
Monday, October 11, 2010

10-10 Virtual Race Report

1010VR6Click on the picture to go to the race website (or Neil’s blog)

Ok, Sorry Neil for being late on my race report!  BUT here it is in all its glory boringness! I know I already wished you a Happy Birthday, but I wanted to say it again cuz it looks like you had a wonderful birthday celebration with family! 


On to the race report!  On Saturday 10-9-10 I went on a run after work and the day was beautiful!!  I originally signed up to do a 10k but I’ve been sick so I decided to run the 1/2 10k race!  Here’s me before the start:


I ran my 1/2 10k (or 5k if you wish) and although I felt terrible… I enjoyed the run!  I don’t know how fast I went, I can tell you it wasn’t very… maybe just under a 10min/mile pace?  I just enjoyed the view on the bike path and when I got home, I found out that I had only done 2.8 miles… whoops!  But it’s the effort right?!  So, here’s my finishing photo (official of course):


And, because you can see that I used my Fuel Belt Handheld in the picture, I have to promote my giveaway!  If you want one for yourself and a couple GUs as well CLICK HERE to enter my giveaway that ends on 10/20! 


  1. YAY for Neils VR!

    YAY for your 1/2 10k - love it!

  2. Great shot at the end!

  3. You are so funny with your finish line photo!

  4. so, how are you liking the fuelbelt handheld? i have one and it seems to not cinch down on my hand enough and jiggles around too much for me...

  5. @the dawn - i actually like it for my shorter runs... when its hot out it seems to not hold enough water but it did well on saturday.

  6. I'm having fun reading all these 10.10.10. Virtual Race reports!

  7. Yay for running and not letting feeling sick stop you!

  8. haha, great finishing photo! I was planning on running on 10/10/10 as well, but it didn't work out. glad you ran it! Great job!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)