
Friday, October 8, 2010

Lesson Learned – Fuel Belt Giveaway!

Well, after dragging out my race report for two weeks lol… I decided you guys deserved a giveaway! Aren’t you glad I told you about my weekend in 5 posts now?!  No, the giveaway isn’t one of the “I <3 Zaneta” Bracelets

Remember how I learned some lessons after my race?  If you don’t remember, that’s ok, I’ll refresh your memory!

Lessons Learned:

1) Don’t wear new shoes to race in!
2) Grab the first flavor of GU available just in case they don’t have the flavor you’re waiting for!
3) Take flip flops with you in your after race bag
4) Don’t start out to fast so you have energy at the end and can take pretty finishing photos
5)  Register with just a “Z” as my name if it’s going on the bib so that people can cheer for me by name too!  (only one person tried, and she did get my name right!)
6)  Take a handheld or belt next time because I got a little thirsty in between stations and it would’ve been nice to be able to drink whenever I wanted

Well, the reason I refreshed your memory is because this giveaway has EVERYTHING to do with those lessons.. well a couple of them anyways!  The winner will receive:


1) One Fuel Belt 10oz Sprint Palm Holder in the Surf Blue Color
2) Two Tri-Berry GUs (because 1 just isn’t enough)
3) Three Chocolate #9 Gels (I actually haven’t tried them yet, but chocolate is always good right?! Click HERE to find out more about them)

*I was not contacted by any of the above companies to do this giveaway, I purchased the prizes on my own with the intentions of giving them away… with the exception of the Chocolate #9 which I won, but have a butt load of so I decided to share.

Now you can learn my lessons too!  Awesome right?!  You have until 10/20 to enter, the winner will be chosen using or something equally as random on 10/21 and posted right here on my blog.  So here’s what you have to do to enter (leave a comment for each entry):

Mandatory Entry
- Be or become a follower of my blog

Extra Entries
- Leave a comment telling me what lessons you have learned while running… it can be anything from lessons like I learned or life lessons
Tell me how you like to stay hydrated during races; do you use a belt or handheld or something like that

- Link back to this giveaway on your blog.

- Follow me on twitter HERE

- Tweet about this giveaway.  You can copy and paste the following phrase to make it easier.

Checkout the @Fuelbelt and @GUEnergyLabs #giveaway @superwoman4002 is having on her blog!


If you have an awesome product that you would like me to review, or would like to host a giveaway on my blog please send an email to


  1. I so enjoy your blog! I linked your giveaway.

  2. The first time I ran 12 miles I ran with no water and no fuel and I was just fine. I went out the next week and ran 12 again. While driving home I proceeded to feel drunk. By the time I got home I could barely stand. I was freezing. I was bonking!! I will NEVER let that happen again! Always hydrate and have fuel on your long runs! Always!!

  3. I didn't realize I wasn't already following...well, I am now!

  4. I started using handhelds recently and I love them. Not only do I get to take gels whenever, I can run through most water stations, and when I do need to refill, its easy to do that on the run. Love them.

  5. I am a follower! :o)

  6. Life lesson on the run: always keep a $5 bill in my gear. Never know when you may need to stop and buy more hydration!

  7. My favorite way to stay hydrated on long runs is to either wear my handheld or my Nathan waist belt. I love them! I like to be able to drink whenever I want, so stashing bottles or waiting for aid stations just doesn't work for me!

  8. One lesson I learned the hard way: you have to train for heat. I tried running in the midday St. Louis heat one summer with only having run in mornings or inside. Oh and I also didn't hydrate. It was a *huge* fail.

  9. I'm a follower and a twitter follower =)

  10. I try all kinds of hydration, though I'm moving towards handhelds for comfort and an arm workout

  11. I've learned that I am my only competition

  12. Ooh thank you for the giveaway! I learned not to take GUs with gatorade during a race one time! GU and water only!! Also following of course

  13. I'm a follower . . . and LOVE your blog!

  14. I learned during my first half marathon that having fun and enjoying every minute is more valuable than aiming for a specific time. At the last water station they were playing some great jamz so I danced for a good 1/4 mile - it was GREAT! I had a blast and it created a fantastic mental break. In the future I might be more focused on getting a better time, but for now - it's all about having fun!

  15. I've posted your give-away under "win this" on my blog.

  16. Maybe I haven't raced enough, but I haven't learned a whole lot yet excpet for my times would be much better if I actually tried training BEFORE I ran a race instead of after!

  17. I learned that lesson about the gels. Don't pin through them.
    I also stay hydrated by hitting up most of the stations. I don't where a fuel belt on my races (I do for long training runs)...I feel like it's a perk of racing...I get to run without the extra weight. I MAKE SURE that I plan before the race which ones I'm skipping and I always hit up 80-90% of the aid stations (especially for longer races). Plus I need to save some time in my races to hand out kisses to my fans.

  18. I posted this up on my blog.
    That surf blue palm holder would match my "I Love Zaneta" boxers...just sayin'.

  19. During runs of <6, I carry a handheld water bottle made by Ultimate Direction. During longer runs, I have a waistpack with 2 bottle attachments, will sometimes carry my UD handheld and fuel with Pomegranate Passion Honey Stingers. DELICIOUS!!!

  20. Things I've learned? A lot, mostly about what I can do if I put my head into it.

  21. What a cool giveaway!!!

    I'm already a follower!

  22. I bought a fuel belt at the beginning of the summer to use for my training runs, but I haven't ever used it in a race. And I'm not sure I ever would. It can kinda get on my nerves sometimes. I've never tried a handheld, but I'd like to!

  23. I wear a fuel belt with two water bottles. I still ended up feeling dehydrated at the end of my first half marathon. Two water bottles work fine for me during my 13-14 mile training runs, but of course I run in the dark...

  24. I linked this awesome giveaway on my blog!

  25. I've learned (still learning) not to get too excited when the gun goes off. Too fast at the start leaves me dragging at the finish.

    I've also learned not to force it. You can't run longer/faster if your body's just not there yet.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. I follow you better than Q does. ;)

  27. I learned pickle juice is key in a 50 miler.

  28. Oh & barfing is the worst thing ever. ;)

  29. I'm a follower and I'd love to win!

    Amy Lauren

  30. Honestly, as for staying hydrated during races... I've never done anything more than a 10K, so I usually don't take anything hydration wise... most of the time I don't even stop at the water stations. When I'm running by myself though, I try to keep extra bottles of water in the car and by the treadmill.

    Amy Lauren

  31. I already follow you on twitter!

  32. I follow you through my google reader!

  33. I've learned that my body NEEDS gatorade after my longs runs or my belly will be upset for the rest of the day. (took awhile to learn that one!)

  34. I am a new follower of your blog.

  35. I have not used any during race hydration methods. I have always wanted to try a fuel belt.

  36. I learned 2 weeks ago to drink something right before the start. I didn't and as soon as I was running my mouth was so dry! I did better this past weekend and didn't have that problem.

  37. Anyone who says that they "follow you better than me" is stalking you and you should be concerned.

  38. wOOhOO!

    New follower! (blog hopped from Rav :) )

  39. Lesson I've learned:
    As a new runner and distance training, for every absolutely amazing awesome run- you WILL have an equally horrible unbelievably terrible no good very bad run. But you lace up and try again!

  40. now following you on twitter! (@imabuckeye)

  41. I love your blog! One thing I have learned about running is stretch, stretch stretch!!

  42. I carry a handheld during my races. I NEED water at all times when running. Like you said, it would be nice to take a drink whenever you wanted. Exactly. I will be getting a belt soon for my upcoming half. :)

  43. I learned to not race long distances without my fuel belt =)

  44. I always carry my fuel bet with me during races and even during training

  45. I carry a 1.5 liter camelback on most runs and all races, but it's too large for the shorter ones. I never did adjust to a belt, so a handheld would be wonderful for those!

  46. After 2 half marathons, I'm still learning how to fuel properly. I learned the hard way every hour is not often enough. Last weekend it was every 3 miles, which may be too often, but at least I didn't crash!

  47. I stayed hydrated in races by (trying to) stay hydrated in regular life so I don't have to make up a deficit in the days before a race.
    While running I sip water with Nathan Catalyst tablets in either a disposable handheld bottle or my waist belt for longer runs so winning this would be super sweet!

  48. I use my Nathan Intensity hydration pack. It holds all the crap I seem to need to bring with me on a run!

  49. Linked to my blog @

  50. I use a fuel belt to hydrate for races and I fill them up at the water stations.

  51. I posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar.

  52. I follow you on Twitter ~ windyrunner

  53. I posted this giveaway on my blog.

  54. To stay hydrated I have a running pack. If I don't have enough fluids, I go downhill quickly.

  55. I've learned to not push myself too fast in the beginning of the race!

  56. I've learned to not eat before a race, otherwise I get sick. Same thing goes for presentations. :/

  57. I followed you!

    I am not a runner but I have been getting in shape through exercise and healthy eating. Since April 2010 I've lost over 30lbs.

    I do enjoy running at the gym, so I've thought about trying a marathon or race. I'd like to do one to raise money for a charity!

    Thanks for inspiring me :)

  58. Since you Font Shouted, I'll ENTER! I follow!

  59. I use a handheld for short runs and a backpack for long runs...

  60. During long runs, I wear a hydration backpack and also carry a bottle of gatorade. In races, I don't like carrying the extra weight, so I walk through all of the water stations to make sure I get fully hydrated before continuing on.

  61. I linked you on my blog. :)

  62. For hydration, I usually use a hand held.

  63. I've learned that fueling during a long run is essential. I really like GU gels.

  64. I've learned to remember that running should be a stress reliever, and not something that causes me to be stressed by putting too much pressure on myself!

  65. I linked to your giveaway on my blog:

  66. Just became a follower on twitter (ID: knitterphd)

  67. Tweeted about your giveaway too! :)

  68. I just followed you on twitter :)

  69. To keep hydrated on runs.. I like to run with a couple of bottles in my hand and drop them off on my loop course every so often. That way I know where they are and just run by them. :)

  70. I tweeted about your give-away :)
    (I'm sparkle_dea)

  71. My lesson is not to eat pasta before a run..doesn't work out well. :)

  72. I am now a follower of your blog. =)

  73. Lessons I learned while running:
    1. Oh my gosh, I can really do this.
    2. Oh my gosh, if I can do this I can do all kinds of things.
    3. Your body can do more than your mind tells you it can.
    4. Everyone has that voice telling them they're too fat/slow/weak/etc. Training not only build strength and endurance, it also builds the ability to ignore the lies.

  74. I am now a twitter follower.

    BTW, that agave stuff is SOOOOO insanely good.

  75. biggest lesson learned...take pride in every accomplishment, be grateful with every step, learn from failures and believe in yourself. Trust me, that's a hard one to learn:)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)