
Friday, February 21, 2014

YES! YES! YES! And Friday Randoms

Hey friends!! I can’t believe it’s been a week since we’ve last hung out!!  Life gets super crazy sometimes!!  Which is why you get a life update in bullet points… isn’t that your favorite?! ;)


1.  Have you ever had someone you really look up to …. oh let’s say like the upbeat, optimistic person who always wins 1st overall in all the local 5ks… ask you to work out with them??!!  I have!!

At first (I was afraid I was petrified…) I was like:


Then I realized she was serious!


Of course I said:


She paid to have me come as a guest to her gym… I’ve never been to an actual gym gym before!  (My old college doesn’t count) So yesterday I met up with her and we did about 1 1/2 hours of arms and abs… IT. WAS. GREAT!!  She was fun to hang out with and it was so much fun to workout with someone other than myself! She kicked my butt!!  I am indeed sore today!

2. I got a couple fun packages in the mail last week… can’t wait to share them with you!! Look for a couple reviews and a giveaway in the next week or two!

2014-02-07 11.11.182014-02-10 16.01.11 

3. Just in case it is ever in question, I do in fact work hard and earn my pay at work! ;) Yes that IS playdough… why do you ask?! ;)

2014-02-18 10.59.34

4.  I made it on to the Top 100 Running Blogs list for 2014!! (I’m #83) Holy Guacamole!! I feel honored to be listed with so many other great bloggers that I look up to!  Who would be on your top 100?

5.  Some seniors at the school at work for came around and handed out these flowers.  The pot says they are Azaleas but one of the other teachers insisted that it was a Geranium… Do any of you have any opinions or know what it is?  I do not have a green thumb…

2014-02-21 13.28.43 

6.  I was invited to be a guest over on Alicia’s Blog, Never Ever Been Skinny.  Go check it out!! :) 

7.  I haven’t watched ANY of the Winter Olympics this year… not even a minute!! Does that make me a bad person?  Go USA! lol.. have you been watching?  What’s your favorite event?

8.  I have some exciting news!! Can’t wait to share an update with you all on my dream becoming a reality!! :)

What are some randoms from your week?



  1. Your friends are right. That's definitely a geranium.

  2. It's a geranium.
    Congrats on making the list!
    Your new workout buddy sounds awesome!
    I haven't watched any of the Olympics either. We really haven't been home much. And my clinic director kept saying he was going to bring in a TV to watch them during the day, but then never did. Oh well.

  3. Geranium! and I am no greenhouse expert but I have had a geranium before!

    Yay for a great workout buddy and a dream coming true! I have watched a little bit of the Olympics, sadly not the things I really wanted to watch, but they all come on after I go to bed.

  4. Psht, I wouldn't know an azalea from a cactus, but it sounds like it's unanimous among your other commenters. :)

  5. Congrats for your top 100 thats awesome! I'm totally down with that bag it looks so cute, and I have a green thumb for the most part but it comes naturally, I don't know a darn thing about plants. It's cute though :)

  6. Congrats on making top 100, that's awesome!

  7. Congrats on being in the top 100. You deserve it! How fun to have a new workout buddy too! I've watched some of the olympics, but not as much as I thought I would. I mainly watched the figure skating.

  8. Congrats!!! And looking forward for the giveaway! You got some awesome stuff there! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)