
Friday, September 16, 2011

Who Wants In On This Action?! (Bloggy Meetup)

ONE month from today… right now… I will be done running my first FULL marathon!!! :)  I’m so excited!!  I’m also a tad bit nervous because I have NOT trained like I probably should have and a marathon is nothing to mess around with!  Although some people run them as training runs around this here blogosphere lol ;) BUT I will not be alone!

Columbus Marathon.jpg

I am not the only one running in Columbus, Ohio on October 16, 2011… nope… I will be joined by a couple friends! :)

- ME (Zaneta) from well… here at Runner’s Luck lol ;) running the Full

- BDD will be running the 1/2… on his birthday no doubt!!

- Dorothy from Mile Posts will be running the Full

- Wells and C from My Story…Chapter 2 will be running the 1/2

So I am trying to plan a little bloggy meetup.. details aren’t set up yet, but if you are running the 1/2 or full in Columbus on October 16th and would like to be in like flynn leave me a comment on this post, or email me, with your name, blog link (if you have one), and email address and I’ll try to get this thing rolling! :)


  1. Pick me pick me - I want in. I want to be one of the cool kids :)

    Well - you already know my blog (thanks for the shout out BTW).

    my email is spunky (underscore) lisa (at) yahoo (dot) com.

    I will definitely be with "C" and quite possibly our other running partner "L" might be joining us as a cheerleader. I'll have to get back to you on whether or not she's a definite IN.

    Yay a bloggy meet up!!!!! Thanks for organizing it!!!

  2. I wish I could be there--what a great group. I'm jealous!

  3. Um how long will it take me to run there all the way from Toronto?? I want to come to a Blogger meet-up!!

  4. I am registered for the half although I can't run it due to pregnancy complications. I actually live in Columbus, though, so I'll probably be there to cheer! I'm pretty sure another local running blogger would love to come with me to a meetup if you all have one!

  5. Me! Me! I'm "another local running blogger," and I would love to meet up with you guys too! I am running the Half. :)

  6. Look at everyone practically begging to join my bday party!!!! j/k

    I guess since I live here, I should find us a resturant or something

  7. Columbus is a great race. Ran the full twice and half once. Good luck! If you need any running gear, let me know or visit!

  8. Sooo exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it. I got my book today. I was so excited. Have already been digging into it. Thanks!

  9. Geez, I want to do a marathon that weekend, but I'm leaning toward the one inIndy because it's cheaper. Now that I know you guys are having a blogger meetup, I'm really tempted to go for Columbus. :)

  10. Geez, I want to run a marathon that weekend, but I've been leaning toward the Indy marathon because it's significantly cheaper and smaller than Columbus. Knowing you guys will be having a meetup really tempts me to register for Columbus instead!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)