
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What… you want to know pointless running info about me?? ok…

So Nicole over at Running for Love came up with a little running survey and I thought it would be fun to repost on my blog with MY answers lol… Sidenote:  Nicole is also planning a wedding for this year!  AWESOME!! :D

* what is your favorite type of cross training?
I haven’t really been cross training… whoops… Does working on my feet and carrying two,
5 gallon buckets of ice to the pop machine while doing bicep curls count?

* what is your favorite song to run to?
I don't really have one favorite song and I tend to listen to all sorts of different genres of music while I run from classical to hard rock lol.. just depends on my mood and what type of run it is

* what brand of shoes do you wear?
Nike Lunar Glides or Brooks Pure Flow

* do you wear a hat when you run?
Usually yes


* what temperature is your favorite for running?
I hate cold weather so I would say anywhere from 60-80 lol… yeah, I’m crazy ;)

* do you have any big races coming up?
I have multiple little 5ks, my 2nd half marathon on May 7th (this weekend), and my first full marathon on October 16th! :)

* what is your favorite distance?
to just run… 5 miles… to race… half marathon

* are you a morning, noon or evening runner?
I am not a morning person so running in the morning is difficult for me… i like noon or evening TONS better!

* do you run solo or with a buddy?
I tend to run by myself… every once in a blue moon you’ll read on my blog that I ran with someone… which is also fun… but I find it hard to coordinate schedules so tend to be a lone runner

* what's your favorite post run snack?
Chocolate milk blended with peanut butter, a banana, honey, cinnamon, carnation drink (added nutrients), and ice while I sit in an ice bath while eating a bagel

It is sad, but I had to use white milk in this
picture cuz I had run out of chocolate milk

* what's your FAVORITE race?
My absolute FAVORITE race so far has been my first ever half marathon!! I just loved the whole experience from traveling to a different state, to spending the weekend with just my parents, and running an all women’s race as my first half! :D  HERE’s the recap!


* do you wear a garmin? If not how do you track your runs?
yes, my fiancé got me the forerunner 405cx for Christmas (I LOVE it!!) before that I used a nike+ sensor with my ipod


* what is your least favorite race?
I don't really have a least favorite as of right now… I’ll get back to you on that ;)

* what race is your favorite medal from?
My first half marathon!  there was a medallion in the middle of the music note shaped medal (Nashville, Tennessee) that you could take off and put on a necklace

* who is your running idol?
I don't really have one, but I'm really starting to like Kara :)

* how long have you been a runner?
years that I’m counting… 1 :)  (not counting HS track)

* (ladies) do you run with your engagement/wedding ring on?
no way!  I am often times a klutz and just know that something would happen to my engagement ring before the wedding if I would wear it to run in or exercise in… not chancing it!

DSC00735 2
haha… couldn’t help it ;)  I’m getting
married  NEXT MONTH!!!  :D

* what's your favorite workout? repeats? long runs? tempo? fartleks? 
long runs… although they are my least favorite too ;) lol


  1. Maybe I shouldn't be running in mine either! Yours looks a lot like mine! We have guys with good taste :)

  2. First, How did you get your hands on the Brooks Pure Flow!!!! They dont come out till October and I been bugging Brooks to let me test a pair, I AM JEALOUS!! (seriously, where did you find them?)

    Second, this was fun to read. I think 4-5 bloggers will be at Cap City and I am 99.9999% sure I will be running that race on my B-Day

  3. Love this! I'm stealing it :).

    Amy Lauren

  4. I always take my rings off... I'm so super paranoid about losing them!

  5. Ha! You know the one time I lost a ring my husband gave me? The time I took it off. Whoops. Luckily it was just a cheapie ring he bought me before we were engaged.

  6. Ooh, fun post idea and great to get to know you better!

    If I take my ring off, I usually forget to put it back on until after my husband finds it. I think it really hurts his feelings, so I try not to take it off, only for lifting weights.

  7. What a fun post - thanks for sharing!!!

  8. WT? I thought I was your running idol?

  9. Great post!
    I always run with my wedding ring on, I'm scared once I set it down somewhere I'll lose it!

  10. I never run with my rings on...I am capt swell up and can't stand then being tight on my hands.
    I am a lunarglide girl as well. Love.them.

  11. good idea about carnation and chocolate milk...probably a lot cheaper than all that herbalife crap i buy!!

  12. Yay for finding your blog! ;) It's encouraging to find other Christian running blogs...I'll be following! Good luck with the final wedding details too, I see it's coming up!

  13. Super Yay for your wedding and your ring, hello gorgeous! This is a really fun post, always like learning more about the runners, then it is easier to feel like I actually know you, instead of just being some weird stalker!

  14. fun post and beautiful ring, zaneta!! getting so close!!

  15. Just found your blog and I love this post because I thought that I was the only runner who refuses to run sans engagement/wedding ring. Eek, can you imagine falling and the diamond popping out or breaking your hand and having to have it cut off? That would be so sad.

  16. I like this post. I love the half marathon distance.

  17. I think planning a wedding counts as cross training? Yeah, pretty sure!

    I think I might be with you on the favorite distances. I can't comfortably always hit 5 miles right now - but I'm going to make that a goal. When I do hit it I love it. And half marathons, after doing 3 so far, have become my favorite! A challenge - yet doable.

    I remember your first half marathon report! It was so fun to read and got me so excited to be cool like you and run far!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)