
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Thursday - My Thoughts Are a Bit Jumbled

1. I ended up meeting up with M on Saturday to run... she just started getting into running... I got there at 9am. I had a sad face cuz she wasn't there yet... she didn't show up til 9:30 and we headed out and she ended up wanting to do more walking than anything but it was still fun none-the-less... we got to catch up on life since I haven't seen her in ooo... 6 years lol. We ended up running less than 1 mile and walking about 7 lol.



2. I'm drinking 7up right now... does that make me a bad person since I normally only drink water or gatorade?

3. My youngest sister is going off to college for the first time tomorrow... I made her a fleece blanket to take with her... it'll be like a big hug waiting for her whenever she needs it :)


4. Said youngest sister had a going away party with a few friends a few nights ago and someone wore these!! First time i've seen them in person, they are pretty sweet... im now intrigued haha... I restrained myself from trying them on for a few obvious reasons lol ;) (mainly cuz I didn't know the person and because they look pretty used tehe)


5. My boyfriend agreed to do a track workout with me so we headed to the track yesterday after we took care of some college things (which took longer than they needed to) my plan was to do 7 miles of a speedworkout but it was so stinkin hot... i ran in my sports bra which is major since i have some body image issues... especially in front of my boyfriend lol... I just couldn't take it anymore and neither could he so we only ended up doing about 4.5 miles

6. Challenge update: I've done lunges twice and hardcore stuff once... I'm planning on doing hardcore stuff tonight and then lunges and hardcore after my recovery run on saturday

7. I have a long run planned for tomorrow... my training plan says 8... but i kind of want to do 9... i ran 8 two weeks ago... should i go with 8 or 9? I may have to make saturday my long run day this weekend because i may have to drive some of youngest sisters things to her school for her.

8. I have exactly one week tomorrow to finish up my big paper so I can graduate... so far I have 2 pages lol...

9. Im starting to get excited for my half marathon!! :D Only 36 days left!! I'm starting to think about what i'll need to take for my mini vacation but especially for my race and what songs I want on my playlist.... any suggestions?

10. I keep getting emails saying "you won a $500 walmart giftcard" "pick up your $1000 walmart giftcard today" and while i want them to be real... they just aren't!

11. I won 2 blog giveaways!! I won sigvaris compression recovery socks from Erica at I Run Because... I Can and a Salonpas water bottle, pain relief patches, pedometer, and towel from Beth at Shut up & Run! :D



12. I was looking to get another part-time job (probably minimum wage paying) when I realized that I will officially have a BACHELORS degree in a week... so i decided to do something a bit more ambitious... I'm thinking about substitute teaching... maybe :)

13. Also, I am getting tired of getting almost bit, snarled at, chased after, and scared enough to pee down my leg by the dogs at the end of my road... I started carrying a long stick to beat them with if they dare try to bite me again... maybe I should call someone about them? They are allowed to just run around outside (all 4 of them) while their owner isn't home... and I feel very much threatened by them everytime I put my running shoes on... stupid dogs!

Well, I'm going to bed... tomorrow could be a very long day for me... we shall see! By the way... does anyone else really really really look forward to their long run days? (I do)


  1. Hey there! Just found your blog and we are both training for half-marathons on the same day!! My longest distance has been 8.2 miles. Kinda hit a rut so we sound like we are on similar training ground.

    Also I am an Ohio native. What area of the state are you from?

    Good luck on your training. Added you to my google reader :)

  2. Congrats on your 36day countdown! This'll be an awesome first. What kind of music do you listen to usually? What get's you amped?

  3. I've struggled a bit with finding people to run with that are as committed to it as i you, they usually end up coming late and wanting to walk some. sure, it's fun to chat with them and catch up, and its WAY better than running alone (at least for me) but i always feel conflicted about meeting my running goals vs. personal relationships.

    you could probably run either 8 or 9 depending on how you feel. if you start running and everything is clicking then go for it! if, when you get to 8 you feel done then don't push it.

  4. YAY for being a winner! ;) love winning things. Go for 9!!

  5. In what area will you have your bachelor's degree? What course of study will you take when you return to school in 2011? I'm starting grad school for accounting next month. Exciting!!!

    Have you tried yelling at the dogs? I adore dogs and never thought I'd be chased by one. Unfortunately I was wrong. I like to think it's a power/territorial thing, and they think they're winning because you're running. Just yell, 'NO' or 'STOP.' I've only been chased by little dogs, and I turn around when I yell to show them who's in charge. Hopefully they'll bug off after you establish dominance. If not, I'd def call somebody because that is annoying!

    As for your long run, I say listen to your body. Training plans aren't very individualized, so don't be afraid to re-evaluate. I've read two billion running books, so I write my own plan. Each week I see how my body is doing and then plan a week's worth of runs.

  6. A seven mile walk is nothing to sneeze at - what a great way to catch up with an old friend and be healthy at the same time!

  7. Sometimes a LONG walk with a friend is just what you need!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  8. ha - there were SOOOOO many things in this post!

    1. can't wait to see your pink cherry on top stuffs
    2. yes, 7up is basically like bubbly gatorade w/out sodium
    3. Totally sub! My wife is doing it before baby and likes it a lot
    4. Super cool about the meetup, but SUPER frustrating about the walking.
    5. I probably should have body issues about running w/out a shirt on but I don't. No worries!
    6. Get to core'ing!

  9. congrats on the degree! And you were lucky! I love to win giveaways!

  10. Get you a can of Halt! (I work at the Post Office, and that's the dog repellant all mail carriers carry.) It's inexpensive and doesn't harm the dog. Yes it is very uncomfortable for them, but you should only have to do it once! Just make sure you have it turned the right way and don't stand downwind!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)