
Friday, August 27, 2010


I did it!! I turned in my last big internship paper today and now I am officially graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Organizational Communications!! :D My plan is to go back to a different school in the spring to finish up my sign language interpreting degree which will take 2 years or less! I am so excited to move on to what I actually want to do with my life, but for now I am content with just relaxing, working, and enjoying my next 2 quarters off! :D This is a picture from the spring commencement that I got to walk in even though I wasn't going to graduate til this summer:


WOOHOO!! Anyways... on to my long run recap! I got all my stuff out the night before because yes, meeting someone at 7:45am is early for me, especially since I was up past midnight working on my paper!


And yes... that envelope is a race registration, thanks for asking! ;) I sent in my registration for the Sweetcorn Festival 5k today. The race is on September 4th at 9am... races always make me nervous, but a good nervous.

I woke up this morning at 6:30am and ate 1 1/2 pieces of peanut butter toast and got dressed and checked the weather.. 59 degrees?!! I wore long sleeves for the first time running today! It felt so nice though! I headed out the door around 7:30 and met Jess at her place at 7:45am... right on time! As soon as I walked in, she was beaming and told me she just got of the phone and got the job she's been wanting!! Congrats Jess!! God knew you are perfect for that job!! After saying congrats and smiling ALOT, we headed out the door and she asked me "do you want to do a flat course, or hills?" Well, not being one to back down from a challenge I said "hills for sure!" We started out at a nice crisp pace, I really didn't pay attention because I was having too much fun talking to her... she's such a lovely person!! We did about a mile and then comes the "hill" part... I'm telling you, this was not a hill, it was a mountain!!! seriously... it was the steepest, longest hill I have run to date!! I felt like walking or crying, or both! Jess just kept saying "you can do it!" "you're almost there" "its downhill once we reach the top" Thank you Jess for encouraging me because I'm pretty sure thats the only thing that got me up that crazy hill! lol Well, that and my legs were completely numb by the time we hit 1.4 miles of our 7 mile run!


After that our run felt really good... I felt like she was pushing me, and she felt like I was pushing her... and pretty soon we were back to where we started 7.03 miles and 1 hr and 9 minutes earlier! Let me tell you, I am so proud of that run!! Our average pace was 9:48 min/mile and it felt great!! Jess had to go to work, but I left with promises on both ends that we would definitely run together more often! We both had a blast! I headed over to the park to continue my run... I didn't really tighten up yet because its less than a minute from her house. I did a couple loops around the park for a total of 2.26 miles in an average pace of 10:37 min/mile which is still faster than i had expected!! TOTALLY AWESOME!! Today was one of those days where everything goes well and the run is fun and better than you had hoped and everything just clicks!!

Long Run Total: 9.29 miles (longest run to date)


I then went and stretched beside the pond and believe me, my legs were dead!! (still are) I finished stretching and headed to kroger on my way home to pick up some chocolate milk and ice and when I got home I had me one of these:


First one in about 1 1/2 years (since college basketball training) it felt so good to submerge my dead tired screaming legs into the frigid water!! Then after soaking a bit I got a shower and pulled on my Sigvaris recovery socks!! I love these socks!! Thanks to Erica at I Run Because I Can for having the giveaway that I won!! These socks ROCK!! **Review to come in the next week**



And yes, my dog likes the Sigvaris socks too! :D Speaking of giveaways there are quite a few going on out there right now... check out my sidebar!

Countdown til my first half marathon: 28 days 7 hours and some odd minutes and seconds... less than a month!!

What are some great recipes for runners? Carb loading recipes, pre race recipes, post race recipes... I'm wanting to try some new recipes out so if you have any good ones please share!


  1. Aw, congratulations on your graduation - that is huge!

  2. Sounds like an awesome run! That graph does indeed show one KILLER hill! haha

    Congrats on the graduation!

  3. Congrats on the graduation - that hill looks frightening.

  4. Sounds like you had a great run! How fun to be able to run with someone so you can encourage and push each other. You made great time for your long run! Loved reading your recap.

  5. I came over from RustBeltRunner's blog and I'm so excited about your blog. I too am training for my first half which is the same day as yours then my training partner and I are going to do the Women's Half marathon in St. Pete on 11/21. Good luck with your training.
    Congrats on graduating!!!!
    visit me at if you want

  6. Congrats! Both on graduating AND on your long run in the morning! Such a successful Friday. Hopefully you did a lot of rejoicing/celebrating over the weekend. You deserve it!

  7. Two awesome accomplishments in one post! Congrats on the graduation and congrats on the the long run (and hill too!)

  8. Congrats on graduating!!

    And on the long run! Good for you for willingly doing hills! I did hills on my long run, but it was not intentional!!!!

  9. Okay the socks are BA!
    How long did you hold in the ice bath?
    And I love the long run ready pic. Whenever I lay my stuff out I think to myself "Where the flip are you going with ALL this stuff"?

  10. Okay so those socks are BA!
    How long did you last in the ice bath?
    And I love teh 'long run ready' pic. Whenever I lay my stuff out like that I always say to myself "Where the flip are you going with all that stuff"???

  11. Congratulations on the graduation. Such a great feeling!!

  12. Yay!! Congrats! Happy Graduation :)

  13. Congrats on graduating! You'll remember that day for the rest of your life.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)