Monday, February 28, 2011

My ABC’s

This has been going around blog world so I thought I’d join in!

Age: 23
Bed size: Full
Chore you hate: folding and putting away laundry
Dogs: 1 miniature Yorkie named Gabriel… I’m deathly afraid of big dogs and dogs that come after me when I run…


Essential start of your day: Breakfast!
Fav colour: Blue… and my favorite combo is Blue and Green (Hello wedding colors!)
Gold or silver: white gold
Height: 5'9" although when I played basketball the roster had me at 5’10” ;)
Instruments I play: alto and tenor saxophone, flute, bassoon, and piano


Job title: Student
Kids: Some day :)
Live: Ohio
Mom’s name: Mommy ;)
Nicknames: Z, Z-woman, superwoman
Overnight hospital stays: nope
Pet peeve: Bad parenting and ignorance
Quote from a movie: “It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!!!” – Despicable Me


Right or left handed: right
Siblings: 1 fraternal twin sister, 1 brother, 1 sister - all younger
Time you wake up: anywhere from 6-10 depending on the day. I’m not really a morning person
Underwear: under there!
Veggie you dislike: beets, tomatos, brussel sprouts… which i pretended to like when i was little
What makes you run late: easily distracted
X-rays you have had done: foot, collarbone, teeth, hand, chest
Yummy food you make: peanut butter-chocolate pie.. yum!
Zoo, favorite animal: Koala Bears!

What are your ABC’s?!


117 Days Left!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekly Roundup: December 21-27


Monday:  Off
Tuesday:  Off
Wednesday:  Off
Thursday:  Off
Friday:  Off
Saturday:  Off
Sunday:  pushups/crunches [10/50]

Clearly I need to find motivation and start training for my upcoming half! yikes!  I’m a bum!  and no… cleaning does not count as a workout Zaneta!!

I’m the Champion of the World!!

ok… not really the world lol… just of my age group ;)  I had joined a grand prix here in my town and it had so many 5k races that were a part of the program.  You got points for running those specific races and extra points if you placed.  We had our banquet today and I ended up getting 1st place in my age division! :)  They spelled my name wrong on the plaque but its still pretty cool!! :)  I wasn’t expecting to get an award today so it was a nice surprise!


Blog Posts From The Week

Three Things Thursday
4 Months & 120 Days
It’s Up!!

Registered Races

5/7/11 – Capital City Half Marathon
10/16/11 – Columbus Marathon

Days Left Until I Marry My Best Friend:  118

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It’s Up!!

and no, not my cholesterol!! lol…                                                                           ---------->

I got the wedding page up! :)  Go check it out! :)


119 Days Left!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Exactly 4 months from today, or 120 days, I will be a married woman!! YAY!!!  I’M SO EXCITED!!!  In fact, you know those Disney commercials?!  I feel like the little girl at the end of the commercial! Here’s the video incase you don’t have any idea what I'm talking about… like usual ;)

Ok… and yes, I’m a little jealous of all you gals (guys too?) who get to run in the Disney princess race this weekend!!   Maybe one day ;)  Good luck everyone!! :)


Remember how I didn’t exactly finish Josh’s valentine’s gift cuz I was a tad sick? Well, I worked on it this evening and it went from this:


To eating DQ ice cream cake and watching CSI:


To this cute little guy!! (Which Alisha guessed!!)


It’s a minion from the movie “Despicable Me” (cute movie… one of my faves!  And yes, I’m 23 lol)  The pattern is one of Wolf Dreamer’s patterns.  My fiancé is going to LOVE the finished product!  He loved it when it was in pieces! haha!  Well, I’m gonna head to bed because I’m meeting a friend to go running tomorrow morning!  I hope everyone does well in their races this weekend!! :D  Can’t wait to read all about them!


4 Months; 120 Days Left!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Three Things Thursday

Right now I feel like my life is a little too boring to blog about lol… well… other than wedding stuff of course ;)   So.. following the crowd, three thing thursday it is ;)

1.  I’m ALL better!!  no more sick germs!! yay!!  Is anyone else a complete baby when they don’t feel well… or is that just me?!

2.  I decided I’m going to create a page solely devoted to all of my wedding posts… if you ever feel like you might have missed an all important announcement or wedding update, you can just click on the link to take you to the wedding page and it’ll all be together in one spot… yes, i am 100% doing this for all of you (not me) You’re welcome ;) 

2.b.  Yeah… don’t look for the link tonight… I’m lazy/tired so it’ll happen sometime over the weekend ;)

3.  I know that many of you might have read something about a movie coming out called
My Run
… but many of you might not have heard about it yet…  so, here’s the scoop:

After tragically losing his wife to breast cancer and struggling to raise three young children on his own, real life super hero and modern day Forrest Gump, Terry Hitchcock seized on an idea. He wanted to accomplish the impossible: run 75 consecutive marathons in 75 consecutive days to bring attention to the incredibly difficult lives of single-parent families. He ran in spite of freezing rain and unbearable heat, in spite of chest pains and bone fractures that wracked his 57-year-old body. He just kept running - each day, every day - strengthening an unbreakable bond between father and son--- not stopping until he broke the finish line tape in Atlanta. MY RUN is more than a film about a guy running multiple marathons; it’s a film about the daily marathons we all run in life, a theme that’s extremely relevant and important in this day and time.

It’s a ONE NIGHT only premiere on March 31st, 2011!! Tickets went on sale February 18th!  If you want to buy tickets you can GO HERE.  If you want to read more about the movie or see the trailer you can go to the movie’s website!

121 days left!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lazy Day

Well… Today was a lazy day as you can see… both the dog and I lounged around and napped all day long. 


For some reason, I like to wear hoods if I’m in a sweatshirt, makes me more gangsta awesome than I already am I’m sure… I’m still feeling quite crappy, but I’m so excited because tomorrow my mom and I are going to the big city (anything is “the big city” if it’s 30 or more minutes away from where we live lol) to shop for veils and a dress for her to wear to my wedding… it should be loads of fun and I’m just positive that my germs will take a day off since it’s president’s day tomorrow!  To those of you that get the day off.. enjoy it! :)

125 Days Left!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wedding Update: Invitations and Response Cards

Thanks everyone for the get well wishes!!  I’m still feeling a little under the weather and my throat is still sore, but I don’t have a fever or a gross cough or nausea or anything like that so its bearable :)  Even though I’m still not feeling up to par, I had to take advantage of the beautiful weather we were having yesterday! 65 degrees!!  This weekend is supposed to get cold again… yuck!  I’m so ready for spring/summer weather!

So, when I got off work. I changed clothes (I ran in a short sleeve shirt and capris!) and grabbed my Garmin and Road ID and off I went! It felt so good!  Can I just say I’ve missed running outside?!  I ran 4.03 miles with an average pace of 10:18 says my Garmin… I haven’t come up with a name for it yet… any thoughts?!

Today it was another beautiful day but I am just feeling awful still so I figured I would just stretch a little instead of run again and hopefully go to bed early!  I’m hoping to meet a dear friend of mine for a run in the morning! :)


I GOT THEM!!! I GOT MY WEDDING INVITATIONS!!!  Oh I love them!!  It’s so exciting to see our names on them… it makes it 50 times more real than it already seemed… I’M GETTING MARRIED!!! tehe! ;) 

I ordered our invitations from The American Wedding… they sent me a sample of a plain invitation and then I paid $20 bucks for an online proof of what they would look like before they printed them… I was just nervous I had made a mistake and didn’t want 100 invites going out with the wrong name or date/time on them!  lol… I got the proof in my email about 3 days after I ordered the invitations and then after I okayed the proof it took them less than a week to print them and get them to my front door!  Also that $20 I paid for a proof… they sent me an extra hard copy too! How considerate ;) lol… here they are!!

They will have a sheer white ribbon tied around the invitation in a bow between our initials and our names! :)  Then, I found a great deal on Vista Print for 100 free postcards… um, can we say yes please?!  Postcards are perfect… remember how I mentioned in this post that I’m a tightwad? lol… well, postcards save you money!  (just a tip for future brides out there)  1) You don’t have to buy envelopes so that people can mail it back, they just pop the postcard in the mail as is… and 2) Postcard stamps are quite a bit cheaper than regular stamps! :)  yay!!

So… I used one of the designs they already had on Vista Print (you can use your own design too if you’d like)  and I put in my own wording… moved the wording around to where I wanted it all to be and voila!  I only had to pay for shipping and handling, which was about 6 or 7 bucks!  Compared to what the industry wants you to pay for response cards… i saved anywhere from 30-100 bucks! GO VISTA PRINT!  How cute are they?  (i would show you a real picture but i can’t get the right lighting)

rsvp postcard showoff

So my colors are blue and green and my invitations are blue and my response postcards are green… who said everything from save the dates to invitations to response cards had to match?! lol… phooey!  I didn’t even send out save the dates… I figured our engagement was a short one and I made sure to tell all the important people to put the date on their calendars, so it’s all good in my book!  A lot of this “wedding etiquette” that I’ve been reading about is just silly… it’s YOUR wedding so do what YOU want!  (another tip for future brides) ;)  I’m full of good tips today lol ;)

What are some things you wish someone would have told you while
you were planning your wedding?

127 Days Left!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking for P90X

Ok… I’ve heard a lot of great things about P90X and would love to give it a try!  The problem is I can’t justify spending that much money on it at this point in time… wedding and going back to school have left me b.r.o.k.e.  So my question is… Does anyone have P90X that they no longer want and would like to sell?  I don’t know if this is inappropriate or not, but if it is please let me know kindly ;)  If you wanna chat, give me a shout at:

Thanks!! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Postponement on my Training

Well… back in November I registered for the Capital City Half Marathon and I have kept pushing off training for some reason… maybe because it’s been cold, I’ve been planning a wedding, or I just am plain lazy… who knows! 

But, I was seriously going to start out training today with a 4 mile tempo run but that isn’t going to happen because I’m sick … It feels much like strep throat which would make sense because the young people I work with come to work and inform me that they have strep throat but not to worry because they aren’t contagious anymore but then cough in my face… I’m hoping to feel better so I can start training tomorrow… it’s supposed to be nearly 60 degrees!! YAY!!  Just a week ago the high was 7 lol…silly Ohio weather!


Last night was mine and Josh’s Valentine’s Day since we didn’t get to see each other on Monday.  He came over and brought me beautiful pink roses, reeses cups, and a card.  I gave him a card and a project of mine in pieces lol… I didn’t get to finish it since I was also sick yesterday and slept most of the day. (more on the project later) Then we made dinner together of sausage and cheese bagels and scrambled eggs… yummy!  We finished out our date with watching one of my favorite shows, NCIS, and then he had to go home early because he had an important test this morning!  It was a wonderful date!  I love him so much and cannot wait to marry him! :) 

DSC01202 My beautiful flowers

DSC01206 His unfinished project that I promised would be finished by the weekend lol

Now I’m going to take a nap even though it’s only 11:45 AM lol hopefully I can
kick this before I have to go to work tonight!  I hope everyone has a great day
today!!  You’re week is half way done!! :)

129 Days Left!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wedding Update: Preview and Advice Needed!

Yesterday I got to go try on the sample of the dress I ordered with all the accessories I have so far… Tiara, earrings, necklace, bracelet, and shoes… can I just say I LOVE my dress even more now than I did when I bought it! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! :)  ok… so it’s killing me not being able to share my dress with you all, but I can show you a picture of my face since future hubby knows what jewelry I’ll be wearing since he bought them all for me at some point in our relationship :)  I did not buy that veil… once again it was put on for “affect”  I have yet to find my perfect veil… My mom and I have a shopping trip planned for next Monday!

   DSC01154 DSC01166 

Now… I need EVERYONE’s advice!!!  After we get married, Josh and I will be living here, at my parents house for the next couple years until we both graduate from college… They’re letting us live here for basically free… this may sound weird to some people but it really means a lot to me… it’s their gift to us so that we can save up our money and go to school without wasting our money on an apartment…  BUT… here’s my question:

Since we aren’t moving out and getting a place of our own for another couple years… what should I put on my registry?  We’ve talked about it and have decided that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to put appliances on there since there’s a good chance of them breaking in 2 years since all our stuff is going in the basement… We’d prefer help with a down payment for a house (cash) but I think it’s rude to tell people that on our “registry card”

Does anyone have any ideas on how to let people know we just really want to save up money? or if that’s completely rude, what I can register for?  Thanks guys!! :)

130 Days Left!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines Day to all of my lovely blog friends!!  You guys are amazing!  I’ve learned so much, have laughed at many jokes, and have been inspired by all of you!


I hope you have a GREAT VALENTINES DAY!! :D

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Update: My Dress!!

ok.. first things first, why didn’t anyone tell me I was getting ahead of myself on Tuesday?! lol… I titled my post “Triple Tangent Thursday” lol… well… today is Thursday.. bummer… but it’s almost the weekend!! :)  Also, welcome to my newest bloggy friend.. Angie from Kansas Runner!! Thanks for following! :)

Now.. on to the wedding stuff!!!  Pretend like it’s December 17th ;)  CUZ that’s when I bought my dress!!! :)

I’m not one of those girls who has known from an early age what kind of wedding dress I wanted or what kind of wedding… Dont get me wrong… I daydreamed about getting married one day, but I never planned the details of a future wedding….  Not to mention that I’m not a very girly girl… I’ll wear the occasional dress, but usually you’ll find me in jeans or running shorts and a tshirt lol…

So, my mom and I decided to start out looking in our little town (which has 2 places that might have wedding dresses… 1 for sure) before we headed to the big city.  Neither of us knew what to expect but were looking forward to the big adventure!

When we arrived, we had to sign in and they took us back to a little sitting area to ask questions like “what’s your budget?”  “What kind of a dress do you want?”  “Do you have anything specific in mind?”  I told them the budget that I definitely didn’t want to go over and other than that, that I had no clue what I was looking for… just that I didn’t want a ridiculously long train.

After that we went through and picked out different styles of dresses that I liked so I could try them on… we had all sorts of things like Ball gowns and A-lines and Mermaid dresses… who knew there would be so many to choose from? ;)  Well I tried on the first one and absolutely LOVED it!!  But, I had about 8 more dresses to try on.  Every time I tried on a different dress we would compare it to the first… if I liked it less we put it back, if we liked it about the same or more we kept it in the fitting room.

After a while I kind of forgot what the first one looked like on me and we were down to the last two dresses which were a different style than the first one all together and I liked them both. They were over my budget by $100-200 but I had told her that was ok, if it was the one for me I would pay the extra mulah!! :)  I really liked the last one the best but forgot what the first one looked like so I tried the first dress on again…

As soon as I put it back on I started tearing up… this was THE ONE!!  I didn’t want to take it off, I was so thrilled!!  I never knew what it would feel like finding “the dress” but it was magical!  It was incredible!  I just knew it was the one! haha.. my mom joked with me that she had been looking forward to going to more than just one dress shop… but since we were both shedding happy tears we knew there was no need to continue searching!

DSC00795This is the only picture I can show you because I have no clue if my fiancé
peeks at my blog every once in a while lol ;)  sneak peak!!!

After I committed to buying it they put a veil on my head and we took pictures and talked about wedding stuff… eventually they made me take it off ;) lol… I ordered my dress.. paid in full because if I did they would give me a discount… booyah!!   I was told it would be in towards the middle/end of May… hopefully I don’t need too many alterations!  I’m just so excited!!!  Now I just need to accessorize!! ;)

135 days left!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Triple Tangent Thursday

… or something like that…  Whoever came up with this please make yourself be known!  (rumor is it was hungry runner girl?) It’s great cuz now we can have three thing Thursday on Tuesday AND we wont be mocked because now it’s the cool thing to do ;)

1.  Now that I’m engaged I feel like I have to keep my nails painted… something about the ring… makes me want to dress up my finger nails.  It’s kind of like wearing makeup… if I put makeup on then I just HAVE to dress up because I usually don't wear makeup and its a special occasion when I do.  I don’t expect this to make sense to everyone… it is a tangent  afterall ;)

DSC01150 Shameless shot of the nails AND engagement ring… can’t stop looking at it to make sure I’m still not dreaming ;)

2.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream… I eat it about 6/7 days a week… that’s why I started working at a DQ when I was in high school… this is also why I can’t seem to part with said job… although I know that it would probably be best…  not just for grown up reasons but for my hips as well ;)  (just kidding… I can’t seem to gain weight)

2a.  I enjoy food… that being said, I have never tried to lose weight for the sake of losing weight.. So every time I go to the doctor it annoys me that they say I shouldn’t lose anymore weight… well doc, I can’t lose MORE weight if I haven’t lost any to begin with… actually I've gained about 15 pounds in the past 2 years… so take that!

3.  Last but not least, I LOVE when my blogging friends post vlogs!!  I think its fun to hear what their voice sounds like… it’s like we get to meet… kinda lol… is this making sense or am I just sounding like a creeper?  oh well… i think its fun!  I kinda want to do a couple vlogs… so if you have a topic or questions or anything that you would like me to talk about or answer I would love for you to leave a comment or shoot me an email… that way I wont feel like i’m just blubbering away aimlessly ;)

I hope everyone had a fabulous Tuesday!! I’m off to catch up
on the Bachelor via hulu before bed  ;)

137 days left!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Garmin Greatness


Yesterday I RAN OUTSIDE for the first time this year lol… it was fabulous!!  I also got to use my Garmin for the first time and I LOVE it!  I just need to figure out all the bells and whistles now lol, here’s my excited I finally have a Garmin picture:


Please ignore the mess… I had just gotten home from work and threw all my stuff down to hurry up and get outside before it got dark… but don’t ignore that little date back there on my dry erase board… WEDDING DAY!!! lol… speaking of which… I’ve lost 3 followers!!  I’m sorry if all my wedding talk has offended anyone… ok, I'm really not, cuz I'm so excited and WANT to talk about getting married on June 25, 2011!! lol ;)  Ok.. screen shot of the Garmin:


Then later last night my wonderful fiancé came to my house after he got out of class to surprise me because I had had a rough day at work.  He brought me colorful daisies (daisies are my favorite flower), Reeses cups, and a card to brighten my day!  Isn’t he so thoughtful?!  I can’t wait to marry him this summer!  He’s seriously the best! 

DSC01098          DSC01101 DSC01104

Needless to say, I am one blessed chic to have such a
wonderful man in my life…

141 days left!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Could My Life Get Any Better?!

Seriously… I’m in good health, I have a job (actually 2 lol), I’m running a half marathon in May, I’m getting married June 25th, I’m running my first Full Marathon in October…


I registered for classes!!!  I’m going back to school in March!!! :D

I’m so excited!!  I know you all remember this post… if not, let me refresh your memory:


I graduated with a  Bachelors degree in Organizational Communications… That’s not necessarily the degree I want to work with, it was just a stepping stone to finally get the job I really want… to be a Sign Language Interpreter!

So, Sunday night, my fiance stayed up til 12:30am chatting with me and encouraging me online over AIM, while I tried to get into the classes I wanted.. I was getting discouraged because it’s a mass registration, so the server kept kicking me out and then I wouldn’t be able to get back in.  Finally after 20 minutes of trying, I got back in and got into the classes I wanted!!

I’m refreshing my memory by taking a few classes in the spring and summer quarters (made sure it wouldn’t interfere with my wedding of course) and I need to make sure that some of my sign classes will transfer and then I hope to start the program up full time in the fall!

I’m really excited!  Not only am I FINALLY able to take classes of what I want to do, but I get to go to a different school, meet new people, and commute about 50 minutes each way to get there and back… ok, i’m not really excited about the last part, but I am just so thrilled to be able to go back to school after graduating last summer!  I think the reason why I am so excited is because my future seems to all be coming together… I’m on the road to getting the job I want and I think getting married just makes everything exciting! ;)

I hope everyone stays safe today who got pounded with snow, sleet, and ice!! All we get is 40mph winds lol… I’m off to work a double.. Happy groundhog day!


143 Days Left!

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