
Friday, January 17, 2014

Forget Goals for 2014… I have a DREAM!!


I know it’s mid-January and I still haven’t shared my goals for this new year… 2014!! It seems like every blogger has already shared their goals for a better, healthier life…Goals like “qualifying for Boston”, “beginning food prep”, “flip my grip on Dancer pose”, “PR in a race”, “Do 5,000 straight successful Double Unders”


Well, I don’t want to set any fitness related goals this year… Not yet anyways… I’m still trying to focus on muscle balance and making exercise a part of my life again so that my knee continues to heal and I don’t have life-long pain…  I mean… come on… a year without really running?  It’s been torture!  BUT… I don’t want to make goals because I’m super competitive and know that I could end up over-doing it and re-injuring my knee!

HOWEVER… I do have a dream!! You know how you see or read about something and you can’t seem to let it go?  The more you think about it, the more you get excited about it? You dream about it at night and can’t get it out of your head… and you’re so obsessed about the idea that you will do anything including selling a body part to make it happen?

The first week of the new year, I was feeling a little more settled into our apartment and the busyness and hectic atmosphere of the holidays had subsided so I decided I wanted to get back into blogworld and surf some of my favorite sites when I saw it… MY obsessive thing that I can’t get out of my head at night!!


The dream I can’t get out of my head is IDEA World Fitness BlogFest with Sweat Pink!  It’s in Anaheim, California August 14-17!  I don’t know why I want to go so badly, but I’m even willing to sell a body part to get there!!  (ok, I’ll probably only go so far as to sell my plasma…)

There just so happens that there is an obstacle in my way… finances!

I work with preschoolers who have disabilities (down syndrome, autism, etc) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job!!  I smile when I go into work and I’m smiling on my way out!!  BUT, let’s just be honest and say it’s not making me a millionaire!  Funds are tight right now, so I’ve decided the only way I can possibly go to CA this summer is if I raise the money OUTSIDE of my paycheck… just to be clear… I’m not allowed to use ANY of the money I make working… at my job… to get to Anaheim!

Some ideas that I have to help raise money to make my dream become reality are:

- Looking and begging for trip sponsors
- Selling Ad space
- Selling Skinny Yoga Mat Straps
- Taking Donations
- A Fund For Fitness (idea still in the works)
- Holding virtual races on my blog
- Donating Selling my plasma
- Sponsored blog posts
- I’m still thinking of other ideas, but if you have any ideas, please feel free to share ;)

I almost didn’t share my dream with you all here on Runner’s Luck because I kept thinking “what if it doesn’t happen… what if I can’t raise the money and end up not going?”  Then I thought that that’s exactly the kind of thinking that will keep me from heading to the BlogFest in August!!


Welp… now my dream is out there for the world to see!! It’s legit!!  I guess my dream IS a goal after all… it has a deadline lol! The word failure isn’t even in my vocabulary this year!  This is the year of making dreams come true!  I am going to work as hard as possible to raise the funds I need to go to California this summer!!  AND… I can’t wait!!!  Here I come CA!



Are you heading to the IDEA World Fitness BlogFest with Sweat Pink?
(if so maybe we can share a room!) :)

What are your goals, dreams, and aspirations for 2014?

Have you ever attended a Fitness Blogfest?



FFL RaceRecapRoundupButton


  1. I love your dream, sadly for me I'm savin for a study abroad so no extra money for a fun Blogfest in Cali, sigh :( BUT I'd be more then happy to help you out in any money raisin idea you go with!

    1. Woohoo!! Thanks for being willing to help me out and for supporting my dream!! :) Where are you wanting to study abroad??

  2. Finances are always my obstacle! I only get paid once a month and it's hard to plan and budget when you live paycheck to paycheck. Paying stuff down is hard when you only get paid once a month. I feel like it's a vicious circle. I've thought about selling ad space but feel like I'm not big enough to do that. I'm curious to see your progress with this. I'd love to go to the IDEA/Sweatpink conference too but that's on the other side of the country. The Fitbloggin conference is more realistic for me. But again, finances...

    1. It's like we are twins!! lol... I live in Ohio so I would be flying cross-country to be there! Hopefully my attempt to raise money will be well received!! We shall see!!

  3. This is so funny, when I got an email from Fit Approach about this event, I was dying wanting to just book it at that moment! I might be able to go, but I'm just not sure yet. I haven't gone to any blogger/healthy living events yet and reallllyyy want to go to one this year (plus I live in California)!

    1. Wow... that'd be awesome if you could go!! Do you live close to the event? Would you like to host a little blog sleep over? ;) tehe!

  4. Replies
    1. wouldn't it be awesome if we could both go?!! *fingers crossed!*

  5. This is so exciting. I'd love to go do something like this. I've never been to anything like that before and think it would be a load of fun!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)