
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1.  Jodi over at RunJodiRun has a weekly “Thumbs up Thursday” where she spotlights a runner by interviewing them.  This week she honored me by asking if she could interview me and I said yes!  Jodi, Thank you so much!  It honestly made my week!

SO… go check out her blog post featuring me and say hi to Jodi!


2.  I wanted to remind everyone about my Fuel Belt, GU, and chocolate #9 giveaway!  If you haven’t already entered, CLICK HERE!


3.  When it comes to blog awards, I am a terrible receiver!  It takes me forever to write about them and pass them along so without further ado…

The most recent award I got was the Versatile Blogger award from One Crazy Penguin!

versatile blogger award
*Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
* Share 7 things about yourself
* Pass the award onto other bloggers who you know are fabulous

1. My name is Zaneta
2.  I LOVE ice cream!
3.  I spend too much time blogging
4. I have 3 siblings
5.  I secretly miss school
6.  I wish NIKE would sponser me!
7.  I don’t wear makeup

Another award that I received way back at the beginning of September (whoops!) was the Happy 101 Award from Char over at My Life’s a Marathon!


*Thank the Giver
*State 10 Things you like
*Give this award to 10 other people

1.  My family
2.  My boyfriend
3.  Sunny warm days
4.  Ice cream
5. Running
6. Laughing
7.  Knitting/Crocheting
8.  Fall weather!
9.  Realizing that I am growing as a person
10.  My blogging friends!!

Thank you so much ladies for the awards!  It really is an honor and makes me happy to know that people read my blog and like it enough to give me an award!

Seriously… I follow and have MANY amazing followers!  If you feel like grabbing one of the awards (or maybe have nothing to blog about or are having writers blog) than feel free to grab the awards!  You all deserve them! :D

What makes you happy?!


  1. What makes me happy?? Hmmmm....
    Ice cream, family, good friends, pumpkin, lemon meringue pie, cute boots, weddings, my shoulders! :)

  2. I like: training like a dog - eating like a gorilla - and losing weight like a exhaling blowfish

  3. Cheat Day Sunday makes me happy coz it's the only day of the week where I can eat anything I want! =D

  4. Saw you just ran the WRM half in Nasvhille- megga kudos! I am running in St. Pete in November.

  5. 'I wish Nike would sponsor me!'

    LOL! Me too! :)

  6. I'm right with ya on most of your 'things' for the versatile award;-) except my name's not zaneta, and i only have 1 sibling;-0

    and what makes me happy? right now? my pumpkin spiced coffee I'm chugging at the moment!;-)

    happy friday!

  7. I would like Nike too, but I'll take any sponsor any time. I'm lucky that there are plenty in my life that makes me happy. I'm a happy person!

  8. Having Nike as your sponsor would be so rad! You have my vote as the next person they splash their logo across!

    (I miss school, too!)



Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)