
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sour Apple and Athlete Bio

Well, I didn’t get a run in on Monday and now the weather is back to clouds/rain … bummer!  I did manage to get in a 3 mile run on one of the campus treadmills yesterday and it felt wonderful after not running or working out at all last week…

last week… oh boy… I’m not gonna lie, it was a rough week.  I had so much stuff going on, especially at school, that I was exhausted and drained physically, mentally, and emotionally… not to add, frustrated…  I was in a bad place last week, and I hate to say, but it’s kind of spilled over into this week.  I just can’t seem to get caught up and when I feel like I finally have, even more is added to my list of things to do with no time to do them.  By the way, thanks to those of you who left uplifting comments and those of you who have emailed me uplifting words… they really have helped!

This weekend, I have a “Silent Weekend” for school which is voices off and everyone is silent except for using their hands to sign with each other or writing back and forth… I’m excited because it’ll be nice to get away for a weekend in a beautiful lodge while getting to improve my ASL skills with my friends, but at the same time… I have tons of stuff to do and that means I have no time this weekend to them.

On another note, Dorothy from Mile Posts featured my athlete bio on her blog today!  Go check it out HERE!!  Thanks Dorothy! :)

I can’t promise that I’ll get around to any of your blogs until spring break as I had to kind of procrastinate my swamp-pile of homework to write this lol… whoops… so you all will just have to keep me updated in the meantime!  :)   Meanwhile… my blog posts will be few and far between for the next month… I have 2 reviews I really need to do because I’m behind and I’ll try to keep up with my Weekly Roundups, but I can’t promise you anything… know that I still care about you all, and miss you guys!

Sorry for being kind of a sour apple today, but this is how I really feel… a little depressed and a lot stressed lol… I’m usually upbeat and happy on the blog which is a real reflection of how I usually feel, and I wasn’t gonna post today because of my mood, but decided I’d be real with you all… so now… tell me what’s been goin on in blogworld! :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

What Kind of Runner Are You?

"I'm Sexy and I Know It" - The Fitness Runner

You live and breathe fitness. You eat right and incorporate all sorts of fitness workouts into your routine. You run a few miles at a time a few days a week to boost your cardiovascular endurance and to help get that sexy core. You know all the latest fitness brands and love wearing the latest Nike pants or lululemon top. Bikini season is year round in your books, so you stay on top of your fitness regimen.

Those are the results I got when I took this fun quiz!!  It’s on and is short and sweet and a perfect way to procrastinate ;) tehe!  You can take the quiz HERE.


In other news… I ran 0 miles last week, so I’m not even posting a Weekly Roundup… bleh!  I’m hoping to get all my homework done today so I can take advantage of the sun and hopefully get a few short miles in outside for the first time this year! :) *fingers crossed*!


How was your training last week?
What are your results for the quiz?
What races are you signed up for that you are super excited about this year?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Weekly Roundup: February 6 – 12

Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  4.02 miles in 38:26
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday:  Rest
Friday:  1 mile in 9:27; weights/abs/stretch 
Saturday:  4 miles in 39:24
Sunday:  Rest

Total for Week = 9.02 miles
Total for Month =  13.02 miles
Total for Year =  25.62 miles

*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January  12.6 miles                                                       2011  329.45 miles
February   13.02 miles


This Week=Hectic

But, I did get to run more than once this week and it felt GREAT! :)  I just can’t wait until this quarter is over… I’m so exhausted and overwhelmed!… ugh!  Ever just have one of those weeks where nothing seems to go as it should and you can’t concentrate on things you need to?  It’s been one of those weeks… I’m hoping to get a little bit ahead in my homework so I don’t have to be as stressed out next weekend as I was this weekend…

Blog Posts From The Week

Wordless Wednesday: All Day PJ/Homework Party

Registered Races
5/5/12 – Cap City Half Marathon

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekly Roundup: January 30 – February 5

Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday (2/1): Rest
Thursday:  4 miles in 38:52
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  Rest
Sunday:  Rest

Total for Week = 4 miles
Total for Month =  4 miles
Total for Year =  16.6 miles

*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January  12.6 miles                                                       2011  329.45 miles
February   4 miles


Giveaways I Won 

I won 2 blog giveaways in the past month and received them both in the mail this week! :)  I won Dog Mace and a pair of WrightSocks…  I’m so excited about the dog mace because I can reclaim my old, most favorite, running route now without hopping in my car to park at the end of the road before I run!  Watch out doggies… I’m not afraid to spray you if you come after me!!!  ;)  The dog mace is animal approved… so it’s “safe”? … as safe as mace can be anyways lol…


By the way… sidenote:  one of these weeks I WILL get more than one run in! lol… jeesh!!  School just continues to be super crazy and I’ve been getting more jobs, so it’s all I can do to finish all my homework before the next day I go to school… maybe this week will be the week I can get in 2 or more runs!!  *fingers crossed* !! :)

Blog Posts From The Week

People Who Signed Up Are...
VLOG: 2012 Valentine's Day Card Swap Groups

Registered Races
5/5/12 – Cap City Half Marathon

Thursday, February 2, 2012

VLOG: 2012 Valentine’s Day Card Swap Groups

Well, I’m at school waiting on my last class to start (7-9:30pm) and decided to do a vlog of my random draw for the 2012 Valentine’s Day Card Swap to keep from being bored….

You are not allowed to make fun of my goofiness or sweaty demeanor as I just got done running… also… I pretty much look like a zombie since I’ve been here for 12 hours already lol… I’m SO ready to go home!! ;)




Here are the groups in case you don’t feel like watching… I’ll email you your group’s addresses after I get home from school tonight… around 11ish lol… Thanks for joining in on the fun!! :)

2012 Valentine's Card Swap Logo


Group #1:

Kristin from Sassphalt Runner
Christina from Lazy Bones Running
Paulette from Just Keep Running
Courtney from Third Time’s a Charm Runner

Group #2:

Erica from I Run Because… I Can
Julie from ROJ Running
Whitney from Running with Whit
Zaneta (me) from Runner’s Luck

Group #3:

Ruby from My World in Pictures
Jennifer from Mom’s Running It
Amanda from Fat Wuz Here
Suzanne from Cows and Lazers and Everything in Between

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

People Who Signed Up Are…

2012 Valentine's Card Swap Logo


Ok, I just wanted to make sure I have everyone who signed up for the card swap… if your name isn’t on the list, but you signed up, please let me know ASAP!! I will be emailing/posting your groups sometime tomorrow in between classes!! Keep a lookout in your inbox! Please send your cards no later than February 7th!! Thanks for joining in on the fun! :)

Zaneta from Runner’s Luck
Julie from ROJ Running
Courtney from Third Time’s a Charm Runner
Christina from Lazy Bones Running
Amanda from Fat Wuz Here
Paulette from Just Keep Running
Erica from I Run Because… I Can
Jennifer from Mom’s Running It
Suzanne from Cows and Lazers and Everything in Between
Whitney from Running With Whit
Kristin from Sassphalt Runner
Ruby from My World in Pictures