
Monday, August 30, 2010

Week in Review (8/23-8/29)

What my schedule said to do ----- What I actually did
Monday: Rext/XT -- Rest
Tuesday: 6 mi Tempo Run w/ 4mi @ 9:37 -- 5.37 miles @9:57 (inc warmup and cooldown)
Wednesday: 2mi easy run @11:08 -- 2.31 miles @10:57 LLL &hardCORE
Thursday: Rest/XT -- Rest (worked on my feet all day) hardCORE
Friday: 8 mi Long Run @ 11:08 -- 7.03 miles @9:48 and 2.26 miles @10:37=9.29 mi@ 10:01
Saturday: Rest/XT -- Rest, LLL &hardCORE
Sunday: 3mi easy run @11:08 -- Rest
Total: 19 miles ----- 16.97 miles (2.03 miles short)

I didn't have the best week of running, but my long run was fantastic!! I also got new running shirts in the mail from nike that I had ordered that were on sale!! I usually dont like pink, but I thought it was a pretty cool looking shirt! :)


I also won a giveaway for WIN laundry detergent from Jill over at Running to Sanity!! If you haven't already, go check out my sidebar and all the giveaways going on around the blogging universe right now! :D I hope everyone had a great weekend!! I know I did, had a much needed long talk with my best friend on Sunday (which is why I didn't really get anything done) Goodnight everyone!!


  1. Glad you had a great long the new tank tops!

  2. those shirts are so cute! and a much needed long talk is way more valuable than a few miles. glad your weekend was fabulous.

  3. I'm all about some pink! I love the style of that one. :)

  4. You are not lame - I am just a dork. You have been added! Good job on getting those workouts in!

  5. Awesome week! You did a fast long run, girlfriend!!!! Congrats on graduating OFFICIALLY! That pink shirt is awesome. :)

    I've got a Zevia (stevia soda) giveaway going if you're interested. I'll be posting a PB one this week!

  6. Nice training week! Love the tops!

  7. Great training week - and really, the most important run is your long run so if you can feel good about that, then it's a successful week. I guess it's a successful week regardless of whether it went well, when I think about it, as those tough runs are so 'educational as well!

  8. Whoo hoo! Congratulations on a good long run!

  9. Cute tanks! I need some new running gear too. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  10. Great job with the workouts! I love those running tops! Nike is my favorite...I really like the red and white one:) You will be styling!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)