
Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Ok, so I have the day off and I’m getting frustrated with the crochet pattern I’m working on!!  The pattern is HERE if anyone crochets and would like to help me…  I’m stuck on the Border Row 2 where it says “ch 3, 3dc over the last dc made”  Please and Thank You!

By the way, you guys will be seeing a lot more of my crafting (knitting and crocheting mainly) endeavors because I decided that having two blogs is really not that fun and my crafting one has been dormant mainly since I’ve started this blog.  I’m sorry if that makes anyone upset, but it’s part of who I am, so this blog is not just going to be strictly for running… hope that makes sense to everyone!


Now that my little cry for help is over lol… I’m getting ready to go run with a friend after she gets off work so I’m looking forward to it!** :)  It’s nice and sunny and not too cold!!  I just wanted to remind everyone that the 2010 Christmas Card Swap signups are closing November 30th… so if you want to join but haven’t yet, you’ve got exactly ONE WEEK!!

Click the picture to take you to the official page! :D

2010 Christmas Card Swap Logo

**Well my friend cancelled so now I’ll probably just do some yoga and weights since its starting to get dark already…


  1. yey day off! sorry can't help with crochet bit =/

    enjoy your free day! happy running and crocheting! =)

  2. I think it means to do 3 double chains into the double chain stitch from the first row of the pattner? So it will sort of create a 'scallop' or 'shell' if that makes any sense? I just struggled through a baby blanket pattern so I feel your pain!

  3. Julie - Thanks! haha, my friend just cancelled on me so no running tonight as its getting dark and it's unsafe to go by myself!

    Lisa - Thanks Girl! I'm struggling lol... I found someone on ravelry to help me out so I think I'm close to figuring it out! :)

  4. I'm impressed by your domesticatedness. lol I couldn't crochet or knit if my life depended on it.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)