
Monday, May 2, 2011

The Road to Boston: Guest Post by EMZ


The Boston Marathon was 2 weeks ago today…

Many of you ran it, many of us did not…

BUT, most of us have a dream to one day run it… I asked a couple people who have worked hard to qualify and actually ran BOSTON this year, if they would mind writing a guest post on my blog… hopefully their words will inspire you and give you hope!!  I’m so excited to share these with you…

Today’s guest post is written by EMZ from If I Can’t Convince You - - I’ll At Least Confuse You.  She’s pretty awesome.. she’s actually getting ready to run a 24 hour treadmill run for a great cause… so go support her if you can and leave her some encouraging words! :)


So happy Z asked me to do this.
I started running about 16 years ago. To be honest, I just loved the simplicity of it.
Lace up shoes. Hair in ponytail.
And. I'm. Good. To. Go.
I would usually run 2-3 miles. However, one day [15 years ago- man, I'm old] after a recent family move.....I got lost. When I returned my dad guessed I had run about 7 miles.
A runner was born. ;)
I ran my first marathon In 1999 [unknowingly pregnant] and thought.
Ok. Been. There. Did. That. Got. The. Shirt.
Soooo not doing that again.
I continued to run over the next 10 years but then......
Marathon bug bit again. And. Hard.
Started training in late August of 09'. Bought a treadmill. [best $1,750 I've ever spent].
Ran my second marathon on a rather challenging course in December 2009 & BQ'd?!?
I vividly remember standing at that starting line telling myself, "leave it all out here. Don't cross the finishline thinking you have anything left in you. You want this. You want Boston. "
And. I. Got. It.
3:36 - with a slower giddy, grinning, joking, laughing & teary last 2 miles [once I knew I had "it"]. So much for leaving it ALL out there but holy crap.... I just BQ'd!!!
Yes. BQ'd. By only running about 34-38 miles/week.
Something I know helped me was knowing I had to be diligent in my training. I own my own business & have a family. I needed these workouts--all of them to count.

Boston was a thing I'd heard about. Dreamed of. But now- I'd be running in it.
In the 15 months that have followed. I've come to better understand the marathon distance. And why it's so flipping awesome. I've now run 12 marathons & one 50 mile trail race. While slowly shaving 18 minutes off my marathon time.
My one bit of advice to someone looking to qualify.
Do it.
Accept. Nothing. Less.
All it took for me was one person telling me it was "unattainable for a novice runner".
Tell me I can't & I'll spend countless hours proving I can.
It's. Just. How. I'm. Built.
So you want Boston?
Guess what?
Boston wants you.
If you think you want to run it now--wait till you get there and realize it's 100x better than you had even imagined.
The only surprise I had with Boston was "heartbreak hill". I had envisioned it being worse than it actually is/was.
The people lining up all along Heart Break Hill are so motivating -- I'm afraid that if I had stopped I'd have had someone yelling at me or pushing my butt up that hill for me.
Don't tell but ..... I loved HBH.
The crowds are even bigger there for a reason. And. That. Reason. Is. You.
The crowds.
The course.
The people.
The volunteers.
The hills.
The outfits.
The $85 jacket you WILL end up buying even though you know it's an overpriced piece of nylon. You. Need. The. Jacket.
The finishline.
The medal.
The pride.
You've. Freaking. Got. This.


  1. You did that!!! You rock . . . and looked good doing it!!! Way to have a fab finish line photo!!!!

    Great guest post, Z!

  2. Great post!

    Want EMZ's abs.....

  3. I love EmZ! so motivating!
    Great guest post!!!

  4. Reading this just literally gave me chills! I haven't even run my first race yet, but I already have my sights set on Boston. I know it may take years, but I'm going to do it!

  5. I stalk Emz's blog. Just sayin'. ;) She's awesome! :)

  6. GREAT POST. how inspirational!

    going to cyber stalk EMZ right now!

  7. Awesome!!! I was lucky enough to meet Emz this year in Boston, she is even prettier in real-life!! Great post!! Can't wait to see what who else will be doing a guest post! Great idea, Z!

  8. Thanks for asking me to do this.

    You. Are. So. Freaking. Awesome.

  9. guess what, emz? I. want. Boston. and I'm going to get it. whatever it takes. thanks for the post!

  10. best description of boston EVER. i love the line "boston wants you." made my heart skip a beat. thanks!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)