
Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekly Roundup: November 15-21


Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday: Nightly (50/10), 10 Lunges each leg
Thursday:  1.61 miles (15min), 10 bicep curls L/R, 10 tricep L/R, lat 5, front 5, Bicep curls 5 L/R, [10lbs], stretch
Friday:  3 miles, stretch
Saturday:  5.5 miles with Jess;  20 pushups, 50 crunches, 30sec plank, 10 pushups, 50 crunches, 30sec plank, 10 pushups; stretch
Sunday:  Rest

Received Giveaways That I Won

Inperspire Towel from Running Through Life

DSC00644 DSC00647

Allied Steel Medal Hanger from Forward Foot Strides


Blog Posts From The Week

2010 Christmas Card Swap
Throwback Thursday
Frightful Friday
The United Way 5k Race Recap

Registered Races

11/25/10 – BPK Scholarship 5k Run
11/27/10 – 4th Annual Turkey Trot/Fun Run
5/7/11 – Capital City Half Marathon


  1. Lucky you! I hope I win a giveaway one of these days! :) Great plan for the week. I just did Jillian MIchaels and got in lots of lunges and legs are shaking! Check out my Christmas card giveaway!

  2. Seriously - the best blog title every lucky you! Someday I'll win...a girl can dream...

    Congrats tho - so fun to get new stuff!

  3. Gee! Aren't you a little winner in every possible sense?
    Good roundup!

  4. I'm pretty sure you win more giveaways than anyone else I know... your blog title is sooooo appropriate!

  5. I got a towel from that company to review too. I was choosing between sweat is sexy and I run because I can. I chose the latter. =) Congrats you lucky runner! =)

  6. I love the wall of fame, I am working on making my all fancy like, framing my big race medals, its so worth the work


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)