
Friday, October 28, 2011

Five For Friday

1. I’m a Refuel With Chocolate Milk Grant Finalist!!  Please vote for me! You can vote for one person a day, everyday from now until November 15th… I know you’re probably getting tired of me recruiting your votes, but we’re halfway there and I could sure use the grant :)  refuel-new-logo                                                     Thanks for the votes!! :)

2. Don’t forget to enter my Go Girl Sports Vortex Shirt giveaway! Ends 11/4… ENTER HERE

3. Remember THIS POST where I told you all that I had quit my job?  Well… I didn’t want to say anything until I had actually worked a few days and knew that I actually had one, but …
I HAVE A JOB!!!  I am now a substitute teacher for about 7 schools in the surrounding county and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!  I’ve worked as an ESL teacher (English as a Second Language), a 3rd grade teacher, and an MH Aide (Working with kids who have a Mental Handicap of some sort) to name a few of my favorites. :) This job is so much more rewarding and less stressful than my previous job, and I pretty much get to pick my work schedule and where I want to work.

4. School… I have mixed feelings… I enjoy the classes and that I’m finally actually going to school for what I want to do for the rest of my life (ASL Interpreting), but one of my classes is really kicking my butt… I don’t know why, but my brain just fogs up… I get all the terminology and concepts, and it’s not like I’m getting bad grades… I actually have an A in the class… but for some reason my mind just feels foggy and slushy when I’m studying or doing a project… Yeah… Personal sharing at it’s finest ;)

overviewaslSign for Interpret

5. I AM working on a Columbus Marathon race recap for you, I promise!! lol… Hope to have it up in the next week :)  (school comes first) ;)  Here’s proof that I actually did finish… in case you were having doubts ;)


BONUS:  3 people have gotten to my blog by Google searching “dress butt poof” lol… yeah… no comment ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Go Girl Sport Vortex V-Neck Review & Giveaway

Last month, Go Girl Sport sent me their Vortex V-Neck t-shirt to review. Mercedes and Stephanie came up with Go Girl Sport in 2006 while they were on an 11-mile run.  They wanted to do something related to what they loved doing and came up with quality fashion athletic wear designed, created, and tested by women for women.

THEIR MOTTO:  Go Girl Sport is the athletic apparel brand for women who dare to be different.

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Here is what their website says about the Vortex V-neck:

Our Vortex V was designed to maximize both form and function. Stylish contrast stitching adds a subtle touch of flair to our white performance T. Mesh panels provide superior ventilation and an added touch of style. Seams are sewn flat and offset from areas that are prone to chafe. Moisture wicking fabric ensures you'll stay cool while working up a sweat. Pairs well with: Tuxedo Skort


This shirt is very comfortable… the seams are offset to minimize chafing and the mesh panels let in just the right amount of breeze to keep you cool and dry during your workout.  It holds up great in the wash and I didn’t have any problems with the colors bleeding onto the white of the shirt or any of my other clothes.

Stephanie and Mercedes did a great job making a fashionable, functional workout top for active women.  It retails for $45 and is available in 5 different colors, 4 of which are limited edition colors.  What’s even more awesome about Go Girl Sport is they are offering one of these awesome shirts to one of my awesome followers! :)


Here’s how to enter (leave a separate comment for each entry):

Mandatory Entries
    - Be or become a follower of my blog
    - Go to Go Girl Sport’s website and tell me what your favorite product is and why

Optional Entries
    - Like Go Girl Sport on facebook HERE
    - Follow me on twitter HERE (@superwoman4002)
    - Tweet the following (You can copy and paste to make it easier):
      Check out the GoGirlSport #giveaway @superwoman4002 is having on her blog!   
    - Post this giveaway on your blog
    - I didn’t forget, if you helped me out with my project you get an extra entry if you decide to
      enter this giveaway so leave me another comment if you did :)

     AND -- Vote for me (Zaneta, in case you forgot ;)  ) on Refuel With Chocolate Milk.  If you
     leave a comment for every day you do so I will give you additional entries :)  Thanks guys!

Deadline to enter will be Friday November 4th at 11:59pm ET
Don’t forget to leave a separate comment for each entry!
The winner will be selected via sometime the following week.


** Go Girl Sport sent me the Vortex V-neck T in exchange for a review, but all the opinions in this review are my own.

** If you are a company looking for a blog to promote your business/product/website and think this blog would be a good fit for your company, please email me!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Brief TweetMyTime Overview of The Columbus Marathon

I’m going to be a busybody this week with midterms and projects so I don't know when I will be able to post a race recap, but I don't want to keep you all waiting either… I decided that I would post the updates that were automatically posted on my twitter throughout the race.  The first tweet is on the bottom and reads up:



ALSO, I applied for a Refuel with Chocolate Milk Grant and would LOVE it and APPRECIATE it if you voted for me!  You can vote for me once a day EVERYDAY from now until Nov. 15th! :)



You may have to go thru the pages to look for me, I used the same pic as my blog, twitter and dailymile… and in case you forgot, my name is Zaneta ;) lol

Saturday, October 15, 2011

It’s tomorrow!!!

Oh my goodness!! I can’t believe I’m running my first full marathon tomorrow!! EEK!!! I’m so excited/nervous!! :)

I’ll blog about the expo and such later… right now I'm too excited and need to get some sleep!  We’re leaving my house at 5:30am!!  Yowsa!!

I signed up for tweet my time, so if you follow me on twitter you’ll get updated at all the checkpoints throughout the course! If you want to follow me or just go to my twitter, there is a button on the right or you can just CLICK HERE.

Good luck to everyone racing tomorrow!! :)

One last thing… I applied for a Refuel with Chocolate Milk Grant so please CLICK THIS LINK and vote for ZANETA!! :) You can vote once a day and voting ends on Nov. 15th! Thanks!! :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Answers to Life

Ok… they really aren’t the answers to life… but if someone does have those answers, please forward them on to me!! ;)

Sign for “I love you”

I know you all want to know the answers to my little ASL experiment/project that I had to do for class… I had over 21 people email me their answers… it was fun seeing what everyone came up with!  AND I PROMISE, I did not laugh at you!  One of the reasons I did not laugh at you was because you all helped me out so much!! (So thank you!) The other reason I did not laugh is because ASL is not just miming, or gesturing, or trying to make a picture with your hands that looks exactly like what you are talking about.  ASL is an actual language, so I did not expect you all to know what I was signing.

Just like in English, not every symbol (word) is iconic of what it is referring to.  Let’s take the word “cat” for instance… that word is a symbol of the actual furry animal.  The word “cat” looks nothing like the actual thing.  If you said “cat” to someone who didn’t know what a cat was, they wouldn’t be able to guess what it was just based on the sound or look of that word.  That makes it arbitrary.  Words that are more iconic would be an onomatopoeia … words like “boom” or “buzz”… it actually sounds like the noise it’s describing.  confusing yet? ;)

Well it’s the same thing in American Sign Language.  Not every sign looks like what it is referring to.  A person who uses ASL would not be able to understand Chinese Sign Language or Italian Sign Language because of the arbitrariness of language.  Which disproves the myth that ASL is universal!  That’s what this project was all about.  Iconicity and arbitrariness… HERE is a link that describes it in case my description doesn’t make sense … which is very likely ;)

Now for the moment you have all been waiting for… the answers to my project! lol

Sign #1: Baby
Sign #2: Bird
Sign #3: Book
Sign #4: Banana
Sign #5: Cat
Sign #6: Baseball
Sign #7: Swimming
Sign #8: Tree
Sign #9: Stars
Sign #10: School

**The first 8 signs are relatively iconic.  Most people guessed those correctly.

**The last 2 signs are arbitrary (look nothing like what they represent). 2 people got those correct, but they both have a little ASL background! ;)  (Wells L and BDD ;)

So, once again, thank you so much to everyone who helped me finish my project!!  You guys are the best!!  Seriously! :)  In other news… 2 more sleeps before my first full marathon!! haha… yep, had to throw that in there somewhere lol ;)  I’m still popping Tylenol and Vitamin C and drinking plenty of water and Emergen-C to try to kick this cold… My nose/face is feeling a tad better but my cough has gotten way worse… hopefully it gets a little better before Sunday! :)


What did you think about the project if you took part in it?

Now that you know the answers to the signs, does it make sense why that sign represents that object?

Before reading this post, did you think that ASL was universal? (it’s ok to admit it… lots of people think it is!)

Do you have any prior knowledge of ASL? Do you know ASL?

Have you ever tried to communicate with a Deaf person? Stories please! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HELP me with My Project PLEASE!!! (video)

Ok, so… Since I’ve been sick, I haven’t really been around tons of people this week.  I have a project due TOMORROW!! EEK!!


I’m going to show you 10 ASL signs in videos.  I need you to write down what you think that sign means… whatever pops in your head.  You can watch the video as many times as you want.  After you are done please EMAIL me your answers in the order I signed them! PLEASE DONT LEAVE YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS.  If you want you can let me know that you emailed me in the comments :)

PS – if you complete this survey for me you will get an extra entry into my next giveaway! :)  I will remember, I promise! :)












Thank you so much for helping me out!! :) You are the best!! :)



Yep, it happened… inevitably… I have something big going on this weekend and i get SICK!!

Sneezing and sniffling non-stop, coughing, headache…

I’ve been popping Tylenol and Vitamin C like they’re candy
and drinking Emergen-C like it’s water!


How could this happen!?

ooo… I know!! Maybe it has something to do with ramping up my mileage by… A LOT… and not eating my fruits and veggies and going to bed around midnight thanks to the college life…

I haven’t run at all this week… which is ok i guess, since i am tapering and all…

I guess I’ll just have to add tissues to the list of things to take with me Sunday morning! lol…
I really can’t wait for the Columbus Marathon! My first full… it’s going to be amazing!! :)
I’m sure you’ll hear more about it in the next couple days as it’s THIS weekend!!
(my how time flies!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekly Roundup: October 3 – 9

Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday: 4.01 miles @9:49/mi (39:25)
Thursday:  Rest
Friday: Rest
Saturday:  Cancer Care 5k (race recap to come) + additional 5 miles @10:42/mi =
                8.1 in 1:18:35
Sunday:  Rest

Total for Week = 12.11 miles
Total for Month = 32.11 miles
Total for Year =  292.84 miles**

**Starting in March since I forgot to keep track, but I didn’t run much in Jan and Feb
*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

March 31.02 miles
April  46.71 miles
May  20.5 miles
June  2.47 miles (wedding month)
July  36.13
August  52.45
September  71.45 (personal monthly best)

Last Week’s Training

Taper Time! 

Yep… I’m definitely in taper mode… so far I haven’t really noticed anything out of the ordinary except my knees seem to be hurting a tad more than usual… I also seem to be a little more tired, I can’t seem to shake this exhausted feeling… I think I may be trying to get a cold.  I keep sneezing and my nose is all stuffed up… Such is life… I HAVE 6 DAYS LEFT TIL I RUN MY FIRST FULL MARATHON!!! Get excited people! ;)

Blog Posts From The Week

Wordless Wednesday: Wedding Pictures (Getting Ready)
Festival 5k Race Recap

Registered Races
10/16/11 – Columbus Marathon
5/5/12 – Cap City Half Marathon

Days Left Until My First Full Marathon:  6

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Festival 5k Race Recap

5th Annual Festival 5k Run & Walk
Saturday July 30, 2011
Start Time: 8:30am

I got my youngest sister to run this with me before she headed back to college for her sophomore year.  We got there around 8am to get her registered (I had registered in advance) and pick up our packets and warm up a little.  BTW, this year’s race shirt is my absolute favorite! Green and Blue is my favorite color combo (if you couldn’t tell!) lol… Our mom ended up coming to watch us and we got to chat with her for a little bit before we lined up. 


These small races are all gun-timed, so we lined up about 5-7 lines back from the front of the pack.  The first mile we were really bookin’ it, I kept telling her that if we kept up the pace we were at, we would both PR! lol… she really didn’t care ;)  We were going around 8:09/mile with our best pace being 5:45/mi? lol… Dont know how that happened…

Around mile 2, we slowed down… my sister has sports induced asthma and had forgotten her inhaler.  It was hot out and she was starting to have problems breathing.  We finally got to the water station and she told me to go on ahead… I was torn, because I wanted to go fast, but I didn’t want to leave her… she looked right at me and said “I’ll be fine, but I’m gonna walk so GO!!”  So, I kept running.

I couldn’t seem to get my legs back to the 8:09/mi pace, but I pushed it as best I could and came across the finish in 25:42 officially.

I ran back to cheer my sister in and then we stayed around for some door prizes. My sister won a gift certificate to a plant nursery lol… she gave it to my mom ;)  I wasn’t quite sure if my time would get me an AG place or not…  Ended up I passed a girl in my AG in the last 50 meters or so to take 2nd in my AG lol…

blogpic5kfest2First time I’ve ever gotten a plaque for a race :)

After the awards were all handed out, a guy approached and asked if he could interview me for the festival, so I said sure… I don't know if anything ever came of it, but it made me feel famous lol ;) Then my mom took my sister and I to a cute little restaurant for lunch.  It was fun spending time together. :)

DSC02463 DSC02464

Here are the Garmin Stats:



Time:  25:42
Pace:  8:16/mile
AG (19-24) Place: 2/16
Overall Place:  128/313

Upcoming Race Reports

September 3, 2011 – Sweet Corn Festival 5k
September 10, 2011 – Fall Classic 5 Mile Race
October 8, 2011 – Cancer Care 5k

Upcoming Races

October 16, 2011 – Columbus Marathon

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Wedding Pictures (Getting Ready)

Yep, finally got our wedding pictures from our photographer… Our wedding was June 25th lol… so now I get to share them with all of you!!  The moment you’ve been waiting for!! ;)

Arriving at the Church and Getting Ready
(as always, you can click the image to enlarge it)


These are pictures that I took

Pics from the pro…

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Most exciting AND BEST day of my life!!! Stay tuned for more pics soon! ;)