute, what would it be?



  1. I am going to pretend I never heard the groundhog'a prediction - I need some warm weather in my life, like now!

    1. lol... we have a snow day today so it's kind of hard to ignore the groundhog's prediction! lol But I'm with you on the warmer weather!!

  2. I died laughing at the Doberhuahua commercial. As a Broncos fan, that was the highlight of the game for sure.

    1. lol... I know right?! Some of the commercials were hilarious but some of them were really lame! lol

  3. Haha whata scary dog, glad they're not real lol.

    1. I'm SOOO glad they aren't real!! They're small but man do they look scary!

  4. I think it's amazing that I (over here thousands of miles away) have seen some of the Super Bowl commercials already (and by already I mean before Super Bowl was played). Such a global community!

  5. I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that "I hate dogs" remark. lol

    The Crazy Dog Lady

    1. haha! Pam! ok... so I don't "hate" them... I'm just scared of most of them! ;)
      The NOT Crazy Dog Lady ;) lol

  6. That commercial really freaked me out lol!

    1. Wasn't it scary?!! haha! Some of the commercials these people come up with!

  7. My favorite commercial was the budweiser one with the puppy and the Cheerios one. Very cute!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)