
Friday, January 7, 2011

Trying to Catch Up

I have been really absent lately… absent from blog world, absent from eating healthy, absent from working out, absent from running, absent from sleeping well, and yes… even absent-minded at times lol…I’ve just been so busy with working 2 jobs, planning a wedding, and trying to meet with someone about going back to school… oh, did I mention planning a wedding?! tehe… June 25, 2011, here we come!! :)

It’s 2011!!  I hope everyone has had a great year so far!! ;)  What are some of your new year’s resolutions?  I didn’t make any… I’m sure I have some, like start my workout/running/being healthy next week and get into top shape for my wedding!  BUT I didn’t right out say “this, this and this will be my new year’s resolutions”…

I did register for this on Jan. 1st to start out my new year:

columbus marathon registration

That’s right… my first FULL marathon!!  And… it will be after I”M MARRIED!! :D  So I used my future married name ;)

I also got these for Christmas and I’m really excited to use them!


Well, I thought since I’ve been so absent, it would just be easier for you all to tell me what’s been going on with you! :)  So, what’s been going on?! :D


  1. Wow, congrats on taking that big step! I just registered for my first half marathon. I'm hoping I do okay because my longest run was 11 miles, but I've done 3 pretty solid ten milers *crosses fingers*. It's tomorrow.

    Looks like you really racked up over Christmas with that Garmin :).


  2. What a big year you have ahead of you! I'm glad you'll have plenty of time between the wedding and the marathon. Doing both at the same time might be a bit overwhelming!

  3. How exciting!! Are you from/living in Ohio? I am yet to make it down to Columbus to race either the marathon/half but I've heard it's a great one! It always falls pretty close to Akron..

  4. Congrats on registering! Funny, I had a really hard time using my married name for racing after competing with my maiden name for so many years. I think that even though I was married, I still ran Boston with my maiden was a funny thing. ;)

    So exciting to be planning for a wedding. Fantastic!

    I am registered for the Newport Marathon in Oregon in JUne and several half marathons.

  5. happy new year!
    hope the wedding planning is going well! :)
    my resulutions for the new year include:
    flossing, reading more, taking my make up off at night and running for run, not for prs.

    good luck with the marathon. its gonna be awesome!

  6. Hey the CX ... I actually didn't spring for that one cuz I didn't think the extras were worth it.

    Keep us posted.

    Happy New Year.

  7. So excited for you! That's awesome! Can't wait to hear more about the race and the wedding. Let us in on your planning, I always think that's fun to hear about! I'm running my first half in a week! Should be fun!

  8. I seeeeee that Indians calendar! Go tribe :)

    Love the Columbus Nationwide series. I've done the half and B's done the full. Very well run & great crowd support!

    Happy New Year, Zaneta!

  9. Whoa! 2011 is going to be one heck of a year for you! Exciting!

  10. Love the Garmin 405. So neat that you signed up for the marathon with your "new" name. How fun is that?

  11. Yay for your first Full! How exciting! You are a very busy girl!

  12. What an exciting year you have ahead of you!!

  13. love that the garmin matches the fuelbelt. I wish my garmin was pink. ;p

  14. Don't be so stingy with the wedding plan details!!!! :)

    You've really got a lot going on for you right now!

    Exciting stuff going down!

  15. Wow, this is going to be one kick-hiney year. Excited for you!

  16. a new garmin?!? that's so exciting! that's the exact one that i have and i LOVE mine :) are you coming up with names?

  17. ooo I have the 405, too! I love it!!!

  18. I think you'll love the Columbus Marathon! It's a great event!

  19. 2011 will be so exciting for you! Your wedding, your first marathon! :)

  20. your wedding is a day before my husband and I leave for kauai for our 10th anniversary trip!!---we can count down together!! Great christmas gifts! Congrats on registration on the FULL!! Very exciting

  21. I have missed you!!! LOVE THE FORERUNNER!!! So excited for your first marathon especially after you are married. You have an exciting year! PS Thank you so much for the gu and christmas card. I loved it!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)