
Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekly Roundup: January 30 – February 5

Monday:  Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday (2/1): Rest
Thursday:  4 miles in 38:52
Friday:  Rest
Saturday:  Rest
Sunday:  Rest

Total for Week = 4 miles
Total for Month =  4 miles
Total for Year =  16.6 miles

*** @=outside run (refers to pacein=treadmill run (refers to minutes)

January  12.6 miles                                                       2011  329.45 miles
February   4 miles


Giveaways I Won 

I won 2 blog giveaways in the past month and received them both in the mail this week! :)  I won Dog Mace and a pair of WrightSocks…  I’m so excited about the dog mace because I can reclaim my old, most favorite, running route now without hopping in my car to park at the end of the road before I run!  Watch out doggies… I’m not afraid to spray you if you come after me!!!  ;)  The dog mace is animal approved… so it’s “safe”? … as safe as mace can be anyways lol…


By the way… sidenote:  one of these weeks I WILL get more than one run in! lol… jeesh!!  School just continues to be super crazy and I’ve been getting more jobs, so it’s all I can do to finish all my homework before the next day I go to school… maybe this week will be the week I can get in 2 or more runs!!  *fingers crossed* !! :)

Blog Posts From The Week

People Who Signed Up Are...
VLOG: 2012 Valentine's Day Card Swap Groups

Registered Races
5/5/12 – Cap City Half Marathon


  1. It's always great to hear from you - even if it's one run at a time. One run, by the way, is more than I have done in nearly a month (sigh!). Congrats on winning - always fun!

  2. Glad to see you received the Muzzle spray happy running. :)


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)