
Thursday, September 15, 2011

YMX Tribal Sea Running Tee Review and Giveaway!


YMX contacted me last month asking me if I would like to review their Tribal Sea Running Tee.  Well, I had never heard of YMX so I headed over to their website to do a little research before I replied… of course once I saw the Tribal Sea Running Tee, the fun print and colors had me right away… but the more I saw about YMX, the more I just had to do this review. 

They have all sorts of gear, not just for running; they have gear for cycling, skiing, yoga, and running! For men AND women!  Their apparel is tattoo inspired and brightly colored…
fun for anyone! :)

Here’s a little about YMX from their website:

YMX (acronym for YellowMan Expression) was launched in 2009 as an extension of the original, high-end tattoo clothing brand, YellowMan (founded in 2004). Built on an extensive library of original tattoo artwork collected around the globe, YellowMan offers collectible, limited wearable art prints. YMX was created to offer an alternative to YellowMan in a broader, commercial market, while still preserving the authenticity of its origins.

YMX offers multifunctional garments that bridge the gap between athletic and fashion garments. Featuring high-comfort, lightweight MadKool fabrics and detailed, original prints, YMX garments can be worn for athletic use, or for casual wear. As a matter of fact, because of the moisture-wicking properties of the fabric, many people wear YMX in both active and leisure activities without having to change!

The Tribal Sea Running Tee (which retails for $69) is not just for running, this sport tee offers beautiful tribal art, moisture wicking fabric, UPF 50+ sun protection, and silky-soft comfort.


I received the size small and a pair of arm warmers (which I didn’t get to test due to HOT weather)  Something that I liked was that instead of a sticker, they sent a paper circle with wildflower seeds in it as advertisement… going green :)


I got to test the tee out twice… Once was a treadmill run followed by AbRipperX (indoors), and the second time was for a 90 degree 5k race (outdoors).


DSC02575 Ignore the look of pain on my face… that had nothing to do with the shirt,
and everything to do with how hot is was lol ;)

Things I liked about the Tribal Sea Running Tee:

1. It is super light weight and silky to the touch (I kinda want to wear it for everyday clothes)
2. The fit is flattering
3. It is SO SO SO comfortable to wear!
4. The colors are bright and the design is fun
5. I LOVE the sweat wicking material, it dries super duper fast
6. After washing it a few times it doesn’t seem to have lost any of it’s brightness
7. CHAFE free!!! :)
8. There is a pocket in the back that is big enough for a GU


The ONLY thing I didn’t like about this shirt was that the cool pocket in the back never seemed to dry fast enough and it was kind of uncomfortable to have a wet patch rubbing your back after you workout/run… cuz if you’re like me, you don't change your clothes right afterwards and bless everyone with your fragrant beauty lol ;)  BUT… if you’re normal and shower right after you run/workout, this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Also, I’m cheap (college student and recent newlywed) and probably wouldn’t pay $69 for just ONE running shirt… So the price is a bit much for me too.
My husband always says though “You get what you pay for!”
(Don’t tell him I said so, but he usually is right about a lot of things… including that) ;)

I also noticed that in some ALL of my race pictures that the shirt was riding up and showing some skin off… This really didn’t qualify (to me) as a problem though, because 1) it helps cool you down and 2) You really don’t notice it because its not uncomfortable.

The Tribal Sea Running Tee really has become one of my top 2 favorite running shirts… no joke!  I LOVE it!! Thank you YMX for letting me do this review for you!

Giveaway TIME!

YMX is even AWESOMER (yes that’s a word) because they are letting me share the Tribal Sea Running Tee with one of my lucky followers!! (anyone can enter)

TO ENTER (leave a separate comment for each entry):

Mandatory Entries:
-- Be or become a follower of my blog (just click the follow button, easy as pie)
-- Check out YMX's website HERE, come back and tell me what you like

Optional Entries:
-- Like YMX on facebook HERE
-- Follow YMX on twitter HERE (@WearYMX)
-- Follow me on twitter HERE (@superwoman4002)
-- Tweet the following (just copy and paste to make it easy):
Check out the @WearYMX running apparel giveaway @superwoman4002 is having on her blog! #runchat
-- Blog about this giveaway
-- Tell me what you look for when buying running/workout apparel… color/price/comfort… what?

That’s a total of 8 possible entries!! Two are mandatory!! Don’t forget to leave a separate comment for each entry! Deadline to enter is
Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 11:59pm ET.
The winner will be selected via sometime the following week.

**YMX by YellowMan sent me the Tribal Sea Running Tee to Review, but all the opinions in this review are my own.

**If you are a company looking for a blog to promote your business/product/website and think this blog would be a good fit for your company, please email me!


  1. I'd love the winged hearts cycle jersey as I have no cycling clothes at all.

  2. When buying workout clothes, I look for function first, followed by style, then price.

  3. I'm a new follower from twitter!

  4. I adore the henna arm warmers in lime! Never seen anything like them!

  5. I'm following YMX on Twitter!

  6. I follow you on Twitter!

  7. I like the tanks and tees in all the blue patterns best.

  8. Follow you on Twitter


  9. I tweeted your giveaway


  10. Linked your post to my blog giveaway sidebar

  11. I admit, I am always on the lookout for a functional, PRETTY, BARGAIN!

  12. I checked out their website--my favorite is the henna flowers tank, so cool!

  13. I look for comfort and price above all when it comes to running gear...

  14. I really like the Henna Speed-lime top!

  15. I follow YMX on twitter (corgipants)

  16. I follow you on twitter (corgipants)

  17. I tweeted:!/corgipants/status/114466053433729025

  18. For me, workout clothes HAVE to be fast drying, I HATE being wet and soggy!!

  19. I went to their site and love love love the sleeveless cycling shirts with either complimentary arm warmers or better yet, the bolero. and i seriously like the shirt you got better than any of the other running shirts. too cute for words. so you must select me so I can get started on growing my collection from this company. :-0

  20. for me, running apparel MUST be comfortable and sweat-wicking. a bonus is BRIGHT COLORS

  21. I look at price (I am kind of cheap) but it also has to be pretty, comfortable, functional and fit good.

  22. Following you on Twitter-I'm Suz4AU0608

  23. Quality and price are my two most important factors when shopping for workout clothes. I'm happy to pay more if it's quality stuff!

  24. I just retweeted the giveaway info and link

  25. i'm a follower! runner_girl5k(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. i've been to the website, but actually my fav things is the tribal sea tee...which would be so perfect for me to WIN! ha! runner_girl5k(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. i like ymx on fb [username karen r m] runner_girl5k(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. For running gear - my first concern is price, then next is COMFORT! If i'm not comfortable wearing it to run, it won't get worn.

  29. I am a follower and I love the colors in their clothes.

  30. I look for a combo of function, style and price (not always in that order!)

  31. Visited YMX site, and I love the tribal tee in blue, and the chakra hoodie.

  32. When I shop for workout apparel, I go for comfort and then colors.

  33. Would love to follow your blog but I can't see a follow button. I'll try to view it again from my home compute.r

  34. I follow your blog!

    Amy Lauren

  35. My favorite thing on the site is the Winter Sun Coral tank :). It's really pretty and that's my team colors too!

  36. I also follow you on twitter (I am @ProudPatriot07).

  37. With workout apparel, I like good prices, but I also want it to last through lots of workouts and washings. Also, sweat wicking is really great too.

  38. And I tweeted the giveaway.

  39. Just became a follower! (Found you through HRG!)

  40. Price is so important cause gear can get pricey! Comfort is huge as well..the way I look typically falls to the bottom of my priority list :)

  41. Hey there! Just found your blog from Hungry Runner Girl! Love it!

    I subscribed through Google Reader, hope that's okay.

  42. Checked out the YMX website- I love the hoodies! I'm obnoxiously in love with patterns so I pretty much have their whole inventory on my wishlist.

  43. I am following you on Twitter. (PS - the link to your twitter is broken)

  44. I tweeted the giveaway (my twitter's private so I'm not sure if you can see it?- but my friends can. hope that's okay)

  45. When I'm buying running clothes I look for things that are comfortable and don't ride up! Value is the most important-- I'm willing to pay more for something that will hold up. I also like to find things that are easy to layer.

  46. A new follower from the hungry runner girl!

  47. I love the tribal sea running tee and the fact that it has matching arm warmers!!

  48. I already like ymx on Facebook!

  49. I'm a follower of yours on twitter!

  50. When shopping for running clothes I definitely pay attention to comfort and price. Because I hate doing laundry and I like variety in my running clothes, I can't afford luxury brands that I'd die to wear--so I really only buy it if it is on sale. And because I want to love running--I'm not going to buy clothes that will a) sit in my closet unused or b) make me extremely uncomfortable while exercising (chaffing, wedgie-picking, etc)

  51. Entry 2: I love the pink version of the tee you reviewed and also love love love the winter fire coral tank top!

  52. Entry 3: Liked them on fb- Fiona Kate McGruer

  53. Entry 4: I follow on twitter @ScallywagSprint

  54. Entry 5: I followed you too! @ScallywagSprint

  55. Entry 7: In running apparel I look for comfort but also for it to be flattering- I already have to jiggle and sweat outside in front of The Whole World so I want cute colours that match, a streamlined fit, nothing that clings to my (ahem) 'unwanted curvature'. I also would prefer they werent extortionate! I also quite like sassy running gear, sounds odd but I have a tee that says 'move your ass' on it which I love (its Nike). Theres also an add from the nike goddess 5k that says 'runnings a pain in the ass. But it sure gives me a nice one!' ha ha x

  56. I loved all the bright colors and also that they looked like normal shirts. Sometimes I don't have the option of changing right away after a work out. Also I started following you on twitter and this blog!

  57. Hi Zaneta! I am a new follower from Hungry Runner Girl!

  58. When I buy workout wear I always check price (law school books are expensive lol). But comfort definitely follows second.

  59. I checked out the YMX website and I love the leggings with the colorful graphic prints on them. Great for fall running.

  60. I added to my sidebar at

  61. I'd like to have a pair of their leggings!

  62. I like the winter red flower legging - would look great on my runs!

  63. I liked YMX by YellowMan on Facebook!

  64. I love the YMX by YellowMan use of colors and patterns!

  65. When buying running clothes, comfort is first for me. Then I look at color. The brighter, the better!

  66. Entry 2: After looking at YMX's site, I absolutely love the Henna Bloom II Turtleneck. The flowers on the hips and arms remind me of the tattoo I have on my foot. I have a blue cherry blossom because it reminds me to change the things in my life that I don't like, and to never let anything keep me in a place of unhappiness. I think this top is adorable, and I might just order it.

  67. I like their arm warmers!! They look AWESOME!

  68. I like them on Facebook

  69. I follow them on twitter

  70. I follow you on twitter

  71. I tweeted about the giveaway

  72. I always consider everything - if it's too expensive I probably won't buy it, but I'm not going to wear something that is ugly or uncomfortable just because it's cheap!

  73. follow with gfc

    hbbs55 at gmail dot com

  74. I really like Winter Flower-green Tank :)

  75. follow @WearYMX on twitter as hbbs55

  76. follow @superwoman4002 on twitter as hbbs55

  77. tweeted!/hbbs55/status/116596208629334016

  78. when I buy workout clothes first I look for fabric that whisks away moisture because I hate feeling soggy :)
    next for comfort and of course the price which is the main seller. I try to go to discount malls that have last years colors for a great price lol.

  79. when I buy running apparel i look for something comfy that is dri-fit and is not going to chaf. i always look for pockets and make sure there ia place for my ipod and shot bloks!

  80. I like the winter flower, but in a tee, I am not much of a tank fan...chicken arms LOL

  81. I'm a follower! Also, I really liked the graphic on the website and the different tab options it gives.


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)