
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekly Roundup: April 18 - 24


Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  3.07 miles in 27:58
Wednesday:  5.06 miles in 52:01
Thursday:  Rest
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  Rest
Sunday:  Pushups/Crunches [15/75]

Total for Week = 8.13 miles; Pushups/Crunches [15/75]
Total for Month = 29.34 miles; Pushups/Crunches [15/75]
Total for Year =  60.36 miles**; Pushups/Crunches [78/475]

**Starting in March since I forgot to keep track, but I didn’t run much in Jan and Feb
*** @=outside run  in=treadmill run

March 31.02 miles

Cap City Half Marathon – May 7th

Yeah… I’m so not ready… I have tons of excuses… but in the end it’s all my fault because I just didn’t make the time to commit to training properly for this…  When I registered in November I had a goal in my head to run a sub 2 hour half marathon… My last long run was about 3 weeks or so ago… 8 miles… since then, my longest has been 5 miles… I’m in trouble…

Let’s begin with the excuses:

~It’s cold
~I hate running in winter
~I got engaged
~We set a date… what? 6 months to plan a wedding?!
~Being sick (more than I like to admit)
~Wedding stuff
~Put on wrong medication and made me feel like sleeping 24/7 (Finally got on the 
  right meds last week…

Yeah… all of them are excuses… and I’m taking blame… I’m still going to run it, but it’s going to be more of a “push your way thru, try to finish with a smile” kind of race… I’m not very happy with myself…

Blog Posts From The Week

Wednesday 5 Mile Thoughts
Throwback Thursday:  This One's For Q
Happy Easter!

Registered Races

4/30/11 – Strides for Mental Health 5k
5/1/11 – “I can’t afford the actual race” Virtual Marathon
               (4/17 – 5/1) [8.13 miles done/18.07 miles left]
5/7/11 – Capital City Half Marathon
10/16/11 – Columbus Marathon

Days Left Until I Marry My Best Friend:  62


  1. You certainly have A LOT on your plate, girl! No worries about the upcoming half - they don't all have to be about time - it can be equally (or even more) rewarding to just have a good time, meet some new people, see the sights, and just enjoy getting a long run in (with a few thousand of your new closest friends). Make it a great time no matter what!

  2. Don't stress over the race... you have enough to stress over! Let the race be about HAVING FUN! :)

    Just think... after this and the wedding are over you get to focus on your first FULL MARATHON! (I do recommend training for that one. lol)

  3. I keep hearing that Cap City is really gearing up that race, something like 17 live bands on the course, Brooks caravan is coming out, makes me wonder if they are trying to make that race into a RnR event. Sadly, I will be in Athens, racing a tri

  4. Just run this one for fun then! You've got a lot going on, don't stress too much about it!

  5. there will be plenty of races throughout your marriage where you will blast through that 2 hour mark. so, for now, enjoy the planning, smile for all the race day pictures and look forward to the day you marry your best friend!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)