
Monday, March 10, 2014

Holy Brooks Ravennas Batman! (and a Winner!)

OMG guys… the weather Friday was amazing!!! I told you I would get outside and if you follow me on Instagram, you know I stayed true to my word!! ;)  Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 65*!!  I’m super bummed though because I’m inside all day tomorrow working 14 hours! Ugh! Thursday, the day I can actually get outside again, is supposed to be 25*!!  How does that work?! for real!!  I LOVE being outside and just getting out Friday has improved my mental state and outlook on life after being stuck inside all winter long!!

Runner's Luck Running 2014-03-07 14.58.12

Look guys… no gloves!! ;)

spring is coming

Look at this weather!!  It was absolutely glorious!! (Now this song is stuck in my head)

I was going to pull up some Garmin stats for you all, but somehow I misplaced my USB when we moved… hopefully I can find it!! You’ll just have to settle for pictures and taking my word for it! ;)

Longest run post-injury with no pain to report!! I’m super pumped!!

Garmin Forerunner

Do you see that average pace?!! Holy Brooks Ravennas Batman!! Where did that come from?!
I’ve been running 11 something miles on the treadmill but Friday my pace per mile was:

Mile 1 – 9:54

Mile 2 – 10:37

I guess it just felt amazing to finally get outside again!!  Remember how I told you there are no hills where we moved??  Well Friday I even found a little hill to run up! ;)

Small Hill

Like I said… It’s tiny! ;)

After I got home, I stretched, foam rolled, and drank a green monster!  All the stretching, strengthening, yoga, and rolling I’ve been doing must be helping!!  There are some days when I feel a little ache in my knee, but nothing compared to how it used to be!! I’m so happy about the healing progress and pray that it continues to heal!! I’ve made a pact with myself that if at any point the pain comes back/gets worse I will immediately call the orthopedic doctor!! (hold me to it guys!!)

Foam Rolling

And now the moment I know you’ve been looking forward to… I know you skipped my post just to see if you were the winner!
Really guys??? Really?!!

It’s ok… I’ll forgive you! (this time)

Apera Bags Sprint Pack Winner

Congrats Tessa B.!! You’ve won the Sprint Pack from Apera Bags!! Look for an email shortly!! :)


Are you recovering from an injury??

Do you prefer to run/workout inside or outside??

Do you stretch, foam roll, or stick after working out?




  1. Hooray for a great run after injury! It was gorgeous and springlike here yesterday. We hit 50 for the first time since Dec 4. Today we're expecting 3-7" of snow. Sigh.

  2. Yeah for feeling better! Perfect timing, now spring and summer is coming and you are ready to go!!

  3. I am loving this weather too! Cold front is coming in again tonight, but hopefully it won't be here too long. YAY for post injury runs. :-)

  4. Rock on lady! I ran outside last week for the first time in months and was SO HARD after winter on the TM. Oh well; it was just the first of many this season. I'm like you with high 10s or low 11s, so I totally know how a low 10 or even sub-10 mile feels amazing!

    (P.S. Oops, I accidentally posted from my work blog first!)

  5. awesome! way to get back out there.... and i used to LOVE ravennas! they are made with magic, i swear. its supposed to be 45 here saturday and 30 sunday, of course im working saturday and have sunday off. ugh. spring will be here sooooooon!!! (i hope, as i look outside and its freaking SNOWING!)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)