
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Friday Fun

Last Friday was such a fun day!!  My boyfriend and I had plans to go to the country fair Friday night after he got off work so I was so excited!! Something about fair food… yum!

I didn’t have to work so I had made plans to run with J in the morning.  I woke up around 7am and it was raining, but a little rain never hurt anyone right?!  Well I got a text from J that said she didn’t want to run in the rain so she would meet me at the Y.  I don’t have a membership to the Y and I have a treadmill here at home.  But I didn’t really want to run on the treadmill… I hate treadmills, they make my knees hurt for some odd reason.  So we cancelled our plans and I crawled back in bed under the covers to relax a little and catch up on some blogs before I got ready for the day.

Then my boyfriend text me and said he was going on lunch around 11 and wanted to know if I wanted to meet him so of course I said yes!  DUH!!  Time spent with the boyfriend is rare now-a-days since he has school and work and I have work and work.  We don’t live together so we get to see each other a day or two on the weekends.  So I drove to his workplace and when he went on lunch we walked over to the grocery store and then walked to Wendy’s.  It was a fun time especially since the rain had subsided.

It had stopped raining around 9:30am and I had decided before I left my house that I was going to run after our lunch date because I could walk from his work to the bike path.  So, after he went back to work I grabbed my SPIbelt with my cell phone and my Fuel Belt handheld and my IPod and my gum and  my chapstick…… wow, so does anybody else feel like they run with a lot of stuff?! lol


I had decided that I wanted to run about 5 miles.  I haven’t run a whole lot of mileage since my half marathon… anywhere from 1-3 miles at a time, so i just wanted to take it easy.  It had turned into a nice brisk fall day… just beautiful!  I had decided to wear my new NIKE running capris that I had bought for $6 at finish line (due to gift cards and rewards from the boyfriend… he’s the best!)  I really really like the capris!  They’re really comfortable and do keep the legs warm.  My route took me around a park and I loved the scenery!  I ended up running 5.49 miles in 56:34 so a 10:18 pace.  I did stop to take some pictures and stretch out a couple times… yowsa!  Getting back into running after my half has not gone so well lol… but maybe I’ll save that discussion for another post!  It was actually a fun run and it was nice to get out and get moving on a beautiful path!

Then after getting cleaned up and doing some work around the house, I went back to meet my boyfriend at 6pm to head to the county fair!!  We had so much fun!  We ate a lot lol… but I dont feel guilty!  IT’S THE FAIR PEOPLE!! Gyro’s, Philly Cheese steak, corn dogs, crazy taters, chocolate covered cheesecake on a steak, and cotton candy!  sounds gross now, but at the time it was delicious!!  And of course we had to ride the ferris wheel… its a 4 year tradition now! :)

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A fun board we saw on our way out

It got cold, and we had conquered everything we had set out to do, so we decided it was time to leave. (plus I was a little sore from my run)  yeah I know… I’m a total wimp lol!  BUT, I ran the farthest since my half marathon, so I was happy and I had gotten to spend some quality time with my man… EXTRA HAPPY!!  At the fair… Bonus happy points!! ;)  So in case you didn’t catch that, I was happy! :D

Do any of you have a hard time getting back into the swing of things after races?

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!  You have 1 more day!


  1. Yep... All I want to do is eat and sit.

  2. Hahahaha! After a race, I turn into a food monster. After last July's mountain marathon I ate for 2 days straight...and I'm not talking healthy food here. ;)

  3. Yes!! I'm still trying to work off the extra pounds I gained after the marathon (since I wasn't training anymore like I was but still eating the same!!). Oops... :)

  4. The combination of the mental and physical effects after a race usually make me feel like becoming a couch potato. But once I get moving again I'm better. :-)

  5. Boy am I glad you wrote this post. I'm REALLY struggling in returning to bigger mileage after my half. I planned a 2nd half 2 months after my first thinking I'll already be trained so it should be easy - WRONG. I can't seem to go further than 5 miles and now I'm really scared I'll "die" during my November half. I can tell my fitness level is getting lower and lower - it's freaking me out.
    p.s. I carry a LOT of stuff while I run too (2 bottles of water, extra gum, lifesavers, carb chews, kleenex, phone, keys, $5, and park pass).

  6. I never have a hard time mainly because I have to focus on the next race already. I never skip more than two weeks before the next race. I run at least 30 races per year and usually more.

  7. Fun day! Nike Capris are the bomb.
    I have a hard time restraining myself from jumping back into hard training. I'm trying not to run right now just to give myself a much needed but unwanted break.

  8. i'm actually very slow to get back into running. i love my crosstraining and unless i'm following a training plan i do very little running. in fact, i'm going to take a full 4 weeks away from running to give myself a mental and physical break from the stress of training. in the mean time i'm going to focus on strength and endurance. i enjoy switching it up!

  9. I love a good fair! Glad you had such a great time. You'll get back into your rhythm, no worries.

  10. Sounds like fun. I have a pair of Nike capri's also, and they're my favorites!

  11. Look at how cute you are in that sunflower pic :). I always find if I have a goal after one race, it helps get me more motivated. I think the local fairs are a blast - and duh, you MUST eat fair food :).

  12. That sounds like such a fun day! Yay for lunch, a good run, and the fair! :)

    To keep me motivated after a big race, I try to have another goal in mind. If I don't, I tend to slack which leads to me being super cranky!

  13. Fun times!! and yes, you can eat whatever you want at the fair!! it is the rules...and there are no calories counted. I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after marathon because of my injury but also because I don't have a plan to follow...i have to get another race on the calendar for accountability.

  14. Aw, the fair looks like it was so much fun!

  15. County fair .... anything you eat there is forgiven ... 'cause it's the fair!

  16. I usually switch focus right away. When I start peaking in my running training I loose a lot of weight. So when my race is over...I get back to eating more and heavier strength training to put back what I lost. I still run...but without my Garmin and just for running sake. The switch in focus keeps me motivated. I've gotta get me a SPIbelt.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)