
Friday, August 13, 2010

Long Run Recap!

Well I know you all have been just dying to read about my long run last weekend haven't you?! It was my longest run to date in my half marathon training... 8 miles!! :D I had bought a couple of powerbar gel packets at my local GNC store because that was the only gel I could find and I wanted to see if it actually helped or not. The week before that I did 7 miles and felt like I was going to die. So, I ate one about 15 minutes before my run, it was vanilla and it actually tasted pretty good! I then proceeded to loosen up and stretch a little and headed out the door with my Ipod.


I ditched my shirt around mile 1, left it on a fence post for pick up on my way back… I was feeling pretty good... like nothing could stop me. I even forgot about my ankle, which I had managed to hit with a softball bat the day before… it was just one of those days lol… then i took another gel packet around mile 4. I dont recommend the strawberry/banana in the powerbar gels, i dont know about other gels but… i gagged and almost threw up in the middle of the road lol… I kept expecting to hit a wall and mile 5 passed and mile 6 passed and i felt better than ever… im pretty sure i was even smiling lol… i even belted out a chorus of a song that was playing on my ipod haha… yeah, i’m a dork… i got back to my shirt and threw it around my neck and just kept running… i felt so alive! :D i picked up the pace the last 800 meters or so just cuz it felt good… I got home and realized that i didn’t even stop once to walk up any hills lol. IT WAS A FABULOUS RUN!!! I did drink the whole 16.9 ounces of water I had been carrying with me though.

Long Run Stats:

Date: 8/6/10
Time: 12:28pm
Temperature: 93 degrees

Goal Distance: 8 miles
Goal Pace: 11:14 min/mile

Actual Distance: 8.02 miles
Actual Pace: 10:27 min/mile
Actual Time: 1 hour 23 min


Elevation Minimum: 860 feet
Elevation Maximum: 1020 feet
Ascent: 312 feet
Descent: -312 feet

I really think the Powerbar Gel worked!! :D It was a great run... I love great runs because they really boost my confidence for my first half marathon! :D I have heard a lot about GU in the blogging world; a lot of people giving it away, talking about it, eating it like candy... so I looked it up on the internet. I then thought "I wonder why that's the only gel I ever really hear about? Why don't people blog about powerbar gel?" So I decided to contact GU to see if there was anyway possible they could send me a sample packet to test out and I told them I would gladly do a blog review about it. They sent me 4 packets of gel in the flavors that I picked out!! So I am really excited to see what all the hype is about! So look for a product review in a couple weeks!

Well, I'm gonna crochet for a little bit and head to bed because a friend of mine from high school contacted me and said that she just got into running and signed up for her first 5k in September!! How cool is that?! So I am going running with her tomorrow!! She has 3 miles planned for a run/walk so i'm gonna see if she'll go 1 more mile so i can get in my last 4 miles for my cutback ;) I'll probably take pictures before... maybe during... it's in a new place... a state park so it shall probably be pretty! :D

What's your preferred GEL? Do you have a favorite flavor?


  1. good work on the long run! it is amazing how different everything is when your body is well fueled, right? i do love gu...the chocolate mint and pineapple (which is gu roctane). i've heard that there's a new flavor that i want to try. i've done the powerbar ones and they're pretty good. the main difference is the consistency. gu tends to be a little thicker. i've recently enjoyed the honey-based stinger gels. its all based on preference really...some just do candy or peanut butter/jelly sandwiches...whatever works for you is fine.

  2. Nice run, and nice about the GU samples!

    I love GU. I like the flavors, which is huge, and it has never bothered my stomach. I lean towards the lemon/citrus flavors, but today I tried chocolate for the first time....yum. it was just like pudding!

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog! Way to go on your long's amazing what are bodies can adapt to! I just tried GU for the first time and it was a little tricky for me because I'm a texture eater. UNtil that point I had been a starburst girl, but I did like the energy I had from GU! Good luck!

  4. WOOHOO!!! Great run! Finishing a run feeling like you could have cranked out a few more miles is one of the best feelings.

    I love GU, especially the fruity-flavored ones. I bought a few PowerBar gels but haven't tried them yet. I think I have vanilla. :) On runs longer than 70 minutes, I take gels at 40 minutes, 85 minutes, 130 minutes, and I haven't needed any past that (longest run was 165 minutes). For 10k races, I take a gel 15 minutes before and then another in the middle of the race. Be sure to drink a few ounces of water as you take the gel. That's awesome GU is sending you some to review!!

  5. yay! Congrats on your long run! I love reaching new distances!! Good luck on your track workout tomorrow :)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)