
Monday, August 16, 2010

Let the Challenges Begin!

While reading through other blogs I follow I've noticed a reoccurring theme.... NOT BEING MOTIVATED MONDAY! I have not felt good all day so the most I have done is take a shower and read a few blogs. Good thing today was a scheduled off day! whew! ;) Well... remembering that I joined 2, yes TWO, bloggy challenges put the motivation back into the day and made me feel a tad better!

CHALLENGE #1: The HardCORE Club over at Last Mile Lounge by Jamoosh

Jamoosh actually started a seperate blog for the club and can be found HERE. The challenge is a 13 week journey to a stronger core and all you have to do is do the workout 2-3 times a week. That's it ;) lol... I decided to take "before pictures" because I got motivated afterall... Since I've become a "serious" runner, i've kinda let my other muscles go lol... sorry ex 6-pack!

DATES: August 15th - November 13th

Before #1

Before #1

Before #2

Before #2

CHALLENGE #2: The Legs Love Lunges Challenge over at 5 Miles Past Empty

This challenge is almost as simple as the first... do lunges at least 3 times a week... oh yeah, and take pictures of your legs if you so choose to accept her challenge. This challenge was supposed to go from August 10 thru September 10th but I pushed it back a tad since I joined late and now its going to coincide with the HardCORE Club start date: This past Sunday, August 15th

DATES: August 15th - September 15th

Before #1


Before #2 (hopefully my butt will love lunges)


Before #3 (yes, i have a big butt...)


You can still join both if you'd like! It will be so much fun... I promise!! Now, lets get fit and motivated people!!!


  1. Jeez, Louise! You have a smokin' bod. :) The challenges both sound like fun. I lift three times each week and LOVE it! Lunges count as lifting (your body is the weight). The core workouts look like fun. If you want some fun, short, effective workouts after your challenge is over, check out The New Rules of Lifting (I checked it out from the library and loved it so much I bought my own copy). It's my bible! You should change workouts every few weeks, so don't keep doing the hard core workout all year.

  2. Good luck with your challenges! I'd love to join you but I've discovered I have a hard time with challenges because they always seem to not work quite right with my workouts.

    Oh, and I'm very jealous of people who have butts. I've always wanted one. ::wistful sigh::

  3. HOLY CRAP. You've got the abs and legs already woman!!!!

  4. uhh if i could get my abs to look like yours after teh challenge I'd be are rockin it already!!

  5. I agree with everyone else, you already have great abs and legs! I joined the two challenges too! I think they'll be fun!

  6. Ha ha, if I had abs like yours I would've posted my pics too. ;) You're right though, not a guy, my apologies. :)

  7. Umm, are you just trying to make us jealous by posting pics? I can't even imagine what you will look like after!

  8. Woohoo Hard Core Club! I did my first workout yesterday....ow.....

  9. Hoorayyyyyy core club. I'm with everyone else. You're already there! Plus the fact that you have an AWESOME superman poster hanging up should help out tons.

    I've seen the lunge deal around too - but I just couldn't force myself to sign up. My butt does NOT like lunges. After I do any of them with any sort of frequency I can barely walk - letalone run.

  10. I'm part of the hard core club too. Hmmm...thinking I need to join the lunge one....

  11. Good for you!
    Though, I could only hope that your before pictures would be my after pictures!

  12. so cool that you are going to school for ASL interpreting! it's a great profession! where are you going? i do have 1 piece of advice for you...ENJOY YOUR BLUE NAILS NOW!! lol. I LOVED to paint my nails fun colors and use glitter nail polish but i can't now! only when i'm on vacation :-( please feel free to use me as a running and/or ASL resource anytime! best of luck to you! :-)

  13. Posted about you today!!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)