
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

5 Months To Go!

5 months from today and I will be a married woman! :D  AHH! I’m so excited!! :)  I can’t wait til I can sit down and hash out an update of my wedding planning for you guys!  I’ve got quite a bit done, but still have quite a bit left I feel like! lol…  I sent my engagement ring back to get it sized down again… I think this time it will be the perfect fit! :)  I just want it to hurry and come back!! lol… February 1st by the latest is what they told me :)

Well, I just wanted to touch base with you all, and tell you that I ran outside for the first time this year! lol… Man, we’ve had some crappy weather!!  But today was about 37 degrees instead of what seems like the usual –5…  I was all excited because I could finally use my garmin forerunner 405cx that my fiancé got me for Christmas and when I went to put it on, I remembered that I hadn’t charged it … drats! Maybe next time ;)

Well, I’m heading to bed… another long day of work for me tomorrow!  Which know that I’m paying for a wedding… doesn’t seem so bad ;) lol Goodnight all!


  1. Ah the resizing. Yep. It's so frustrating to not be able to wear the ring!

    Eagerly anticipating any wedding updates.

    Great job on the run!

  2. I can feel your excitement, girl! ::big big hugs::

  3. So fun! So exciting! It'll fly by so enjoy all the little details!!!

    And nice to get a run in too... :)

  4. the 5 months will fly! enjoy ur time.

    good job on running outsise!

  5. It'll be here so fast! How exciting!

  6. 5 months is all? so exciting! don't stress too much over all the details. do enough so that you'll love every moment of that day and forget about everything else!

  7. yay so exciting! glad to see you're having a short engagement, i got engaged in aoril of 2009 and i'm STILL not married yet, it's so incredibly lame. whatever, 4 months left for us. Looking forward to hearing more about your wedding plans!!! My ring still has a ring guard on it! i've had it sized a few times, i hate being without it too!

  8. You're here!!

    I was running last night and actually thinking about you and wondered how your life was and all of the planning! Great to have an update from you. How excited, the time is flying by so fast until the big day!!

  9. Woohooo, 5 months is going to fly by!! Very excited for you!

  10. I love my Garmin - hopefully you'll love yours when it's charged too!

    Those 5 months will fly by! Congrats!

  11. i have been thinking about getting a garmin..looking forward to hearing what you think of it!
    also can't wait to hear what your wedding plans are! excited for you!!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)