
Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Favorites – That Hill is 10.9 out of 5?!

Ok, so I’m trying to get back into the blogging world after the whole moving thing… I feel like I finally have the apartment in order!! (Don’t worry, I have the Moving Story Post Coming Soon!!)  I feel like I’m kind of a stranger in Blog Land now, so I’m trying to change that by making 30 minutes every day to get around to everyone’s blogs!! :)

Now… on to my Friday Favorites!!

I RAN!!!!

I went out exploring my new town, looking for parks and hills and such… you know… the things that runner’s tend to get so excited and worked up about… “OH! That hill is at least a 10.9% incline out of a possible 5%!! I think I’ll do hill repeats today!!”  haha… no?  You’ve never said or thought something like that? lol ;)  Anyways… I started out just thinking I’d walk, but I felt so energized and excited to be outside that I ended up running part of it!!  Total: 5 miles with 2 RUNNING MILES!!!  **no knee pain yet, knock on wood!**


Yeah, btw… there are basically NO hills where we moved!! It’s the complete opposite of where we lived before!! Flat as a Pancake!!


Banana Bread

I’ve been craving this stuff and finally made a loaf!! So good!

20140107_181756 Recipe I used is here


I told you all that Me and Routine are buds… I get more accomplished when I am busy!!  So… I made my life more busy!! HA! I joined 4 FOUR Yoga Challenges on Instagram! I feel like joining these things every month is really helping me grow in my yoga practice! It keeps me motivated and inspired!!  Some of my favorite poses in January so far:

IMG_20140105_204640 IMG_20140108_225628

Clockwise starting at Top Left: Flying Grasshopper, Pincha Mayurasana
(Forearm Stand), Dancer Pose, Goddess (#batmanasana) lol ;)

Now it’s your turn!! Tell me what some of your Friday Favorites are?!! :)


Race Recap Roundup on Runners Luck


  1. Oh wow - good for you!!!

    Your counter looks like mine :)

  2. If I could pull off 5 miles with 2 of them running and no knee pain, I'd be pretty happy too!

    1. :( Hopefully you are pain free sooner than you think!! My fingers are crossed for you!! :)

  3. Friday favorite is the weekend is here. Today was a looooong day.

  4. Holy yoga poses Batman! Way to rock the challenges! Hill day for me too. Icy ones. Didn't break a hip though so it's all good!

  5. I keep looking at the first yoga pic and am amazed. How does your body do that?!!!

    1. Thanks Char!! It takes lots of practice and inspiration... which I get from bloggers and IG'ers!! :)

  6. Yoga looks so good right now. I'm due for some stretching.

    1. I LOVE the yoga challenges on Instagram! They keep me motivated, challenged, and focused!! :)

  7. Uh, those first two yoga poses are amazing. No way in heck I'd ever be able to do the flying grasshopper. Maybe someday I could do the forearm handstand...but come on, let's be realistic, probably not! Way to kill it!

    1. Thanks Kiley!! They are hard for me too!! It's all about the journey!! :) I've made progress!! I couldn't do the flying grasshopper that well back in August when I started either!! :)

  8. Just sayin'
    I live in Chicago, where they really don't exist. They're trecherous whenever I go somewhere else to run!
    Enjoy your new place!

    1. Thanks Debbie!! I'm enjoying the new place so far!! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can explore even more! I LOVED the hills where we lived before... I found a tiny hill here where we moved so I may end up doing tons of hill repeats!! ha! ;)

  9. That's one of the perks about moving, you get to explore all new area's in your runs:)
    I love hills though, and it's probably the fact that I am from Utah and we don't really have flat here:) But a good hill like what you have, will be great for training and speed training workouts:) Have fun!

    1. I'm trying to find the hilliest route possible lol... I LOVE hills!! :)

  10. Welcome back, it's like you never left :) Also super jealous of your yoga-awesomeness!

    1. You're too sweet!! Thanks for still reading my blog after I took so many breaks!! :)

  11. Those yoga poses are awesome! Also, I'd love to run where you live- hate hills! I recently started a "Shaping Up For Summer" link-up, which will run every Saturday through May, and I would LOVE it if you wanted to link up your fitness posts. Hope to see you there!


Thanks for stopping by! I love hearing from you! Have a GREAT day!! :)